Day out

Appa Joonmyeon and his five baby dwarfs

Nothing Rated M at all. I swear. 

Day Out – Family!AU Drabble


“Okay, so is everyone ready?” Joonmyeon asked, as he looked in his rear-view mirror, checking that all of his sons were seated correctly with their seatbelts on.

It was difficult, but he managed to round up the herd for a surprise picnic trip to the park. A sunny day would not go wasted, and with the camera in Kyungsoo’s hands (because, well, who else could Joonmyeon trust), they were ready to set off.

“Appa!” Sehun whined, “you forgot the picnic bathket!”

‘Crap. I knew I forgot something’ Joonmyeon thought, scolding himself for his stupidity, maybe it was all the late nights he spent, binge watching When Sally met Harry. Yes. Because romantic comedies are his guilty pleasure, shoot him.

“Kyunggie, make sure the rest behave” Joonmyeon ordered, stepping out of his car and back into the house to collect the basket.

On his way he collected the basket from the counter, nearly slipping on one of Jongin’s toy cars in the process, but dodging it as his arms fretted erratically. In a fluid motion, he locked the door and made his way to the car, placing the basket in the seat beside him.

“Okay, now, is everybody ready?!” He huffed, looking back at his (very hyperactive) screaming children.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were in the second row, so Joonmyeon could keep a close eye on them. They both looked to be arguing over Chanyeol’s game of Mario Karts on his Nintendo games console; where Baekhyun was accusing Chanyeol of cheating, and Chanyeol was calling him a sore loser.

Cue Baekhyun’s slap.

Kyungsoo was in the row behind, trying to wipe away the snot dripping down a protesting Jongin’s nose, who was seated in the middle, beside Kyungsoo and Sehun.

But Joonmyeon could still hear Chanyeol’s faint whining about how much his cheek hurt. With that, he bent over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, followed by a small lollipop in his secret stash compartment holder.

Lastly, Joonmyeon could see Sehun staring intently at a few birds flying past his window. A few occasional ‘whoosth’ sounds escaping his lips as he played with his toy aeroplane, pretending that it was flying in the air, with the birds.

When he felt everyone was fairly ready, he placed the key into the ignition and made his way out of the driveway.

Half way into the drive and Joonmyeon already regretted taking his children out.

After a few minutes from out of their house, Baekhyun and Jongin needed a potty break – so that inevitably Joonmyeon drives back home – knocking a whole hour off relaxing at the park time.

Joonmyeon should have known better, to not, expect any relaxing whilst his kids were around.

Successfully after an hour of bathroom breaks and indulging in a few light refreshments, Joonmyeon rounds up his son’s for the second time, fingers crossed.

With only 10 minutes of road time, Chanyeol has a sudden urge for M&M’s.

“Please, please, please, ple-” Chanyeol pleads; both of his hands clasped together as he squeezes his eyes shut, and begs his appa to stop at a shop on the way.


“Chanyeol, you are the eldest yet you whine more than Sehun!” Joonmyeon laughed out, as he grabbed a one pack of M&M’s, and couple cheese sandwiches, and placed them onto the counter. He dug into his pocket, and found a little change from the last time of his kids got an urge, and gave it to the smiling, dimpled-faced, shop assistant.

“Just one?” the assistant announced out, whilst trying to muffle his laughter by biting his cheek, all whilst offering Joonmyeon his extra change.

Joonmyeon gave him a questioning look.

The assistant held up the single packet of M&M’s and shook it.

“Ah right.” Joonmyeon smiled, “my son, Chanyeol, really wanted them on our way to the park.”

Joonmyeon gestured to the said boy, who looked like he was caught stealing a cookie from a cookie jar. As soon as Chanyeol locked eyes with the shop assistant, he jolted as far backward, and away from the Barbie magazine stand as he could; but not without knocking down a few cereal boxes behind him.

He flapped helplessly as the boxes tumbled around him, and frantically attempted to grab a few, only to drop them in record speed.

Joonmyeon grabbed his bag of grocers off the counter whilst thanking the assistant and ran towards Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol-ah…not again” Joonmyeon sighed.

There was a look of worry in his eyes, but not a look of surprise.

This was yet another one of Chanyeol’s public displays of clumsiness, something Joonmyeon has found he has gotten used to over the years.

He then placed the bag on the floor and hoisted his son up onto his feet, brushing down the dirt off of his son’s bright, orange polo shirt.

With no one else in the shop, the assistant – whose name tag revealed himself as – Lay, quickly left his place behind the counter, and ran toward the disregarded cereal boxes.

“I’m very sorry; I’ll make sure to pay for the damage.” Joonmyeon exclaimed, after giving Chanyeol a routine once over to make sure he was okay.

The assistant – Lay – looked at Joonmyeon with a heart-warming smile, before replying, “Don’t worry, kid’s will be kid’s right?”

Joonmyeon looked up to see Lay wearing a smile, and showing off his trade-mark dimples, which made him look so much more youthful. He also wore a blue cap, (back to front because that was the hip-style these days), covering his brunette locks. There weren’t any wrinkles on his face to show lines of aging, so Joonmyeon could only assume he was 18, and probably working in the shop for extra cash.

Maybe he could babysit one day.

Then I could always go down to that new spa that opened up, at EXO spa. Oh God. How I long for a nice, hot, steamy bath with bubbles – oh yes, bubb-

“Are you okay?” Lay asked holding a cereal box in his hand, as his wrist was held tightly in a vice like grip, by a daydreaming Joonmyeon.

“Hmm?” Joonmyeon hummed dreamily before snapping out his reverie when he heard Lay repeat the question.

When he caught sight of a customer judging them disapprovingly from outside the shop’s window, Joonmyeon let go, and started coughing awkwardly. He could have sworn he heard the lady mutter faggots from beneath her breath, but quickly dismissed it to answer Lay.

“I’m sorry…I haven’t really had a proper rest…”

“Oh.” Lay replied, placing the last box of Pororo pops (A/N: they’re not real, LOL, even though I wish they were) on the shelf.

“Erm - I know this is strange, but do you babysit?” Joonmyeon asked in a hurry, as he picked up the bag with one hand, and grabbed hold of Chanyeol’s hand with his other.

“Well – sort of -” Lay started, but was soon cut off when Joonmyeon shrieked ‘oh thank-god!’ and ran out of the shop. He returned, without Chanyeol or the bags, with a card in his hand.

“Here’s my number, I might call you later on this month to babysit for me, will that be okay?” Joonmyeon rushed, practically throwing the card at the younger and scooted closer to the exit – peeking out of the window (presumably to check on his kids).

“Yeah, that’s ok” Lay replied slowly, a little startled at how quick everything escalated and walked back to his desk.

“Do you mind me asking, how many kids do you have?” Lay asked as he reached the counter, only to hear the ding of the door, and to see it moving to and fro.

Great he thought, you’ve got yourself in a mess, again, Lay.


When Joonmyeon reached back to the car, they all waved enthusiastically – with pieces of broken sandwiches in their small hands. ‘Crumbs…’ Joonmyeon whined internally, as he thought about how he would need to get his car cleaned again. It already being three times this week, thanks to Jongin spilling his cool aid all over the dashboard, Baekhyun dropping his ice-lolly on the car’s carpet; and not forgetting that time Sehun puked all over Kyungsoo, during another one of their trips.

This car needs an award.

He smiled a little, remembering Lay’s offer.

It’ll be a learning experience he thought, yeah, it’ll also put Lay off children – but hey, if this meant Joonmyeon could finally visit EXO spa, then why the hell not.

As he opened the car, an explosion of noise came with it.

Kyungsoo was screaming at Jongin for spilling mayonnaise, whereas Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were arguing over the M&M’s.

I should have gotten more packets. Damn.

He quickly wiped the mayonnaise up with a tissue, silencing both Kyungsoo and Jongin. The remnants of a white stain on the car seat, was better than losing his hearing. Joonmyeon then confiscated the M&M’s, with the excuse of too much chocolate being bad for children, but not without popping a few in his mouth. He managed to squish them into his jacket pocket, before anyone noticed, so he could use it for leverage later.

Finally, there was silence in the car.

The children stopped sulking and found new interests as Joonmyeon continued their journey to Tapgol Park, following the directions on his GPS.

Soon after 30 minutes of driving, Baekhyun, Jongin and Kyungsoo had fallen asleep, leaving Chanyeol and Sehun to gawk at the view they were passing.  

In view were hundreds – no – thousands of thin, brown tree trunks hovering across the concrete terrain. Leaves looked as if they were painted on, the vibrant greens striking the atmosphere; bringing the children’s imaginations alive.

“It looks like the forest Red Riding Hood went through…” Chanyeol observed, resting his chin on the bottom of his palm as he thought deeply. As he concentrated on the view outside, through the rear-view mirror, Joonmyeon could see how Chanyeol’s eyebrows would furrow, cutely. He could also see how Sehun’s lip would jut out from between his lips, as he too was stunned by the beauty outside.

They are too sweet… I’m going to get diabetes, he thought, as he sneakily nibbled at a few M&M’s from his jacket pocket.  

Joonmyeon then focused on his driving, aimlessly searching for parking on a distant road somewhere. Finally, with his car parked on a curb, he awoke his children. Each of them gradually getting up, with the anxiety of being at the park pitted in their stomachs, so much so, that Baekhyun felt like throwing up (especially after stuffing as many M&M’s in his mouth as he could, from earlier).

After setting out a few rules-

Hands with appa or brothers at all times, until inside the park

No pinching, punching or calling names (in public)

Always look left and right – wherever you are – particularly you, Chanyeol

And don’t run away too far from appa in the park – because then appa will be lonely

-and no doubt a few more as the day goes on, the six get out of the car, and make their way to the entrance hand-in-hand.

With the picnic basket rested on one of his shoulders, Joonmyeon held on to both Jongin’s and Sehun’s hands. As the responsible two, Chanyeol held Sehun’s hand as Kyungsoo held Jongin’s hand.

So that left Baekhyun, with the picnic blanket.

Baekhyun was left skipping ahead of the pairs and their appa, swerving past bystanders, getting a little too far for Joonmyeon’s liking.

“Baekhyun-ah, not too far, remember” Joonmyeon warned, his grip on the others tightening, as he sped up his pace.

As they turned the corner, they found the entrance to the park, all of them running in maniacally leaving Joonmyeon behind. Baekhyun comes back, throwing the blanket in his appa’s direction as he runs after Jongin, in a game of tag.

They run ahead, leaving Joonmyeon puffing as he tries to catch up, stopping at what looks like a small hut with red beams.

The structure looks beautiful.

Its takes the form of an octagonal hut-like roof, that has layers underneath.

Intricately designed lively greens and blemished, burnt oranges with patterns so complex, yet they have an air of simplicity about them. Each twist and turn of straight to curved lines, create curls, weaving into kaleidoscopic of buds and blossoms. The oranges and greens, contrast greatly against the smoked, charcoal roof, almost as if it is the epitome of inner beauty itself; with its exterior, shielding the colours away from the sky.

“Breath taking,” Joonmyeon whispers under his breath, as they all stare at the pavilion in the centre of Tapgol Park.

Beneath the sunburnt beams, is a small flight of stairs - five steps long.  

Joonmyeon calls for all of the children to pose on the stairs, and grabs his camera out from the picnic basket.

“Ready? Say cheese!” he cried, with laughter echoing from within pavilion, the children, give their best eye-smiles and cheeks stretched, with glee.

“Daddy – take a photo with us!” Kyungsoo exclaimed, followed by rather exaggerated nods of approval by the others.

Joonmyeon then spread out his camera stand, and ran over to the others as the countdown began.

He found his place in the middle, between Baekhyun and Sehun, with Kyungsoo in front on a lower step, and Jongin and Chanyeol behind on a higher one. As the photo flashes, all of the children embrace Joonmyeon in a hug that nearly knocks his breath out – but they all manage to smile, including their appa.


“How do you like it so far, boys?” Joonmyeon wheezed, whilst placing down the picnic mat onto the grass, as he tried catching his breath. They had just managed to find a small, grassy area to sit down, after what Joonmyeon swears was an hour long game of tag-you’re-it, and a not so game, of find-Sehun-because-he-wondered-off-again.

They all collapse onto the red and green chequered mat.

Well and truly knackered.

Well done Joonmyeon, you actually didn’t break yourself in the process of tiring them out.


Tucking into their cucumber and chicken ham sandwiches (except for Baekhyun who pulled his cucumber slices out), Joonmyeon takes a few snaps of his children, and especially one of Jongin who doesn’t notice the blob of whipped cream, smothered on his nose, after he greedily dived into his Kipling cake.

A few more pictures later of Baekhyun attempting to feed the squirrels and Chanyeol scaring Kyungsoo with a millipede, Sehun decides to nap on Joonmyeon’s shoulder.

The air starts turning breezy, and the sky is a little darker than before.

Joonmyeon gives Chanyeol the responsibility of holding the basket, but soon changes his mind to giving it to Baekhyun. The frown on the elders face soon brightens as Joonmyeon says Chanyeol can hold the picnic blanket. But as Chanyeol goes to fold it up, a worn-out Jongin is slumped on the carpet, dazing in and out of dreams.

Joonmyeon soon pulls Jongin onto his other shoulder, where the latter is hunched over and breathing softly against appa.

Making sure Baekhyun and Chanyeol are ahead, and in view, Joonmyeon then clutches onto Kyungsoo’s hand and walks out of the parks exit and toward their car. Once everyone is safely in, with seatbelts on, Joonmyeon rolls the windows down a little, to let the warm breeze in.

He then taps for the directions for home, on the GPS, and starts the ignition.

They drive away from the park, Kyungsoo watching the colours that come naturally as the sun falls. He looks back at appa, and there’s something on his mind, but he just can’t seem to remember, so he shakes his head slightly and returns his gaze.

All throughout the journey Joonmyeon can’t help but feel he’s missed something, he turns back quickly to take a head count of the children, but they are all there.

As they reach home, Joonmyeon tucks Sehun and Jongin to sleep in their beds, and takes the remaining trio in to the living room to watch a movie.

As the end credits roll for Finding Nemo, they all begin to fall asleep.

Joonmyeon’s arm around the three, with Kyungsoo leaning on his chest, as Baekhyun lays on his lap and Chanyeol rests on his shoulder.

Joonmyeon thinks back to the day, I can’t wait to show my little fish those photos –photos…PHOTOS!

“PHOTOS!” he blurts out loud, his children groaning from the interruption.

What feels like a tidal wave of panic – no, the fricking Great Wall of China of panic– is what hits Joonmyeon.


Meanwhile in the park, it is pitch black and silent, except for the scurrying, sounds of a squirrel tapping at the glass of a camera lens, with his walnut – scratches already forming. 


Apologies if I've gotten some of the Tapgol Park refrences wrong - I've never been, but I'd love to go! - here are some photos to show what I tried to mean in this drabble :)



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So...does anybody (after three years) want a new Appa & baby dwarfs chapter?


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