Chapter 20

After You

Since his mom returned earlier than planned, Minho calls off the sleepover plan and Taemin doesn't mind it. Minho picks him up after work just as promised and sends him home. Honestly, Taemin is relieved that the plan get cancelled so he could be alone that night to think about what would happen next. He doesn't trust Minho's mother would keep his secret from his parent. The last thing he want is for his parents to find out about his whereabouts and bring him home.

Minho, on the other hand, also finds it difficult to sleep that night. His mind is occupied with his concern about Taemin, his family's foundation, and more importantly what his parent would do. When his father comes home, Minho gets anxious about how he would react to the news. But to his surprise, his mother doesn't say anything about Taemin at all. She tells him that they have to take a closer look at how they run their foundation and that he doesn't have to worry because she will handle it on her own. For the first time since they moved here, Minho feels like he could trust his mom again.

"How's thing going with your mom?" Changmin asks him one night when they all hang out at Taemin's cafe, waiting for his shift to end.

"She really keeps everything to herself. I have offered help so many times but she turned them down."

"She's not telling your dad yet about Taemin?" Minho shakes his head. "I know that should be a great news but it just bothers me how she has been so quiet and nice about the whole thing. No offense but her kindness creeps me out." Jihye says as she pets Eve on her lap.

"I agree with you. I don't know what's on her mind but I hope she would leave Taemin alone."

"Well, all we could do is just wait and see." Changmin wraps up the talk. "By the way, you're coming to the party this weekend right?"

"I I don't feel like partying in middle of all of this."

"That's where you are wrong! You have to come with me and we could have fun, relieve the stress."

"What party are you two talking about?"

"One of our parents' friends throw a charity night this Saturday."

"That doesn't sound like a fun party?" Jihye throws a confused look at Minho.

"It has booze and pretty girls and also models hence it is a fun night for him." Minho explains and Jihye rolls her eyes at that.

"Don't worry baby I won't hit on those girls, I would just... have some fun with them."

"I'm not your baby and feel free to hit on them all you want."

"Still not warming up to him, huh?"

"She soon will be." Changmin winks and Jihye could only sigh on that.

"Guys, I'm closing up in a couple minutes." Taemin comes by with a tray in his hand and starts cleaning up their table, which is kind of a signal for them to get up and wait in their cars. Changmin excuses himself and also Jihye because Changmin is driving her home, leaving Minho and Eve alone in his car.


"Thanks for waiting." Taemin says as he gets into the car. He reaches out for Eve so Minho could drive.

"What are you doing this weekend?"

"I have to work on Saturday but I'm free on Sunday... hoping my boyfriend would take me out on a date."

Minho smiles at that. They might have been reunited for quite some time now but it's hard to find some alone time with Jihye and Changmin constantly by their sides.

"Well, maybe your boyfriend would take you out somewhere more often if you're not hanging out with your girl friend all the time."

"That is coming from someone who is 24/7 with Changmin."

"Alright, that makes us even. What about a brunch together and then we take Eve to her pet salon. She needs a haircut and so do you."

"Brunch and taking Eve to her groom sounds nice. But my hair is not that long yet, you don't like it?"

"You look prettier with long hair." Minho says as he Taemin's shoulder length hair. But not for long because Eve hits his hand with one of her paw and whimpers softly.

Taemin pouts a little, "Okay we're cutting it short this Sunday."

Minho chuckles, "Maybe then Changmin would stop referring you as a girl."

"I doubt that."

"Speaking of Changmin, there is this charity event I have to attend with him this Saturday so I couldn't pick you up after work."

"Do you hear that Eve? My boyfriend gets himself a fancy date with his best friend on Saturday but he makes me share a regular date with you the next day."

"It's not a date." Minho groans. "Alright, I give up."

The car pulls over in front of Taemin's apartment. "Here we are." Minho says as he turns around to face Taemin. "I really enjoy our time together like this." He cups Taemin's face and caress his cheek. "One day, we're going to figure it all out and then maybe we could spend more time together just like when we were back in Seoul."

"Yeah, we would."

Minho unfastens his seatbelt so he could lean closer to Taemin for a kiss and Taemin meets him halfway. It is their first kiss after they find each other again. But something pokes on Taemin's cheek and a bit harshly. Taemin turns and sees Eve staring at them, whimpering softly and hitting Taemin again on his cheek.

"Okay, someone's absolutely jealous of me." Taemin chuckles.

"Ah, is that why you hit me when I hold his hair?" Minho asks Eve and takes her from Taemin's lap. She Minho's lips and cheeks and nudges Minho's lips with her nose. "Am I yours only?"

"I think she is marking her territory." Taemin agrees.

"I love you but you gotta share with Taemin, baby Eve." Minho coos and Eve barks a little.

"I take that as no."

Taemin pats Eve for awhile before getting out of the car. He waves and waits until he can't see his boyfriend's car before getting in. He smiles a little when he recalls the kiss they just share. It might be brief and interrupted but it still feels good. He hasn't had a kiss for a long time he almost forget how it feels. But like Minho said, when the time comes, they would be back together just they way they were back in high school.

A short update for all of you who are still taking your time to read my story.

Quick question, is there any of you who still wait for new chapters on my Jongyu story? Because I haven't worked on it for a long time and kind of discouraged because idk if anyone still read it after... you know..

Let me know on the comment box. Thanks.

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working on the next chapter ♥


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fireheart6v6 #1
Chapter 20: i hope you'll continue this authornim🙏🏻
Chapter 20: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/484123/20'>Chapter 20</a></span>
Me I'm waiting for Your Jongyu fic That man's child I love Jongyu ship I will wait till you are ready to update too
Chapter 19: It's must be because what happened with Taemin life in past. I hope Minho family can see how good Taemin is really so he and Minho can be together...
Chapter 19: Hope minho's mom will keep her promise...
Chapter 17: Finally I’ve caught up to the most current chapter. I had to restart from part 1 before continuing on with the sequel. Can’t wait for the next update
Chapter 17: Glad you comeback and glad Taemin forgive Minho.. i hope their time together it's last long..
Chapter 17: Love the progress of this story~~~ =)
Chapter 16: I'm so happy they are finally reunited... i just hope minho's parent won't try to separate them anymore...
Chapter 16: Thank you for updating authornim...
I have to reread this story again, because it's been a while...
But i'm not complaining... :)
Can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 15: YAAAAAY!!!