!!Chapter Six; Planning.

Noona's in Charge

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 Unbeknownst to Minhye, she was the topic of interest amongst the Boyfriend members in their casual conversation whilst waiting for the photographers to finish setting up and..what ever they needed to do.

 Though, the way they talked about her wasn't exactly positive..
 "Minhye-noona is scary," Youngmin said out loud, his arms crossed.

 "She's not that scary," Hyunseong commented, chuckling awkwardly.

 "She is too! She's mean and unfriendly to us..I mean, it's only been like..what, two days?!" the blond twin exclaimed with firey eyes.
 "I agree! Mean..snobby..and..un," Minwoo chimed in, pouting slightly as he approached his fellow band mates, who were seated around a rectangular coffee table. They were patiently waiting for the photographers and staff to settle matters, as something seemed to be going on. They took this time to chat with each other.

 "Remember the toast that Hyunseong-hyung gave to noona?" Kwangmin spoke up. "Look, she hasn't eaten it yet!" he exclaimed, pointing to the plastic container sitting sadly on the middle of the coffee table, alone and unwanted. "Hey! She might be an android..cyborg person!"

 "Cyborgs still eat human food, don't they?" Jeongmin said, laughing lightly at the younger twin's comment.

 "You were the one who said she was an android," Donghyun reminded him, playfully hitting the curly haired seventeen year old on the head. "...What's the difference between androids and cyborgs anyway?"

 "An Android is a phone!" the brunette twin yelled, looking up from his electronics magazine.

 The red-headed leader sighed and said with a chuckle, "Not that kind of Android."

 "Maybe she's just not that hungry.." reasoned the main vocalist, glancing at the toast with a hint of disappointment evident in his eyes.

 "..I think Hyunseong-hyung likes noona!" declared Minwoo with a grin, pointing accusingly at the aforementioned member.

 "W..What?" mumbled the accused male with a confused expression.

 "Nah, impossible," spoke up their leader, slinging an arm around Hyunseong's shoulders. "Our Hyunseong is just too much of a..princely gentleman. Besides, she's not his type!"

 "How do you know?" Kwangmin asked, awed at their leader's knowledge of love. (Well, if he had any.)

 "Simple. Minhye is bratty, spoiled and snobby. Hyunseong is kind, gentle, and bright. They're complete opposites," the red-headed male said plainly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

 "Opposites attract!" their maknae proclaimed proudly.

 "Clichè," Jeongmin commented as he unwrapped a piece of watermelon-flavored bubblegum, popping it into his mouth soon thereafter. "I wouldn't want to leave our hyung with Minhye-noona, of all people...you can tell she's really spoiled. I mean, her father's Shin Inhyuk of Shin-Yang Enterprises. Talk about rich," he added, stretching his arms.

 "Shin-Yang Enterprises..?" the (seemingly) innocent maknae blurted out in a soft whisper.

 "Basically, her father's really powerful," said the seventeen year old vocalist, blowing a bubble with his chewed up gum. "So watch out what you say to her. In no time at all, you'll find yourself in Siberia or worse...Antartica or something."

 "So no one here really likes Minhye," their leader concluded, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

 "Exactly! God. I want Kyuyoung-hyung back! He might be kinda old or something but I don't care!" Youngmin cried, banging his fists on the table. "Anyone's better than her!"

 "Not exactly anyone...but I get your point. And Youngmin, don't destroy the table," scolded Jeongmin, stuffing the bubblegum back into its wrapper and throwing it into the nearest trash can. "Score!"

 "Then, why don't we try and...change her?" Donghyun said, with a bit of skepticism in his own voice. "If she's going to learn responsibility over a group of people through us, might as well change her personality too and save her future co-workers or employees from something like this."

 "...That sounds a lot harder than a full-time job as a barista," commented the bubblegum boy with a smirk.

 "How in the world do we do that?!" Kwangmin exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "It's going to be impossible, especially with her attitude.."

 "Maybe...if we try being nice to her, she'll be nice to us too!" Minwoo suggested with a grin before adding sheepishly, "Well..in time."

 "How long is noona staying with us?" Hyunseong inquired with a small smile on his face.

 "Six months or so..? Maybe even longer if her father's not satisfied," answered the leader, chuckling a bit forcefully.

 "NO NO, I DON'T WANT A WHOLE YEAR WITH HER--" Youngmin started to yell, but was cut off by their curly-haired vocalist's hand on his, preventing him from saying anything else.

 "Shh shh, here she comes with another noona," he said as the photographer Inran and their new manager noona Minhye walked inside the building from the garden.

 "Everyone, everyone. As you may have all known...Jung-ah, the supposed model to accompany the members of Boyfriend, has injured her arm yesterday and thus will not be able to come, so.." the female photographer began, and cleared to grab the attention of her apparently stressed out co-workers.

 "..Oh god, please. No," the blond twin screeched, somehow glaring at Inran from behind Hyunseong as he was gripping tightly onto his hyung's shoulders.

 "I have luckily found someone who can replace her for today, and that is the boys' manager, Minhye."

 Minhye sighed as she twirled a piece of her hair with her pointer finger, her face carrying an expression of boredom and a look that plainly said 'Get me out of this.'. "Okay, I don't know what the hell happened...but let's just get this thing over with," she deadpanned.

 The members of the group stared and gaped, speechless.

 It's just a few photos for a magazine.

 It shouldn't really be that bad, right?

 Really, it shouldn't.
End Chapter.
Author’s Note!
I haven't updated in forever. ; u ; So sorry! xD;
I hope this chapter is okay. :) Finally, more of Boyfriend. Haha!
I might have these chapters every once in a while, to give a view on what the boys think. Or change to 3rd person by default..but then again, I started it off as 1st. Haha.

As always, thank you for reading~stay tuned (to both of my stories)! :"D
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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: