!!Chapter Two; Alarm Clock.

Noona's in Charge
 Everyday, every night. Everyday, and every night, I wished that I would wake up and find out that everything was just a dream. A nightmare. Something that wasn't really supposed to happen.
 Though every time I wished..reality would always come bite me in the and smack me back into the real world. It never failed to tell me that yes, I, Shin Minhye, am now 'visual' manager of Starship Entertainment's new six member boy band, Boyfriend.
 ..Reality . Why must this happen to someone as fragile and sweet as me..? Oh dear.
 A device sounded, the irritating sound resonating throughout the dorm room. What kind of thing would ring that loud in such an ungodly hour in the morning?! It was placed outside in the living room, on a side table beside the couch. It was probably there on purpose to wake up the people all together..and damn, it was loud. That thing was definitely working alright. In annoyance, I hid myself under the covers and put a pillow on my head in attempt to block out the ambulance sound from reaching my ears. Unfortunately, it wasn't working at all.
 What the hell, wasn't anyone waking up from that infuriating sound?!
 ..Oh right, I'm with teenagers. Teenagers who can't seem to be waking up very well. Hmph. It's all up to me. Although quite in a stumble and unbalanced kind of way, I got my lazy off the bed and exited my little solo room. Once I was outside, I headed straight for the troublesome object and stared at it for a while.
 "..How do you turn this thing off..?" I mumbled to myself, trying to ignore the sound while I was thinking. What was this thing anyway..? I touched it with the tip of my pointer finger and I immediately backed away. The thing was vibrating like crazy! If they needed something or someone to wake up everybody, why didn't they hire a maid..?!
 ..Right, right. Idol group. Boyfriend. Manager. My life right now.
 I continued to stare at it until one of the members--the short maknae, Minwoo--came out of their bedroom and approached me, rubbing his eyes and looking like a little puppy that had just woken up from his sleep..which is kind of what he was right now. A short while passed with both of us standing there by the side table, the gadget-device thing ringing like mad.
 "..Uh.." I started to say, but he had greeted me right after that.
 "..Good morning..noona.." He mumbled sleepily, stretching a bit to get his body working up for the day.
 "..Morning to you, brat." I replied, not bothering to look at him.
 "H..Huh?" He squeaked, looking at me now with a confused look.
 "Oh. Nothing." How could this kid get any more innocent..? I'm amazed he didn't snap at me, usually people would lift their fists at me already. Maybe he was holding it in under that adorable face..? I can't trust anyone just yet.
 Then again, it didn't matter even if he snapped at me though, I could have called my bodyguards to the stand.
 ..On second thought, I don't have my Blackberry with me. I couldn't call them. Papa had forced me to get one of his hand-me-downs, in order for me to "focus on the boys". Ugh. No phone. My phone..my friends..my bodyguards..my life..they were all the way back in London, England.
 As I reminisced, another member--this time it was the leader, Donghyun--came rushing out of the room. He proved himself useful by getting that thing to shut up, banging a button thing on top of the device with his fist.
 "Oh, so that's how you turn it off." I concluded, now plopping down on the couch.
 "..Minhye-noona, you don't know what an alarm clock is?" Minwoo asked in amazement. "Wow..noona doesn't know what an alarm clock is."
 Alarm clock..no, it doesn't ring a bell. No pun intended.
 "Not at all. I'd rather not want one anyhow. A maid is so much better..and so much more polite than that..thing." I responded, yawning as I stretched on the couch.
 "..I'm surprised, noona." Donghyun commented as he headed to the kitchen for some cereal.
 "Well, you should be. I'm full of surprises."
- - - - - - - - - - 
 Half an hour later, all the members were now up and going.
 All six members were now in the living room-kitchen area, eating toast with jam and cereal. They were chatting amongst each other, some sitting on the floor of the living room in front of the television, and some were in the kitchen still making their breakfast.
 Eh, no one asked me for help. That was good. Less work for me.
 "Is it true that Minhye-noona doesn't know what an alarm clock is?" The blond twin, Youngmin, asked as he conversed with Minwoo and Jeongmin on the coffee table in front of me.
 "Waa--what?" Jeongmin spoke up, turning to face me, expression as amazed as the maknae's earlier that morning. "Is that true?"
 With an exasperated sigh, I nodded. "Yeah. Now shut your trap. I'm trying to watch.." I paused mid-way to check what ever's on the TV in the morning. "..Some kiddy show."
 "Noona, an alarm clock is a--"
 "Not now, Jeongmin-ah, I'm watching TV. Sheesh!"
 "Minhye, how old are you?" questioned Donghyun from across the room. What, they're pelting me with questions now? Oh well. They're going to be living with me, might as well satisfy their little minds' curiosities. They must feel how wonderful I am, and how lucky they were to have me here.
 I wasn't as lucky as them though. Hahhh.
 "I'm twenty-two. January fourteenth." I answered as nicely as I could..though it still came off like a snarl-hiss kind of thing. Whoops.
 "I'm February twelfth..s-sorry..noona." The red-headed leader apologized, now proceeding to eat his sunny-side-up with a glass of orange juice.
 "...Sor--mn." I mumbled inaudibly, turning back to my..kiddy show. I can't be possibly be apologizing for something as petty as that..even if he sounded really sorry. We were the same age but he seemed to realize that I am far more superior. Good boy. I'd have admit though..he--!
 No, I can't be falling for their sweet demeanor yet. No. It's too early! And I am Shin Minhye!
 ..Yes, it is too early to tell. Too early.
"So, noona! About that alarm clock thing.." The other twin, Kwangmin, spoke up as he sat down beside me with a cereal bowl in hand. "You really don't know what it is?" He asked, as amazed as the other members a while ago.
 I sighed deeply.
 ..I'll survive. I will.
End Chapter.
Author's Note!
I'd have to admit, this chapter is quite random, with the alarm clock thing and all. xD
I hope you guys will like this chapter. :) Hope it's not confusing or anything.
I hope people would enjoy this fic. ; u ; Yes, Minhye's kinda a bi*** and all but hey..give her a chance.
I'll try to keep the chapters a bit shorter too, to get the flow a bit faster..and it's also a pain to proofread over and over again. xDD
Next chapter is a photoshoot! 8D That's all I'm going to say. Haha!
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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: