Chapter 14

My blood is cold as ice || fixing || re-writing? ||



 It’s 8pm, and the guys has just finished practicing. « Today you can go home alone » I tell them

« Really? » JR says « Finally some privacy »

« Why today is different? » Minhyun asks suspicious

« Nothing. We just need to take a few things from the dorm… and we need privacy too » HyeRim smiles

« Ok. See you » the say and leave

HyeRim and I go to dorm to eat dinner, then get in the car and drive to the our date: 11pm, at the abandoned warehouse in the countryside, with Mr. Park


We get there perfectly on time, and we see a truck already there “Good” we think. We look at each other and get off the car. “Let the game begin” I think


We go in the warehouse and start searching in every room. We have 30 minutes to find him until the police arrives. First floor: empty. Second floor: empty. “Then he must be on the last floor”. On third floor there are seven rooms: which one is the right one?

I immediately head to the third: he likes number three.

I look at HyeRim and she nods: we’re ready to fight. But what we see when we open the door is not what we expected: there are five guys tied to the chairs, unconscious.

« Hi my child » Mr. Park says « Oh, you’ve brought a friend with you? This wasn’t in our deal but, well, she looks good to play »

« You haven’t respected the deal either » I say motioning the guys

« Oh no » he smiles « They’re part of another game »

« I don’t believe you » I say. I have to take time so that HyeRim can think about a plan to free the boys. This is our first objective. Then we’ll think about what to do while waiting for the police.

« I know you. When Ren rescued me, you decided to get him involved » I continue

He laughs: « Indeed you know me pretty well. So why did you leave them alone? »

« I thought your desire to be alone with me was stronger » I smile. Meanwhile I see that HyeRim is getting ready to run to the guys. “OK, I distract him, she helps them” « I really thought to high of me and my beauty » and I start walking toward him, gathering all his attention

« Oh no, no, no, you’re really beautiful » he tells me. At that moment I attack him: a left kick and a right fist immediately after. And I surprise him, so I manage to hit him. Meanwhile HyeRim has already untied Aron and she’s working with JR. “Good, she’s fast, she’s going to join me in a few minutes”. This gives me the strength to bear all his hit.

« Here I am » HyeRim says coming to help me. Now we just have to keep him here.  We’re doing great, until we hear the police siren. Then he suddenly takes a gun from his back and point it to Ren saying « Don’t move or I fire him » but his hand are trembling. And then everything happens so fast that I almost can’t understand what’s happening: I see his finger pulling the trigger and a moment after I’m in front of Ren, my back hurting as it was on fire. I hear the policeman say: « Stop there and hands up! » then everything becomes black.


I wake up at the hospital. HyunKi is next to me: « BABO!!!!! » he yells as soon as I open my eyes

« I know Oppa, mianhae » I say

« Luckily the bullet didn’t hit living organs » he says

« How much have I slept? »

« Two hours... wait here, I’ll call the doctor »


After seeing me, the doctor decides to let me go home: after all I’m awake, and there’s nothing more he can do for me

« Oppa, how about HyeRim and the guys? » I ask while heading to the car

« They’re fine, they’re at NU’EST’s dorm »

« Then can you take me there? » I beg him

« Ok » he doesn't even argue, he must be really angry


« Get off » he says when we get there

« Ne, bye Oppa » I say.

I go in the dorm trying to make less noise as possible. Everyone is asleep.

I head toward my room when I hear a scream “That’s Ren!!”

I rush in his room: he’s laying in his bed and he’s sleeping. “oh, it’s only a nightmare”

« Ren, Rennie, MinKi » I whisper to wake him

« Noona » he says opening his eyes

« Are you ok? » I ask smiling gently

« I am. What about you? They said you saved me »

« I’m fine, don’t worry » I say « I’ll go in my room then » I try to walk way but he holds on my wrist saying. « Don’t leave me Noona, I beg you »

His voice is so sweet that I can’t help but stay. I sit on the bed next to him

« Can you sing me a lullaby? » he asks

« A lullaby? » I repeat.

« Yes, like the one your mother sang to you when you were little »

I’m about to say that my mother never did that when a melody start coming out my mouth:


“Dancing bears, painted wings,

things I almost remember

and the song someone sings

once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm,

horses prance through a silver storm,

figures dancing gracefully across my memory


ha a a a a a ha a a a a a ha a a a a a ha a a a a a a a

ha a a a a a ha a a a a a


Someone holds me safer and warm,

horses prance through a silver storm

figures dancing gracefully across my memory.

Far away, long ago

glowing dim as an ember

things my heart used to know,

things it yearns to remember.

And a song someone sings

once upon a Dece-em-ber”


At the end of the song, I find myself caressing his hair. He is asleep. “I could stay hours looking at him” As I realize what I’ve just think, I immediately remember to myself that I should leave as soon as possible


I wake up and I look around. “omo, I fell asleep on Ren’s bed, that’s why my muscle hurts” I get up and slowly walk out, not to awake him

At the same moment HyeRim walks out from her room

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 16: Awww they didn't meet each other. I'm glad you write a sequel for this :)
Chapter 17: WOW! This story was awesome, so please, please, PLEASE write a sequel *-* <3
NikiLikesCupquakes #3
Chapter 17: Yes write a sequel! It will be very interesting to find out about "Ren's new girlfriend" So I don't think you have to worry about it being boring and less interesting...
Chapter 16: is this story already completed??
don't you want to make a sequel one??
Chapter 13: wow!! nice story losts of action I love it Lol ^^
Chapter 11: ohhhh... its an action story.. ^^
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 9: Your doing a good job with this. Its interesting and i look forward to updates
Sariah #8
Chapter 2: If it's a girl speaking to an older girl, it's "unnie" not "noona", that's what a boy would call an older girl.