09; What?!

The Joys and Sorrows of Our Love



"She's suffering from depression." 
*What?* That blow went straight for Kris' sanity. "D-depression?" 
The doctor nodded gravely. "She must have suffered a huge blow and I assume that it's the cause of her unwillingness to speak." 
Kris' brows furrowed as he shot a glance at Jaemin who was sitting cross legged on the bed and Lay, who was talking to her. "How can I help her?" 
The doctor, whose name tag said Dr. Kim, shrugged. "There are many ways to pull someone out of depression so I can't tell you a specific way to help her. The only thing you can do now, is to be there for her and try not to upset her. You have to keep an eye on her, she's suffering from depression, that means that she might attempt suicide. And ensure that she takes her medicine regularly, it will help to control her emotions." 
Kris nodded solemnly. Dr. Kim smiled a little before walking away from Jaemin's ward. Kris' eyes fleeted back to Lay who was still talking but Jaemin didn't move a single inch. 
"Hey." Lay greeted Kris when he walked into the ward. 
"Hey." Kris forced a smile. "Don't you have to be with SooJung?" 
Lay glanced at Jaemin. "Yeah, I do." He said softly. "Run along then, I will be fine looking after her on my own." Kris patted Lay's back, just like how an older brother would. 
Lay nodded and got up from the chair he was sitting on. "Take care, yeah?" Kris gave him a small nod and Lay went out of the ward while slipping into his leather coat. 
Kris sighed softly and sat on the chair Lay occupied previously. He planted his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his large hands. He didn't care whether Jaemin was staring at him. He felt like screaming at the top of his lungs right now. 
How he wished he could just scream till he loses his voice, maybe that will ease his heavy heart. He wanted to curse and to hurl objects around the room, destroying every single thing in his sight. 
But he had to be strong, he can't lose his cool. He needs to help Jaemin back up on her feet again. Lifting his head back up, he realised that Jaemin was clutching onto the bedsheets so tight that her knuckles were turning white. 
"Jaemin? What's wrong?" He cupped her cheeks and tilted her face towards him gently. Tears were welling up in her eyes and there's only one thing Kris saw in her eyes - fear. 
"Okay, that's it, we are heading home." He rushed out of the ward and went straight for the counter to get the necessary procedures done. The nurse was against Jaemin's discharge but when Kris explained her current state, she got down to work immediately. 
Kris took the medicines Jaemin was prescribed and hurried back to the ward. Jaemin was already sitting on the couch, dressed in her own clothes. She was hugging her knees, rocking herself back and forth. Kris felt that his heart was being torn apart. She looked so lost, so wrecked that Kris thought that he wouldn't be able to get the old Jaemin back anymore.
Pushing away his negative thoughts, he approached Jaemin carefully, afraid that he might scare her. "Hey, we are done, let's head home." Kris stretched out his hand and Jaemin laced her fingers through his before getting up from the couch. Kris grabbed his duffel bag from the couch and led her out of the ward. 
"Hey, Kris, where on earth are you?! THE COMPETITION STARTS IN FIFTEEN MINUTES DUDE. GET YOUR OVER HERE RIGHT NOW." Kris winced at the sudden outburst of the caller and held his phone further away from his ear. 
"Bro, I'm so sorry but I have some emergency matters to take care of right now." Kris sighed and brushed a hand through his hand. 
"I don't know what's the emergency about but can't you like... Find someone to replace you instead? We have been training for 2 months for this competition, Kris! This is an one in a lifetime chance!" 
Kris bit the bottom of his lip. "Okay, I will be there as soon as I can." Kris hung up before waiting for a response. He dialed the person he had in his mind, tapping against the back of his phone impatiently while waiting for him to pick up his phone. 
"Hey, Kris, what's up?" 
"Kyungsoo, I need a favour from you." 
"What is it about?" 
"You heard about Jaemin, right?" 
"Yeah, Lay told me about it." 
"I have to head somewhere else right now but I need someone to keep an eye on her. Can you accompany her for a few hours? Please?" 
"Oh, yeah, sure, no problem. I will be there in five." 
"Thanks a bunch, soo!" 
Kyungsoo chuckled good naturally. "No worries, I will see you later!" He said before hanging up. 
Kris exhaled heavily before turning around to catch a glimpse of Jaemin. She's still sitting on her bed, hugging her knees. Kris sighed inwardly while making his way towards her. He took a seat on the edge of her bed. 
"Little brat, I have to run along to a rap competition so I called Kyungsoo over. You don't mind, right? Kyungsoo's a great cook." Kris smiled softly while the back of her head. "I'm sorry, brat. I will be back in a few hours time." He brushed his fingers over Jaemin's cheeks and her eyes flickered to his. They were still empty and lifeless, like how it was in the hospital. 
He kissed her forehead gently before getting up from the bed. He walked out of her room and the door bell rang right at that moment. Kris half jogged towards the door and unlocked it, revealing a Kyungsoo that's wrapped like a bun. 
"Hey, thanks so much for rushing over so quickly." Kris opened the door wider, allowing Kyungsoo to enter. "It's okay, I didn't have anything to do either." Kyungsoo said while taking off his thick coat. "Don't you have to rush off to somewhere else?" Kyungsoo asked when he noticed Kris wasn't moving. 
Kris snapped out of his trance. "Oh right." He grabbed his bag from the couch and slipped into his shoes. "Thanks once again, soo! I will see you in a few hours time." Kyungsoo hummed in response and the front door slammed shut. 
Kyungsoo spun around on the end of his heels and caught sight of Jaemin who was staring at him from her room. With a small smile on his face, he made his way into her room. He sat on the edge of her bed, just like Kris. 
"Hi." He waved cutely and grinned after. "It's been a long time since I last saw you, Jaemin and you are even slimmer than before." Kyungsoo scrunched up his nose in disapproval. "I'm Do Kyungsoo or otherwise known as D.O." He winked. 
"Oh, are you hungry?" D.O stared at Jaemin with those large eyes of his. He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Ah well, it doesn't matter if you are or not. I will just whip up a meal for you." D.O smiled, showing his perfect white pearlies. 
He got up from the bed and padded into the kitchen. Jaemin watched as she pulled out numerous ingredients from her refrigerator that Kris have just stocked up. 
D.O turned around, wanting to place the plates on the table after he was done and was shocked to see Jaemin sitting on one of the chairs. He jumped slightly, he didn't even hear her footsteps. 
D.O chuckled. "Wow, you are a quiet one, aren't you?" And he swore that he saw the ends of Jaemin's lips tugged up oh so slightly. He smiled a little, for he knew that the old Jaemin was still there, buried deep down in that empty shell of hers right now. 
He placed the plate of rice - covered with a variety of veggies, meat and even fish, in front of Jaemin. "Thank you." He heard a soft voice which D.O might have missed if he wasn't paying attention. 
"You are welcomed." D.O said and patted the top of Jaemin's head lightly. They were of the same age but right now, she felt like a little sister to him, a sister who he needs to protect. 
"I fed her well, Kris so there's nothing for you to worry about." D.O wiggled his eyebrows and Kris looked at him as if he was an alien. "She spoke earlier on. Two words." D.O held up two fingers. 
Kris' eyes widened to infinity. "W-wh a-are you serious?!" Kris blinked. D.O chuckled and nodded. "She said thank you because I made a meal for her." 
Kris looked as if a large boulder was removed from his shoulders. "Oh gosh, that's better than nothing. I really have no idea how to thank you, soo." Kris glanced straight into D.O eyes, filled of gratitude towards him. 
D.O snorted and shoved him lightly, even through Kris is much taller than him. "That's the thousandth time you thanked me, Kris. It's no biggie so quit thanking me. But I would like to visit her more often." D.O said sheepishly. 
"That won't be a problem! She might even speak a full sentence the next time round!" Kris was smiling so wide that his face looked like it was about to shatter into pieces. D.O bit back a laugh and shook his head. "I should get going, it's getting late. Take care of yourself and Jaemin!" 
"Yep, I will. Thanks again, soo!" 
D.O nodded and waved before rounding the corner and disappearing. Kris closed the front door and locked it. Kris caught sight of Jaemin who was tucked under the sheets, fast asleep. A small smile played on Kris' lips. *At least the Jaemin I knew is still in there.* 


I'm sorry if there are any grammar errors! I'm typing with my iPod and not my laptop:( 

my updates pops out at the most random timings hehe! I guess another chappie will be coming up this week bc it's a short week in school this week hehe! :D 

ENJOY~ And leave a comment behind!! 

Goodnight all! It's gonna be 12am here and I have school tmr. ;p



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khinweaye #1
Chapter 10: I'm still waiting for our dear author to resume this story. I do hope you won't abandon the story altogether and leave us your faithful fans hanging in the air!
-hobakjeon #2
Chapter 4: Wahh! Kris and Jaemin know each other! At first I thought it was Chanyeol because she said giant but it was Kris! ^ ^ Does Kris see Jaemin as a sister?
-hobakjeon #3
Chapter 2: I was so happy when you updated the 2nd chapter!! I'm interested on what will happen next °ˇ°
KimSuJa #4
Chapter 2: KYAAA I REALLY LIKE ITT!!:3:) kai is soo cutee!! update soon author-nim!! HWAITING!!!:):3