07; A day out with Kris.

The Joys and Sorrows of Our Love



“Hey, giant!” Jaemin snuck up on Kris who was leaning against his car while spacing out. Kris jumped slightly and stared at Jaemin with wide eyes. Jaemin doubled over in laughter at the sight of Kris being startled by her.

“Stop laughing, it’s not funny, you brat.” Kris rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. The laughter began to die down slowly and Jaemin took in several deep breaths to calm herself down. “You are still the same, Kris, as grumpy as you were when we were young.”

Kris smacked the back of Jaemin’s head and glared at her. “I don’t think I can say the same for you, Jaemin. You are not as carefree as before.” Kris frowned lightly and the grin on Jaemin’s face faded away slowly. “Things changed after you left, Kris.” Jaemin smiled – a little too forcibly.

Kris sighed inwardly. “Hop into the car, Jaemin, I’m going to bring you out today.” Kris wiggled his eyebrows at Jaemin, attempting to lighten up the atmosphere.

“Where are we heading to?” Jaemin asked, raising her brows in curiosity. “You will know when we are there.” Kris winked and walked over to the passenger seat, opening the door for Jaemin. Kris shut the door as soon as Jaemin got into the passenger seat. He jogged round the front of the car, getting into his seat behind the wheel.

“Did you turn on the air conditioner? It’s cold in here.” Jaemin rubbed both of her palms together. Kris narrowed his eyes at her. “Just take a look at what you are wearing, Jaemin. Tell me, is that thin layer of clothing capable of keeping you warm in such weather?”

Jaemin grinned sheepishly and scratched the side of her cheek. Kris reminded her of Kai who was also constantly nagging at her for her choice of clothes. But well, at least she doesn’t look like a fashion disaster, right?

Kris sighed before reaching over to the back row of seats to grab his leather jacket. He passed it over to Jaemin who put it on obediently. “Why do you have such a long limbs, Kris? It isn’t fair.” Jaemin pouted as she folded the sleeves so that it stops nicely at her wrist.

Kris scoffed. “That’s because your limbs are under developed, alright?” Jaemin shot a glare at him. “Hey! I’m not that short! My height is pretty decent for a girl of my age, okay? I’m 170cm for god’s sake, that’s relatively tall for a 17 year old female!” Jaemin retorted and huffed.

Kris pinched the side of her cheek, unable to resist how she cute she was acting. “There is this one thing that’s still the same, Jaemin. You are as cute as before.” Kris teased, still pinching her cheek. “It hurts, you monster!” Jaemin swatted his hand away and rubbed her cheek, scowling at Kris.

Kris snickered. “How I wish you will stay that cute forever. Sheesh, you look scary when you are staring at people.” Kris the heater and buckled his seat belt. “Seat belt, little brat.” He reminded when he noticed that Jaemin’s seat belt wasn’t on.

“Oh.” Jaemin hurriedly put on her seat and clasped her hand together. “Let’s go, giant!” She exclaimed excitedly. Kris glanced at Jaemin, wondering if she was on crack. Shaking his head, Kris started driving, embarking on the journey towards the place where the surprise for Jaemin lies.

“You can sleep if you want, Jaemin. There’s still quite some time till we arrive at our destination.” Kris said when he saw Jaemin gazing out of the window, a peaceful expression on her face. She hummed in response. “Kris, this road looks a little familiar.” She commented, eyes still locked on the sceneries that are zooming by outside the window.

“It does?” He feigned innocence, secretly hoping that Jaemin will fall asleep before they get closer to their destination. He wanted it to be a surprise for her and he can’t wait to see the look on her face when they are finally there.

As though luck was on his side, Jaemin dozed off after another ten minutes into the journey. Kris heaved a sigh of relief and directed all of his attention on the road.

As they approached nearer and nearer to their destination, there was faint smile on Kris’ face as the memories began flooding his mind. The vehicle pulled to a stop slowly, stopping by the sea side. It was a part of the beach that was relatively less crowded compared to the other parts of the beach. But it was the place where they first met and where wonderful memories were created.

Kris glanced over to Jaemin who was breathing softly, her eyes closed and face freed from all sorts of worries. He wanted Jaemin to be as carefree as before, he wanted to hear her light hearted laughter again and not to forget, to see her smile so wide till it reaches her eyes and her eyes curled into crescents. He once promised her mother that he will take great care of her like how an elder brother would but he let her down. He failed to do so but he was hoping that it wasn’t too late now for him to fulfil his promise.

“Jaemin.” Kris called out softly and shook her gently. Her eyes fluttered open immediately and she rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepiness. “Are we here yet?” She mumbled, voice still a little husky.

Kris hummed in response before he got out of his seat. He went over to the other side of the car, opening the door for Jaemin. Jaemin unbuckled her seat belt and stepped out of the car. She slowly took in the sight in front of her, it seemed a little familiar but she couldn’t put a finger on it.

“It’s the beach where we met when you were 8, silly.” Kris told her when he noticed that her brows were furrowed, head tilted sideways. Jaemin’s eyes widened instantly. “Woah, this place is pretty much the same.” Jaemin recalled and smiled. *But I’m not the same anymore.*

“Let’s go.” Kris slipped his hand through Jaemin’s and began walking towards the beach with Jaemin behind him.

Kris sat down on the sand and Jaemin took a seat beside him. “I miss the times when we were kids, Kris. I want to go back to being a child so badly.” Jaemin stared at the calm waters with sad eyes. The beach reminded her of the memories when she was a child, the times when her parents would bring her to the beach for a picnic. She could still remember her mum vividly. She could picture every single detail about her face, how the corner of her eyes will crinkle whenever she smiles, and the look in her eyes whenever she gazes at her father.

She knew that the love between her parents was extremely strong. She was a child but she could see it, or rather feel it. Perhaps that was the reason why her dad spun out of control. The pain of losing a loved one was too much for him to handle.

Unconsciously, a tear rolled down Jaemin’s cheeks. Kris gently wiped it away but she was too engrossed in her own thoughts to notice. He patted her head and she was jolted out of her thoughts. Turning towards Kris, she began sobbing uncontrollably and more tears flowed down her cheek endlessly.

Kris’ heart ached seeing how broken she was deep down. He gently pushed her head against his chest, not minding even though her tears were soaking his sweater. The truth was that he knew about the death of Jaemin’s mother. He tried heading back to her house to look for her after receiving the news but he couldn’t find her or her father. He didn’t try looking for her after that, thinking that fate will bring them back together. And it did, they met at the cafe that day.

He had to thank Kai for the chance of meeting her once again. If it wasn’t for Kai, he wouldn’t have been at the cafe either. It wasn’t one he frequent and he was there because Kai wanted to have a chat with him.

It was 10 degrees out there but the both of them didn’t seem to take notice at all. Jaemin lifted her head up, wiping the tears away. Kris gently cupped her face and tilted it towards him so that he was face to face with her. He wiped away the tears with his thumb and patted her head. “Feeling better?” He asked.

Jaemin nodded slowly. “Don’t you want to know what happened after you left?” Jaemin glanced up at him, tears still glistening in her eyes. The corners of Kris’ lips tugged up slightly. “Tell me when you are ready, Jaemin.”

Jaemin sighed softly before filling in Kris about the things that changed after he left. She told him the same thing as what she told Kai the previous time.

Kris and Jaemin met when she was 8 and Kris was 10, at the beach they are at right now. They always spent their weekends together at the beach, along with Jaemin’s parents. Jaemin’s parents treated Kris like their own son as they knew that his parents were out at work for the entire day and barely had time for him. It might sound absurd but Kris felt that Jaemin’s parents were his parents instead of his real one.

He blamed them for not spending time with him when he was a kid but as he grew up, he understood that they were slogging so hard at work in order to ensure that he will be able to enjoy a good life in the future.

Kris and Jaemin were separated when he was 14 and Jaemin was 12. His whole family had to migrate to Canada as his dad’s company arranged a higher rank job for him at the branch of their company over in Canada. Kris had no other choice but to follow suit, he lost all contact with Jaemin ever since.

His parents decided to head back to Korea three years later, which was a year since Jaemin’s mum passed away.  

Kris’ brows furrowed. The guilt inside of him was building up. “I’m sorry, Jaemin.” He muttered suddenly when Jaemin stopping talking. “Sorry for the loss of my mum? I feel the same way too, for not being able to do anything to ease her pain.”

Kris shook his head. “I’m sorry for not being there for you when you need me the most.” Jaemin blinked. “It’s not your fault, Kris. You didn’t want this to happen either. Besides, you were in Canada, weren’t you?”

Kris nodded. “I wanted to fly back as soon as I heard the news but I couldn’t. I went to your house to look for you the moment I touched down in Korea a year later but I couldn’t find you. Your dad was gone too, the house was empty.”

Jaemin smiled bitterly. “He chased me out of the house so he probably moved houses too. I guess he didn’t want to stay in the house which contained all the memories of him and my mum.” Jaemin blinked away the tears that were welling up in her eyes again.

“Stop suppressing all your feelings, Jaemin. I know that you are hurting deep down inside but why aren’t you letting them all out? I’m here for you if you need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. I’m here now and you won’t be alone anymore.” Kris assured her while swiping his thumb over her cheek.

The corners of Jaemin’s lips tugged up slightly as she averted her gaze towards the floor. “I’m not suppressing my feelings, Kris. I feel better right now, much lighter than before. And it’s all thanks to you.”

Kris tousled her hair. “Just remember that you can always come to me whenever you need someone to talk to, alright?”

Jaemin’s head bobbed up and down and Kris chuckled softly. He took a glance at his watch. Three hours have passed and the sun was going to set soon.

Jaemin lifted her head up and glanced at the orange light that bounced off the waters. The sun, which was a glow of bright orange right now, was slowly disappearing, looking as if the sea was eating it up.

“Shall we go?” Kris asked as he gazed at the sky that was slowing turning into a darker shade of blue as time passes. Jaemin hummed in response and Kris stood up first, patting the back of his jeans to get rid of the sand. Kris stretched out his hand for Jaemin and she grabbed it, pulling herself up onto her feet. She patted the back of her jeans to get rid of the sand as well.

“Where do you want to head to for dinner?” Kris the heater and buckled his seat belt. “I’m having dinner with Kai, I promised him.” Jaemin answered while buckling her seat belt.

“Are the both of you a couple?” Kris eyed Jaemin. “I mean... I picked you up at his house earlier on.” Jaemin snorted. “We are not a couple! I’m just staying over at his house since my heater broke down and that demanding guy wasn’t planning to let me return home.”

Kris laughed at Jaemin’s scrunched up face. “I agree with him on this. You are not the type of girl that knows how to take care of herself.” Jaemin rolled her eyes. “I’m not listening to a lecture about how bad I’m taking care of myself, Kris. Hurry and start driving! I’m starving!” Jaemin stuck her tongue out at Kris.

Kris knocked her forehead before driving away from the beach, heading back to Kai’s house. The journey back was silent but it wasn’t the bad kind of silence. The both of them didn’t felt the need to constantly try to kick up a conversation. It was the type of silence that was comfortable.

“We are here, brat.” Kris said and Jaemin unbuckled her seat belt. “Thanks a lot for today, Kris. I will wash your jacket and return to you some other time.” Jaemin grinned and leant closer to Kris, knocking on his forehead. “And this is my revenge for earlier on.” She pulled a face at Kris and was about to open the door when a pressure around her arm stopped her.

She glanced back at Kris, blinking at him. “Give me your phone.” Jaemin looked at Kris’ outstretched palm for a moment before digging her phone out from her bag and placing it on Kris palm. She watched as Kris saved his number in her phone and he passed it back to her when he was done. “There, call me whenever you feel like talking.” Kris winked at Jaemin and chuckled shortly after.

“Psh, I will.” Jaemin opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle, slamming the door shut behind him. Kris was about to drive off when he heard a knock on the window. He saw Jaemin’s face and he winded the window down. “Drive safely, giant! Bye and thank you for today!” Jaemin smiled cutely at him. Kris nodded and waved at her. Jaemin straightened up and turned around, making her way into Kai’s house. Kris winded the window back up before driving off.

Jaemin unlocked the front door with the spare key Kai gave her. She saw a figure sprawled across the couch and she smiled. She took off her shoes and closed the door gently behind her, locking it. She placed the key on the cabinet before walking over to the couch. *Oh, he’s sleeping.*

Since Kai was asleep and Jaemin didn’t have the heart to wake him up, she decided to be the one preparing dinner for the both of them tonight. She tapped her chin thoughtfully while thinking of what to prepare. After taking a look at the ingredients available in Kai’s house, she decided on spaghetti dressed with tomato sauce and topped with meatballs.

She rubbed her hands together, excited to prepare a meal for Kai. She grabbed the ingredients she would need from their respective places and started work without further ado. She was careful of being extra quiet, she didn’t want to wake Kai up before she was done.


Jaemin bent down and stared at Kai who was still sleeping soundly. Her eyes traced over his brows which were slightly furrowed. She planted her finger in the middle of his furrowed brows, smoothing them out. Feeling a pressure on his forehead, Kai opened his eyes groggily.

“Oh, you are back?” His voice sounded husky and Jaemin smiled. “Yeah, I am. Now hurry and get up, sleepy head. Or you won’t get any dinner.” Jaemin straightened up and went back into the kitchen, grabbing the utensils and setting them beside the plates.

“Wow, you prepared this?” Kai asked as he took a seat. He took the fork, ready to dig in. “No, I bought this at a restaurant outside.” Jaemin rolled her eyes. Kai laughed heartily. “Can’t you just say a simple ‘yes’?”

Jaemin shrugged. “Well, that isn’t my style.” She grinned right after and pick up her fork. “Let’s dig in! I’m starving.” She pouted before sinking her fork into the strands of spaghetti that were curled up neatly. Kai chortled before digging in as well. 


Ahh... So much Kris in this chapter *.*

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khinweaye #1
Chapter 10: I'm still waiting for our dear author to resume this story. I do hope you won't abandon the story altogether and leave us your faithful fans hanging in the air!
-hobakjeon #2
Chapter 4: Wahh! Kris and Jaemin know each other! At first I thought it was Chanyeol because she said giant but it was Kris! ^ ^ Does Kris see Jaemin as a sister?
-hobakjeon #3
Chapter 2: I was so happy when you updated the 2nd chapter!! I'm interested on what will happen next °ˇ°
KimSuJa #4
Chapter 2: KYAAA I REALLY LIKE ITT!!:3:) kai is soo cutee!! update soon author-nim!! HWAITING!!!:):3