!!Chapter One ; Introductions.

Noona's in Charge
rd erson OV;;
Ugh, was this really necessary?! This is a-nnoying.' A twenty-two year old young woman named Shin Minhye thought angrily as she sat down cross-legged on her business class airplane seat (they couldn't even take the private jet because her father was using it), deep brown eyes staring out the the tiny window beside her, clearly angry and annoyed over what her father decided to do to her. Manager (or assistant manager) for this..this newly debuted group. Boyfriend was their group name. Rather weird for a new boy band, but it did attract people's attention.
 "It's not like I'll learn responsibility from being manager over six teenage boys! Ah, chincha (really)..this is pointless!" The petite woman huffed, arms crossed in front of her chest to express even more of her annoyance. Her mother, Shin Sunri, was sitting down on the seat on her left, and she could clearly hear what her angry daughter was complaining about.
 "There there, Minhye. I'm sure your father has a really good reason for putting such a huge responsibility in your hands--" The older lady tried to comfort the younger, but was cut short by Minhye's cry.
 "Huge responsibility!? ..Mama, do you really think I'll learn ANYTHING from six boys who are younger than me?!"
 "Maybe. Age doesn't matter, dear. You can learn many things from many different people.."
 "Hush, my sweet. We're almost to the airport." Sunri said with a smile, patting the girl's shoulder gently. "Rest for a short while, it will calm you down."
 ".....Alright, mom." Minhye could never say no to her mom. Her mom was one of the sweetest, most kindest human beings she had met in her whole life. Even if her daughter screwed up a lot, she never got over-the-top mad. The fourty-five year old lady always gave her young daughter advice, and was always supporting her..
 'Oh mom. I really have a lot to owe you..and dad too, huh..' Maybe there was still a seed of kindness in such a stuck-up spoiled rotten girl..just maybe.
 And so, she did. Her eyes drifted to a close, sending her back into her dreamland, even if just for a short while.
 Just to get things off her back and to think about it.
 Was this a good idea? Will she actually learn something from all of this? Only time will tell.
- - - - - - - - - -
inhye’s OV;;
 "Minhye, dear..wake up." I heard my mother say as my eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing my surroundings. Ah, so everything was just a dream..that a-nnoying Boyfriend group..and being their manager. Everything was just a nightmare. Phew. We were going to the Bahamas..right?
 Haha, of course we were! It's not like Papa would actually do this to me! Silly me.
 "Ah, good morning, Mama~!" I exclaimed happily, with an equally happy smile. "Let's go off to our suite before going to the beach for a tan." Just as I was about to go out of the already half-empty aircraft, my mother stopped me with her words.
 "Suite..? Beach?" My mother chuckled lightly. "Dear, what are you talking about?"
 "..We're in the Bahamas, right? WE ARE IN THE BAHAMAS. Please tell me we are in the Bahamas.."
 "Minhye, sweetheart--"
 "Or we're in Paris! I want some of those cheeses, they would go delightful with my breakfast."
 "We're in Seoul. Have you forgotten..?"
 "Oh..Seoul. Well, no matter! Let's go to our suite now, Mama~chop chop."
 "..Sweetie, you're here for the job..remember?"
 ..Damn, so it wasn't a dream. I was living the nightmare I was into by my father. Agh.
There was always a last resort.

Time to try one more time.

 I put on the most pitiful face I could possibly manage, and started bawling. "M-MA..MAMA!" I cried, not giving a care for those who were staring at me. Hmph. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I need to get myself out of this mess.
 "I..I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I continued to bawl, sniffing in between sobs to add more to the effect. A little more. "I CAN'T DO THIS!" I cried, peeking a bit to see if it was working. Unfortunately though, it didn't work. Again. My mother was nice enough not to get unbelievably mad though, and instead she just sighed deeply.
Damn this. Damn it all.

 "This is for your future. This will be good for you, sweetie. I know you're a strong and independent woman. You really are..and this is your opportunity to prove it to everyone."
 ..I was always complimented and praised..but Mama had her way with words. She had never failed to make me smile, and to lift up my self-esteem. (Though it wasn't that I needed a confidence boost, really; I know I'm fabulous.) My mother. She really was someone special. I could never actually make her comply to my pleads, anyhow. Maybe that's what made her..well, Mom.
 "..Alright, alright." I concluded after the silence had ensued. "I'll go." The last statement was hard to say. Ugh..these boys. Teenage boys. I personally like older men..but no, I had to be stuck with six teenagers. Seriously, what was darling Papa thinking?! I love him and all, but wasn't this too much for a young heiress like me?
 "Oh dear, that's great!" My mother said with a gentle and happy smile. "Alright, let's meet Boyfriend and their manager. Really, they seem like very sweet young men, I think you'd like them." I scoffed, rolling my eyes a bit. I do hope I will like them at least, or else those brats are going to get their idol career flushed down the drain. Hah.
 Hey wait. She said..Boyfriend..and their manager?
 "Manager?" I asked, half-surprised and half-relieved.
 "He will be keeping watch over you, and guiding you whenever you need it. Though..don't forget that you are now the manager of the group, and therefore you will have to organize their plans, guide the boys..things managers do." She answered simply as we went out of the plane, through the connecting bridge..thing and into the airport. Once we were there, my mother led me to one of the airport's coffee shops.
 "Minhye, I'll go get our bags. Manager Kyuyoung will be able to find you here, I have told him about your whereabouts and your appearance in case I do not get back by the time they would be looking for you." She informed me before leaving me in that cafè with nothing but my handbag and a steaming cup of cafè latte. Ick. Commoner coffee. I sat there with a bored face, chin resting on the palm of my hand. Where are those brats? They can't be making me wait this long.
- - - - - - - - - -
 ..What is taking them so damn long?! Annoying children. I even drank half of the coffee. To be honest it really wasn't bad, but my butler could do even better coffee.
 My eyes wandered, looking for something interesting to observe. It stopped on the wall clock though.

 Hm..it's been ten minutes. A ten minutes that felt like forever. Also..where's Mama? Those commoners must be hindering my mother from getting the bags. Those little..! I was about to go out and charm the guards into doing the dirty work when suddenly a pack of six young men and a tall man came and approached me.
 "Minhye..Shin Minhye-ssi?" He asked me. I nodded, smiling brightly. Ohoho, someone recognized me.
 "The one and only. Who are you?" I asked in turn, examining him closely. Not very attractive, but he's okay. Deep, manly voice. Oh, I like.
 "Kwon Kyuyoung. Boyfriend's manager." He introduced himself, bowing politely.
 ..They finally showed up. Finally.
 "Ah, you." I said with a superior air. "..And you six.." I mumbled under my breath once I saw the six boys standing behind him. Hm, certainly more good-looking than their manager, but nothing special. A red-head..somehow curly-head..a shy looking boy..blondie..blondie's twin..and a shorter person.
 D'aw. What a cute group.
Hey..I'm still not warming up. It takes more than looks to grab my attention. Let's just see what these boys can do.
 "Introduce yourselves." Kyuyoung told the six boys, who then turned to me and flashed me with happy, idol-worthy smiles.
 "I'm your Boyfriend! Hello, we are Boyfriend!" They cried out loud, bowing right after that. Heads turned to their direction, and I could see that there were girls squealing over the boys already. Cute, but still nothing special. Hmph. They are a group of head-turners though. That was good. They then proceeded to introduce themselves individually.
 "Kim Donghyun, Boyfriend's leader. I'm twenty-two years old..and pleased to meet you!" The red-headed boy said to me, with an inviting smile. Fit to be a leader, I suppose. And he's my age. Maybe I'm not totally a noona after all.
 "..Hyunseong, main vocalist. I..I'm eighteen..nice to meet you, Minhye-noona." The shy guy spoke up, retreating back to s once he finished introducing himself. He really was shy..not that I really care. It's his fault. Oh well.
 "Lee Jeongmin, seventeen years old! Annyeonghaseo, noona," said another, the curly-haired one. Hm, he's okay. Polite..and has a rather adorable smile.
 "Jo Youngmin--" The blondie started, but was interrupted by his twin.
 "And Jo Kwangmin!" The brunette twin added, putting an arm around his brother with a foolish grin. "We're sixteen. Nice to meet you, Minhye-noona!" They said, bowing politely. Twins? In one group? Well..that's unusual, I'd have to admit.
 "No Minwoo..I'm sixteen..nice to meet you." The short guy introduced himself with a rather high voice. Voice hasn't deepened yet, I see. I think. Doesn't really matter, anyway.
 I'm stuck with them and that's it.
 "Shin Minhye, twenty-two. Nice meeting you brats--I mean, boys." I said, laughing lightly at what I just said. I'm going to be nice enough to them and pretend I'm enjoying..for at least a short time. My mother then came in with the luggage bags, smile as gentle as ever.
 "Ah, I see you've gotten acquainted! That's good." She observed, approaching us. Kyuyoung and the boys then bowed politely to her, with equally sweet smiles.
 "I am Shin Sunri, Minhye's mother. Please take care of my daughter."
They better take care of me, alright. If they don't..then there's hell to pay.
And that was basically how it all started. Now, I just hope I'd be able to survive all of this.
If I don't..then that's their fault.
nd Chapter.
Author's Note!
Finally, first chapter done. ; 3 ;
How was the chapter? Hope you readers like it, haha. I know, Minhye's mean and stuff but hey. She'll..warm up.
I guess. xDD
Though..I would like to see how many people are interested in this fic! Subscribe, comment, even just viewing; I don't really mind. I would really love it if you'd comment and subscribe though. ^A^ It would give me motivation to continue.~
Thanks for reading~!
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Chapter 7: BOYFRIEND!!! :DDDD
_mrsmjjeje #2
Very interesting but I don't know how in the world the boys can stand her! I can handle that for only 24 hours top but they've to be with her for more than a month? lol. I pity the boys x) update soon!
hi.. new reader here...<br />
like how you write the story...<br />
update soon...
kyokomiyuki #4
Omg.<br />
This is so different!<br />
I love it!<br />
And Minhye's hilarious. <br />
Update soon~
New reader! :) Interesting! Update soon! :)
Kyruui #6
@ flutters ;; Glad you like Minhye~^A^! I was afraid people would be put off with her personality and such..hehe. xD Thank you very much for reading!
Kyruui #7
@InfiniteLuvrr ;; Ohoho, I see! xD It will be up very soon, hehe. ^A^ Thank you very much for reading~!
*clicks subscribe button* I'm anticpating the next chapter! (: