Don't Go

Luhan was surrounded by Yongguk’s men. There was around 20 men either bare handed or with weapons such as a baseball bat or pipe.

“I’m giving you one last chance. Give me the drugs or die.” Yongguk raised his voice.

Luhan laughed slightly which pissed Yongguk. Yongguk gave a signal to his men.

Luhan heard on of the men behind him yelling as he ran towards him. Luhan looked behind him and dodged the attack he was about to make then kicked him to the ground. Once the man was down he didn’t get back up. The kick was powerful enough to knock him out.

The other men looked at him, stunned by what they saw. None of them moved. One of the men pushes another foreword. The one that got pushed in charged towards Luhan. The man got his fist ready bit was a little too late when he got punched by Luhan.  He also fell to ground knocked out by his punch.

None one moved after that. Yongguk looked at them, furious at his men.

“What the hell are you cowards doing? Go and fight s!” Yongguk yelled out maliciously.

Altogether his men ran towards Luhan. Luhan dodged the first two and knocked their heads together. He punched the third one and pushed him into the fourth and fifth ones. Though he defeated seven of them he still had thirteen more to go but he was out numbered.

The rest of the men surrounded him in a circle. Luhan looked in every direction to make sure they didn’t try anything funny. One man ran to him but Luhan knocked him out easily but while he was dealing with him, another man went up behind him and knocked him with the bat. Luhan fell to the ground and was trying to get back up. Two men grabbed him and held Luhan. The other man punched Luhan in the stomach and face. After a couple of punches, Luhan looked like a bloody mess. Luhan’s nose was gushing with blood while his face was covered in cuts and bruises. He couldn’t see that well and his head was hurting so much.  Yongguk went up to him, grabbing a hold of his chin.

“You could always reconsider and walk free.” Yongguk said calmly.

“I rather die than give you anymore drugs.” Luhan said, taking in deep breaths.

Yongguk smirked. “Have it your way.”

Yongguk looked at the man holding a pipe. “Finish him off.”

The man nodded. He held the pipe up high and swung it. Luhan closed his eyes; he was going to face his death. This was going to be the end of him.

Luhan was waiting for the pipe to hit him but he didn’t feel it at all. He opened his eyes and saw Kris blocking the hit with his hand.

“Kris.” Luhan gasped.

Kris looked at Luhan, smiling. “You called.”

Kris snatched the pipe out of the man’s grasp and smacked him with it. He then hit the men holding Luhan.

“You guys came.” said Luhan fixing his t-shirt.

“Of course we would.” said Lay form behind. Luhan looked to his direction to see all the men down, even Yongguk. The rest of the guys went to Luhan.

“Man, you’re a mess” said Xiumin.

Luhan laughed.

“We came as soon as we got the call.” said Tao.

“Kris was the first one running, you should have seen him.” Chen chuckled.

Luhan suddenly remembered Jieun.

“Where’s Jieun?” Luhan asked, worried.

Jieun came out of the alley way. Once Luhan saw her he ran to her.

“Jieun,” He ran up to her and hugged her. “Are you okay?”  

“Yes, I’m fine.” She answered back. “But look at you. You’re injured.”

“It’s just a little bit of scratches.”

“No it’s not.”

Luhan grabbed Jieun’s hand, holding it gently. He looked at her sweetly.

“Stop worrying. I’m alright.” he told her softly. She smiled at him.


He smiled back but then touched his head. It was hurting so much he couldn’t even describe the pain. Jieun noticed what was happening.


Before she could say anything luhan fell down to the ground.

“Luhan” Jieun shrieked. The others heard and ran towards them.

Luhan was on the ground holding his head. He was in serious pain. His head was hurting and he couldn’t see that well.

“Luhan” Jieun kept screaming his name. He could hear her but the sound of her voice was fading. He saw her crying but she was fading as well.  He saw his arm reaching for her but went down slowly. Next thing Luhan knew, everything was pitch black. 

Sorry if the fight scene was too blah and I hope this isn't confusing too. Hope you are enjoying but I have to say that this fanfic is coming to an end. But thanks for supporting me this far ^^


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Chapter 10: Love your story,authornim!:)
Kris-C25 #2
zasstar #3
Chapter 10: it ends. what a sweet n cute couple ^^ it's nice authornim ((:
and and I dun ship woohyun with anyone else except sunggyu =_=
radiant #4
Chapter 11: That was so cute ;_; /ships Jieun with practically everyone/ It's so awesome that we ship Jieun with Luhan and Woohyun. Loved your story!
eine08 #5
Chapter 10: Cute ending!
Thank you for this adorable fic!
I hope you make more >_<
Chapter 11: ooh finished alr? :o what a cute ending :) luhan is very sweet ㅋ
rainbow_bananas #7
Chapter 10: Awwww...such a cute ending!!!!
rainbow_bananas #8
Chapter 9: Jieun, don't leave Luhan!!!!!
Chapter 9: Aw poor Jieun!! Gahhh don't leave Luhan!!
zasstar #10
Chapter 8: It's not boring, it is romantic! Kyaaaaa