
Tell Me

Sometimes Kyungsoo thinks about if they really fell in love once upon a time. If the stories that JongIn say are true. The stories about a carefree boy named Do Kyungsoo that liked a dancer named Kim JongIn.

But now, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if they really fell in love in some crazy alternate universe.

What matters is right now. The fact that Do Kyungsoo is falling for Kim JongIn.




In the days that pass, Kyungsoo goes about his business with the secret of the rooftop kiss etched on his full lips. Minseok and Chanyeol are starting to give him strange looks when he suddenly smiles to himself. The very thought of it makes his cheeks flush, and the way JongIn glances at him from across the street when he comes home from his schedules make his stomach do a back flip.

JongIn is always whisking him away to little places that Kyungsoo never knew existed. They spend a cloudy afternoon sitting between bookshelves of a second-floor bookstore. Legs entangled, ankles nudging against ankles, the careless flipping of printed pages.

Hey hyung,” JongIn nudges Kyungsoo, who hums to show he's listening.
“Do you like singing?”

Kyungsoo looks up from his book. “Huh?”

I said, do you you like singing?”

Kyungsoo snorts. “Of course I like singing. It's kind of my job. Why?”

JongIn shrugs and his backwards snap-back makes a soft clunk against the metal shelves.

I don't know, I've just never heard you sing before.”

Well, then come to one of my music shows,” Kyungsoo goes back to his book and turns a page.

And get shoved around by crazy girls? Please. I kind of want to keep all of my limbs, thank you very much,” JongIn rests his head on Kyungsoo's shoulders.
Kyungsoo laughs, but doesn't say anything as he returns to his book.


Kyungsoo hums for a second time.

Kyungsoo looks up from his book. He was just getting to the good part. “What?”
“Sing for me.”

JongIn's voice is soft in the near silence of people flipping through books and scrawling notes. Their eyes meet for a moment, and Kyungsoo notices himself blushing furiously again under JongIn's gaze.

Kyungsoo laughs nervously, his eyes darting around. “JongIn, don't be ridiculous. What if someone hears? We're going to get caught--”
“Hyung,” JongIn whispers, suddenly bringing his mouth close to Kyungsoo's ear. His hot breath against his skin makes his heart race. JongIn's lips just brush past Kyungsoo's neck.

Sing for me. Please?”

Kyungsoo sighs, taking an extra look around before his voice fills their own little space. The words seep from his mouth, melting like honey, swirling and encasing them in soft melodies. Softly, delicately, smoothly.

It takes a while for JongIn to realizes that after a while Kyungsoo is no longer singing lyrics, but rather vocalizing in smooth tempos of hums and ohs. JongIn watches Kyungsoo sing, his eyes are closed, letting the hums escape his mouth in effortless perfection.

JongIn puts his hand on Kyungsoo's cheek, feeling the warm vibration of the song on his palm. He gently brings Kyungsoo's face to his and their lips meet for a second time.




The last week of April approaches, and their third kiss happens behind a cherry tree in the Han River park.

The fourth happens on Kyungsoo's doorstep when JongIn drops him off.

They take it to the next level in JongIn's penthouse apartment on the evening of May 1st.




JongIn watches yet another red petal fall from the hydrangea at midnight, in some strange parallel universe between the seconds of May 1st and 2nd. A little pile has accumulated now, petals laying on top of each other, but most scattered around the top of the desk. JongIn's hair is a bit more disheveled tonight, maybe because of the night he had with Kyungsoo.

Had fun?”
The voice makes JongIn leap.

Damn it you scared me,” JongIn mutters when LuHan appears out of nowhere.

LuHan smirks and takes a seat behind the desk.

LuHan doesn't normally meet JongIn in the White Room at midnight. In fact, the only time LuHan had been in the room with JongIn was on the first night when he had explained the hydrangea. All the other nights, JongIn sits alone in the room for who knows how long, watching the petals fall. After the first two weeks of gunshots and falls (and more than once, a slit to the wrist) JongIn had come to the unconfirmed conclusion that everything was happening inside his head.

I thought you were going to forget,” LuHan says, amusement stinging his voice. “You, uh, seemed like you were having, um, an enjoyable evening with, uh, Kyungsoo.”

You're disgusting,” JongIn scoffs. “Stay out of my business.”

There's a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks.

LuHan shrugs, not at all embarrassed. “How did you manage to drink the serum? Did he see you?”

He's asleep right now,” JongIn answers, narrowing his eyes. “He didn't see anything.”
JongIn traces his fingers along the edge of the desk.
“This is all happening inside of my head, right?”

JongIn suddenly asks.

LuHan raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, assuming all of this--” JongIn gestures to the flower, the room, to LuHan. “--is all in my head, what would people see? That second night, I jumped off a balcony. What happened to my body?”

LuHan taps a long ringed finger thoughtfully on the desk. “Uh, they'd probably see you passed out. Or unconscious, at least. You could probably be woken up by anything. An alarm clock, a loud noise, stuff like that.”

So, basically I'm dreaming,” JongIn crosses his arms across his broad chest.
“Uh-huh, pretty much.”
“What happens when I don't drink the serum?”

LuHan pauses from fiddling with the silver ring on his finger to look up at JongIn. The light doesn't quite seem as bright anymore; the room a bit more colder.

Then something bad would happen to--”
“JongIn! Hey, JongIn, wake up....”





(A/N) sorry this update is really short but i'll try to get some longer chapters done. thanks for reading!!

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check out my other (kaisoo) story, "Why Don't We Just Dance?" while you're waiting!


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Chapter 25: okay ,, so .. i need to tell you that the meaning of this story is so deep that is hurts !!! ... i didn't see that coming .. i really though at some point that soo and jongin will die both of them and to tell the truth i stopped reading but cuz i'm a curious person i go on reading again today .. and .. i'm impressed!! .. really .. i have been reading fics for 3 years now and there's just a few fics that succeeded to impress me .. your choice of the character tho .. it's brilliant !! .. lulu is the devil .. that was a very good choice in my opinion .. i though it was open ended but when you say "it's happened over and over !!" i was like WOW !! ... and i don't know if i really want you to complete it .. i see it's perfect like that .. anyway it's your choice now .. make your choice XD ... so.. really thak you for sharing this brilliant idea with us .. it was worth the time and tears and everything .. thank you ..
Chapter 20: Crap now I'm crying - this is way too painful.
Chapter 22: Please continue this!! I need to know how it ends, and what is going on in your head. I can only imagine so much, but I need your genious mind!!! (0.0)
Salma00 #4
Pleease don't abandon this story
germaine #5
Chapter 22: Is this story going to continue?
hellod #6
Chapter 22: Whiy it stop? Your twist tho. Woww
hellod #7
Chapter 20: Gosh. Im drifted away. Until forget to left comment. The story is so beautiful written. Yoa are such a good one. I like it.. *tearing up*
unknown009 #8
Chapter 22: This is so beautifully written, gosh I want to know what happened but please let kaisoo be alive!
Chapter 22: ; ~ ;.......... weeps in an ugly manner
Chapter 21: Hehe I'm one of those screaming people OTL.You updated though... which is good.Keep the updates coming^^