Don't Go

After their time together, Jieun ran back home. She called her mother and told her the decision. Her mother said she is going to leave tomorrow. Jieun asked how come she got her ticket fast and her mother said it’s because their business people. She asked if her mother can make a passport really fast and she said that was not possible for her.

She knew her mother was lying because she didn’t want Luhan with her. Jieun didn’t like that about her mother.

Jieun went up and packed all her things. She looked around in the house and memories of her and Luhan came.

She didn’t want this but she couldn’t do anything else. Everything was ready. That night Jieun had a restless night. All she did was think about Luhan. She didn’t tell Luhan any of this and knew this wasn’t right but she didn’t want him stopping her or him to get hurt.

It was morning and today was the day Jieun was not going to see Luhan. She got ready and left for the airport. Her phone was ringing. It was Luhan. She wanted to answer it but she didn’t. She let it pass.

Meanwhile, Luhan was waiting for Jieun to answer but she didn’t. He called her again but again she didn’t pick up.

“What’s wrong” his mother asked.

“Jieun isn’t picking up and I know she is awake.”

“Luhan has Jieun told you anything.”

“Tell me about what.”

“Where she is going to be today?”


“Luhan please sit down with me.”

“What’s wrong?”

His mother told him about everything and told him that Jieun is leaving today.

“I can’t believe this. Why didn’t she tell me about this?” Luhan was furious.

“I don’t think she could anyways. If she told you then you would’ve been in so much pain like you are right now. Besides I think she did try to tell you but put it in a different way.”

Luhan thought about what Jieun said last night about if he did something to hurt him then she didn’t mean it. There’s a reason for it. Luhan didn’t know what to do except to run out of the door.

“Where are you going?” his mother asked.

“I never gave her a kiss.” he said then ran to the airport. The airport was far away so he called his uncles workers to give him a lift and he told him to drive fast.

Jieun was already in the airport waiting for her plane to arrive. There were tears. She couldn’t stop crying.

Luhan arrived in the airport and ran to Jieun. He looked everywhere for her. He finally found her. She was standing in the corner alone.

“Jieun” luhan called her. Jieun thought voices of Luhan were echoing through her head. But when Luhan called her again she looked to his direction.


“I found you”

“What are you doing here?”

“I didn’t give you a kiss.”

“You’re not mad that I didn’t tell you.”

“I’m a little upset but I understand why you didn’t tell me.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do this-“

“I understand Jieun. You don’t have to be sorry.”

She hugged him tightly.

“I don’t want to do this.” She cried.

“I don’t want to let you go myself.”

“I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you more.”

They looked at each other and kissed. Their kiss was long but it was broken off by the sound of a voice. Jieun’s plane was ready to leave. Jieun and Luhan gave each other one more hug and kiss. He held her hand as he walked her over.

Jieun waved then walked inside. Luhan couldn’t see her anymore. The plane was flying off and at that moment Luhan regretted his decision of letting her go.

It has been half a year since Jieun and Luhan heard from each other. Jieun was busy with a lot of things but she didn’t forget about Luhan.

Jieun was working in her office when she got a call.

“Hello” she answered.

“Is this Jieun?” it was a man’s voice and it sounded familiar.

“Yes, who is this?”

“Come outside and see.”

“Is this Onew? It better not be you.”

“Come outside and see.”

Jieun went outside and looked around.

“Okay I’m outside” she said. “Show yourself.”

“Alright Princess.” Jieun was about to say something but when the voice called her princess then she was about to jump out of her skin. No one else calls her princess except for…

“Luhan” she said his name with excitement. “Where are you?”

“Look behind you.”

She did what he told her and saw Luhan. She ran into his arms.

“Well you missed me a lot didn’t you?” Luhan laughed.

“Of course I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“How did you-“

“My uncle had a friend that could get me a passport and when I got it I planned a trip to come see you.”

“I’m so happy”

“Well I’m happier.”

“I love you”

“I love you more.”

Yaaayy I'm done and I hope you like it. I was never planning to make it sad. Thank you for sticking with me. I love you all. / throws you all hearts/ 

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Chapter 10: Love your story,authornim!:)
Kris-C25 #2
zasstar #3
Chapter 10: it ends. what a sweet n cute couple ^^ it's nice authornim ((:
and and I dun ship woohyun with anyone else except sunggyu =_=
radiant #4
Chapter 11: That was so cute ;_; /ships Jieun with practically everyone/ It's so awesome that we ship Jieun with Luhan and Woohyun. Loved your story!
eine08 #5
Chapter 10: Cute ending!
Thank you for this adorable fic!
I hope you make more >_<
Chapter 11: ooh finished alr? :o what a cute ending :) luhan is very sweet ㅋ
rainbow_bananas #7
Chapter 10: Awwww...such a cute ending!!!!
rainbow_bananas #8
Chapter 9: Jieun, don't leave Luhan!!!!!
Chapter 9: Aw poor Jieun!! Gahhh don't leave Luhan!!
zasstar #10
Chapter 8: It's not boring, it is romantic! Kyaaaaa