!!Chapter Four; Indian Idols.

Noona's in Charge
 I was sitting in my seat half-awake, daydreaming about..my life back in London. The life I grew up in. It made me reminisce--oh no, I'm no drama queen. I just want to remember the good times.
 Back at home, I was surrounded by nothing but the best and only the best things money could afford. I had friends as well, but I knew that they were friends that would stick with me through everything and wasn't only there for my (parents') money. I got everything that I wanted..the latest trends, the best phone, the most versatile private jet..the things that only other people would dream of getting.
 Call me a spoiled brat, but that doesn't change the fact that I am the only daughter and child of Shin Inhyuk and Shin Sunri, who had Asia's biggest companies wrapped around their little finger. More like my dad, but if my mom wanted to, she could order them to do something. Heh. I knew my mother was too nice to do things like that though.
 Unfortunately, she didn't think that this was all a stupid idea and didn't bother to help me get out of this mess.
 ..But past is past. Now is..now.
 'Oh come on, it's not like you won't survive. Pull yourself together, Minhye.' I told myself in a strong tone. If I keep worrying and stressing over this, I'll become uglier and weirder..and that's not a good thing at all. I don't want to look like a witch!
 I opened my eye a bit, to peek at my environment. The driver was driving..and I heard no ruckus from those kids. That's really surprising; I just had to see what was causing them to be so quiet. I turned my head to the back seat to observe.
 The members must have stayed up all night or something as each one of them was fast asleep.
 ..I'd have to admit that they did look cute.
Then again, an idol looks cute or hot or handsome or something in whatever they're doing. Hmph.
 At least it's all peace and quiet now, with nothing but calm indie songs playing through the speakers of the car. The driver had good taste, I'd have to say.
 Back to sleep.
- - - - - - - - - -
 "Noona!" said a male voice that sounded like Donghyun's. Hmm..well. I'm still sleepy, don't wake me up you idiots.
 "Minhye-noona!" another exclaimed, who I guessed was Hyunseong. Okay, maybe Jeongmin..but whoever this is..let me be. I refused to open my eyes, and instead tried to concentrate on that new Tiffany Filigree Heart pendant in 18k rose gold, gleaming in all its might under a crystal glass display case..in my dream.
 "Why isn't she waking up?" asked Minwoo, whose tinny voice was the only one I can pretty much totally differentiate from his hyungs' rather deep ones.
 "There's always a last resort..," ..Kwangmin (?) started to say.
 "What's that?" ..Youngmin (?) questioned his twin.
 "Let's carry her like a roasted pig on those really big sticks! And chant like those..people who do rituals and things! Indians, right?" At that statement, I ignored the beautiful pendant in my dreams and immediately snapped back to my harsh reality.
 "There is no way I am letting you six brats do that to someone as painfully fragile as me!" I retorted, crossing my arms together. While I was sitting there, glaring at them..they laughed as if it was a funny skit. They even teased each other, playfully punching the younger twin's arm, exclaiming "Kwangmin-ah can be funny!"; "Noona's a pig?!"; "We're not Indians, ppabo."; "Indians on a photoshoot!"
 All six of them laughed together merrily, very much like a group of cute and young toddlers playing with each other in the backyard. Innocence, purity..I could see it in the way they smiled, how their faces looked, and how they laughed..it made me want to laugh too, even if there was nothing hilarious in my point of view.
 Oh my god. No. Minhye, what is happening to you!? Are you really going to be nice and all? No, I refuse to accept them!

 I..I just can't. I..can't. I don't want to. Even just a bit. I can't risk it. 
 Though..in all honesty..I was losing against what I wanted to believe. 
..Once I have a weakness to them..it will just get bigger and bigger until I'm completely nice and feeling..putty, like Silly Putty.
And I definitely did not want that to happen.
 The six members stopped laughing then, now only looking at me with sheepish smiles.
 "Sorry, that was a bad joke..forgive me, noona." Kwangmin apologized sincerely, bowing politely at me.
 Then, I chuckled. Lightly, slightly, inaudibly. An awkward chuckle.
 A pregnant pause ensued.
 "..And I thought Minhye-noona was a mean android person incapable of laughing." Jeongmin spoke up, causing them to burst into laughter once again.
 "A-And noona, you're not really a pig, okay..?" Youngmin told me reassuringly, even if I perfectly knew that I wasn't one of those rather..gross hairless animals.
 I took a short while to compose myself and to fight away that blush trying to crawl up my cheeks. "Of course I know that, Youngmin-ah. And I assure you, I'm definitely no android person." Once I had ended my sentence, the driver had already pulled up in front of a posh-looking boutique-styled photoshoot venue surrounded by flora and fauna of many kinds.
 All I could say is that even I liked the place.
End Chapter.
Author’s Note!
'Aight! Nothing much here, I just stopped myself before it got too long. I'll update this really quickly~next chapter will be up really soon!
This was originally going to be really long..hehe. >w< Yes, I know, the fic's pretty long already, and it hasn't even been a full day! :O [/shot'd.]
Oh well. The more I cut long chapters, the more I update! xDD

Anyway. I hope this is still satisfactory! How was it? ; u ; Comment, subscribe! It makes me really happy, and I get more motivation! Haha~
And yay, finally a poster! I got myself to work on it..it's nothing special, but I'm proud and relieved. :D I changed the background and the foreword a bit too~

Okay! Next chapter!
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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: