It's him


Naeun can feel his breath touch her delicate skin as she tries to open up her eyes and see her knight and shining armor.

But her head throbs in pain as their body collides with the ground, causing her to only see a blur vision of him.

“Miss wake up!”

The man touches her face to see if there is an injury but luckily there is none.

He sighs in relief as he stares on a beautiful princess in front of him.

“Yah! Stop touching her!”

A voice from his back screams as he slowly place Naeun’s body on the ground.

“I just wanted to help that’s all.”

As he turns around his eyes goes wide when he saw his long time best friend who he haven’t seen for years.

Myungsoo shoves him away as he bends down to carry Naeun’s body.

“Thank you for saving her.”   Myungsoo starts to walk.

“Wait! Don’t you remember me?”

He stops walking as he adjusts Naeun’s body. “No, and I don’t want to know you.”

Maybe he was forgotten…

It’s been 10 years since they’ve seen each other…

“Kim Myungsoo, you’ve never changed.” The young man laughs as he continues to walk toward their university.


Naeun sleeps soundly as Myungsoo removes some strand of her hair that blocks  her beautiful face.

I should be the one to save you, not him…

I should be your knight in shining armor…

But he is not a threat, right?

She slowly opens her eyes as she found Myungsoo staring at her.

“Where am I?”

“In the school’s infirmary.”

“You brought me here?”

Myungsoo nods his head as he holds Naeun’s soft hand. “I’m the one who saved you don’t you remember?”

His voice is different….

The scent of his cologne is different…

He is not the one who save me…

Is it really Myungsoo or was I just dreaming?

“Naeun shi are you okay?” Myungsoo worries as Naeun stares on her hands unblinkingly.

Naeun turns back to reality, she nods softly and smiles. “Of course I’m fine! I’m a hard headed girl remember?!”

“Yeah right!” Myungsoo messes up her hair as he stands up from his chair and adjusts his tie.

“Where are you going?”

“On the school entrance ceremony. I’m the one who will be giving the opening remarks, remember?”

“Let me go with you!” Naeun pushes the blanket off as she tries to stand up, but Myungsoo stops her.

“Just take a rest for now. I don’t want you to cause me any trouble.”

“Yah Kim Myungsoo!”

Myungsoo sticks out his tongue before he closes the door. “Don’t miss me okay?”

Seconds turns to minutes and minutes turns to hours, but Myungsoo is still not coming back from the ceremony.

Naeun becomes bored waiting for him. She wants to get out of the infirmary but the school nurse blocks her way from getting out.

A click from the door is heard and she thought Myungsoo is finally back.

“Excuse me. I’m here to give my medical record.”

“Oh you’re the new transferee am I right?”

“Yes I am.”

“I think you should be going now your class will start soon.” The nurse places his record with the new transfer student’s documents.

 “That’s him….” Naeun immediately stands up from her bed as she opens up the curtain to see the young man.

The young man flashes his smile as he bow and closes the door.

The school nurse turns her attention to Naeun who was holding the door knob.

“Where do you think you’re going Ms. Son?”

“Uhmm…in my class.”

She hopes that her excuse can persuade Nurse Choi to discharge her, but seeing the crease on her forehead seems the other way around.

“Fine, you may go. Just be sure you are okay Ms. Son.”

Naeun’s face lights up as she keeps bowing her head and excitedly opens the door.

She just wants to thank him for saving her….

But why is she so desperate to see him?

She runs to every corridor he might go, but the boy is nowhere to be found.

A butterfly passes by her face flying towards the other direction.

Naeun follows the butterfly with her eyes as it lands on a young man’s hand.


It is him….

Her heart starts to pound fast…

Each step she walks she became more curious on what she feels….

Few more steps Naeun will able to reach him…

But someone blocks her way...

“Kim Myungsoo!” Naeun steps backward as Myungsoo’s face suddenly pops up in front of her.

Myungsoo raises his eyebrow up as he stares on Naeun’s eyes.

“Looking for someone?”

Naeun is still looking at Myungsoo’s back hoping the young man is still there.

“Of course I’m looking for you! Who told you to leave me for hours?!”

Myungsoo scratches the back of his head as he flashes his boyish smile again. “Sorry.”

“I’ll treat you ice cream after our class. Deal?”

Naeun slowly nods her head as she saw the guy already leaving.

She sighs once again as Myungsoo holds her arm as they both go to their classroom.

When will we ever meet My Prince?

Is this fate?

I think fate seems not on Naeun today am I right?

But I guess you already know who really saves her! <3

Thank you for subscribing and for all of your comments!

Who is Taeun shipper or Myungsoo shipper?

I'm a both shipper of this two so It's hard to decide.. kekeke~~

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Please update...
Author....Don't betrayal us!!
Anu_Taeun #2
Please update
Anu_Taeun #3
Chapter 8: Please update this one.... I so want to read it.
Anu_Taeun #4
Chapter 8: When are u planning to update this ? I know I'm super late but I liked this story very much. Please do continue.
xBiisx #5
Chapter 8: Taeun please!! Thankyou
Meykkei #6
Chapter 8: Ahh this one is soo going for myungeun T^T Taeun were so cute the first chapters but now Taemin seems like the bad guy and he can't even go near her because of the deal with L D:
blackCOUPLEII #7
Chapter 8: myungsoo is cutee. ^^ hehe. please update soon.
koala_panda #8
Chapter 8: oh no..i am sure the next only bad thing happen with naeun..i don't wanna see it..
Stepfanietaeun #9
Chapter 8: poor naeun! Who will protect her?