!!Chapter Three; What's all the ruckus?

Noona's in Charge
 After that long hour and a half of chatting amongst the members (who now gathered in a group on the coffee table), we actually got to know each other more--at least a bit. Well, to be honest it was actually more of them asking me questions about my brilliance and me answering them.
 Yes, they asked me about the alarm clock. Each one of them did. Sheesh. Really, it wasn't that surprising. The surprising thing is that these boys actually grew up with that thing. I wouldn't last a morning with that.
 Oh wait. I needed to. Right.
 'Come on, Minhye.' I said to myself in my head. 'You can do this. If not, then how can you face your parents?! And the upstate society..people! They're just six boys who want to be idols. Psh, big deal. I can handle these brats.'
 I then turned to the wall clock right above the television, and the clock read 10:15 AM. I immediately got up on my feet and clasped my hands together, now looking like a teacher who was about to tell her kindergartener students to go for nap time.
 "Alright. So..I don't know what Papa had done to get me into this job but as you all know, I'm now your..visual..manager..of some sort. Yes." I paused for a moment to look at their smiling expressions. What the hell. Why are they smiling and looking all angelic?!
..No matter.
 "Like a manager that's not completely manager. Something like that, I suppose..anyway. If you don't like how I act, then that's your problem. If there's anything you'd like to talk to me about that's not related to your work like..say, how your day went or you need advice don't even bother. Chances are, I won't even be able to listen. Though, if it's a question about me, then I guess I'd answer." I said with  a flip of my hair. They laughed at my action, although a bit haltingly and awkwardly. Eh.
 "..That's all I'm going to say about my manager duties. And it's not like you six don't know, but I'm a noona to you all..so treat me well. In turn, I'll work hard too." Haha, not.
 Though I do know that these boys don't need snarky comments from me that could lower their self-esteem, especially the younger ones. D'aww, aren't I a nice person?
 I took another glance at the wall clock (which now read 10:18 AM), and then to the plates and bowls on the coffee table. All empty and clean. Hm, they're all done. That's good.
 "Okay! It's 10:18 on the clock, and we--I mean, you guys--have a photoshoot for a magazine or something at 1:00 PM. Uh.." I grabbed the iTouch off the side table and scanned through the notes Manager Kyuyoung had left for me. "..The photoshoot clothes will be there in the venue, so change into something casual for now. This means late lunch as well. And..yes, that's all. Get moving, the van will be here any time now. Go go!" I ordered them, clapping my hands together as they scrambled to the bedrooms to get ready. In no time at all, I was left alone in the living room. Not bad, they can take commands well. Maybe I can train them a bit more.
 They forgot to put their empty dishes back though. Ugh. 'Minhye, be nice, be nice. They're just teenagers. Little teenagers. Except the leader..but he pretty much acts like a teen when there's no camera--sometimes even with a camera--so he's part of them.' I usually wouldn't be this nice to people..
 Oh god. Not yet. No.
 ..I-I'm just being nice because they're young, that's all. That's right.
 With a heavy sigh, I picked up each of the plates and stacked them on top of each other then went to the kitchen to put them in the sink. I returned to the table and did the same for the bowls and utensils. Once everything was in the sink, I let it stay there. Now, that's their problem. They should go clean it up later. Being the ever-so-considerate kind of person I am, I didn't add to their chores. I refused to eat that morning, as nothing was waiting for me on the dining table. I want my personal chefs right now! They can whip me up a scrumptious Eggs Benedict in a second.
 "Eggs Benedict..oh dear, I'm hungry just thinking about it!" I cried out loud dramatically, before realizing that I had to get ready as well.
 The first official day on the job. The very first day that the world will know that I, Shin Minhye, am Boyfriend's manager.
 Please God, don't let anything screw up.
- - - - - - - - - - 
 It was a beautiful and fine day outside, and I could clearly see that from the car windows. Sunny, but cloudy at the same time. Fortunately, there was no sign of rain clouds anywhere in the sky. Just perfect, as their photoshoot would take place outside in a garden..well, according to my notes. Either way, it would be nice if the venue had a garden..I could just walk around there and forget everything else. Haaa.

The relaxing view couldn't stop the boys from..chatting and doing silly guy things in the car though. As the curious female I was, I turned my head a bit to see what was causing all the ruckus.
 "Wow, photoshoot..and it hasn't even been a whole month of our debut." Youngmin thought out loud, right now engaging in a thumb wrestling match with Minwoo, who was sitting in between the twins in the back seat.
 "We're popular already! Be happy~!" Jeongmin exclaimed with a wide grin, raising his hands up in the air and stretching a bit on his seat, effectively kicking the driver's seat with both his feet. "Ah, sorry." He apologized to the driver, who just smiled back at him.
 "..I lost again!" The maknae cried in defeat, head hanging low as the blond twin clapped for himself and his victory.
 "Minwoo-ah, you can't win against me." He said, laughing merrily. Seems Blondie has his moments too, huh..?
 "I'll win! ..One day. Just you see!" Minwoo countered, now focusing on playing with Donghyun's hair, probably in attempt to get over his loss.
 "M..Minhye-noona, do you want some toast?" Hyunseong offered from the back seat (middle seat..?), his manly and meaty hand reaching out from behind me, clutching a clear plastic container with a two pieces of toast with strawberry jam on both of their tops. "You didn't seem to eat a while ago..so I made this for you before we left the dorm. It was the extras Donghyun-hyung had when he was toasting..toast." He told me shyly, trailing off. What a sweet boy, he made me smile a bit. Well, what do you know, they can be gentlemen.
Though, I'm still not fully convinced.
 "..Ah. Thanks..Hyunseong-ah." I said with a small smile, accepting the apparently warm container. He sure didn't forget to warm it up in the toaster. No offense to him at all, but I didn't feel very hungry yet. There were two pieces of toast, but I knew that it won't satisfy me very much. Maybe later..with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Now that sounded delightful. My eyes stayed on them as I held the container tightly in my hands.
 "Hyunseong's the gentleman~," cooed Donghyun, trying to shoo away Minwoo's hands from touching and playing with his flaming red crown of hair.
 "Yah, hyung! Are you saying we aren't?!" Kwangmin exclaimed in fake shock, now joining their maknae in annoying their leader. Hyunseong smiled sheepishly at me, as if to say "Don't mind them.". I didn't pay attention to his warning though, as I continued to observe them six.
 "Reinforcements!" Minwoo yelled, going full on attack on his hyung's dark red hair with the younger twin helping him.
 "It would be cool if we had hair gel." Jeongmin commented, taking a good look at the laughing leader who had seemed to be kind of enjoying what was happening to him right now.
 "..Now that I think about it, I'd like to see spiky haired hyung." Hyunseong chimed in, now chatting with the person who brought up the hair gel on what they would do to their leader once they got their hands on hair gel.
 I sighed deeply and turned back to the front view, trying to nap a bit in order to prepare myself for the day.
 ..And I found it impossible to do so, with all what was happening behind my seat.
 'Live with it, Minhye..and go with the flow. You'll get yourself out of this..somehow.'
 My eyes then soon drifted to a close, and I was half asleep soon..but I could hear their voices..sheesh, can they ever shut up?
Their words were different..completely different from what I had expected them to be blabbering about.
 "..Noona's sleeping."
 "Kwangmin, Minwoo, get out of my hair now."
 "We should probably let noona sleep."
 "..He's right."
 "We're gentlemen too!"
 Hm, maybe they really were..something.
End Chapter.
Author’s Note!
Okay, I know I totally said that they'll be in the photoshoot in the next chapter..but I got caught up with the car and all. xD If I wrote any more lines, then..eh. Lol~I'm trying to limit myself on how much I'd write in one chapter now. ; u ;
I'd have to say, this isn't a very exciting chapter.. >< Haha. They're all childish and such!
Minhye might put off some people, but I assure you, she's warming up. > w < (Haha, as if it isn't obvious.)
Watch out for next chapter! I'll write it as soon as possible.
Thank you to all the subscribers and the commenters~<3 If you didn't, I may have already cut this story short. Just kidding~but you guys motivate me so..thank you very much!
I'll have a poster up soon..I think. :)~
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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: