Be Mine


The sun touches his porcelain skin as he shifts his body to the other side of the bed.  Myungsoo knows that any minute now his angel will come to his room and wake him up.

How he wishes this moment will last forever. Like a sweet wife waking up his hubby to eat breakfast and give him sweet kisses.

But fate didn’t take his side.

They were just best friends nothing more, nothing less.

It’s hard to accept the fact even the people who knows them thought they were just hiding their relationship.

Myungsoo’s thoughts are interrupted when a knock on his door is heard.

His angel comes in...

He smiles foolishly…

He pretends to sleep again…

“Myungsoo are you awake?” Naeun peeks inside the room, only to see the man still sleeping soundly.

A crease forms on her forehead as she stamps her foot, then she marches towards his comfy bed.

“I know you are awake Mr. Ice Prince!”

Still he didn’t respond.

Naeun’s temper is on the limit. She glances on her watch and see it is one hour left before their class starts.

“Yah! Kim Myungsoo! Stand up now or “I’ll bathe you” Naeun said warningly.

A sly smile forms on Myungsoo’s face as he grabs Naeun’s arm and drags her down on his bed.

He is now on top of her as he kisses her forehead before he gets out of his bed.

“Yah! Myungsoo! You are a ert!” Naeun swipes her forehead, trying to erase his kiss.

“But you like my kiss. Don’t you?” Myungsoo immediately closes his door before Naeun could even throw anything on his face.

“Aish this guy!”

After thirty minutes of waiting, Myungsoo hurriedly runs downstairs to face Naeun’s angry face.

“Sorry.” Myungsoo flashes his boyish smile but Naeun is not affected by it.

“Your smile doesn’t make my mood bright, okay.”

Myungsoo pretends not to hear it as he grabs Naeun’s bag and puts it on his shoulder. “Shall we walk now my lady?”

Naeun sighs and slowly nods as they both go out of the Kim’s Mansion.

Both of them came from a rich family but Naeun didn’t want to ride in a car.

She enjoys the sceneries as she walks down the sidewalk. That’s why Myungsoo decides to stop riding in his car since the day Naeun came to his life.

“Naeun are you still mad at me?”

Naeun didn’t respond and continues to walk.

“My princess what should you like me to do in order to forgive this handsome prince?”

She stops walking and turns around with her arms across her chest.

“Compete with me. Whoever comes first on the school entrance is the winner. If you lose you will be my slave for one week!” Naeun beams a smile as she claps her hands.

“If I win what will be your consequence?”


“Be mine Naeun.” Myungsoo turns his face into a serious manner.

Naeun seems to be surprised from the sudden statement but she still agrees, for she knows that it was just a joke.

“Fine…I’ll be your girlfriend for one week. Deal?” She extends her hand to seal their agreement.

One week?

Does she think that I’m not serious?

Why can’t she feel me?

Myungsoo shakes her hand. “Fine… So let’s beg---“, Before he could finish Naeun starts to run.

“Yah! Naeun-shi can you run a little slower?” Myungsoo bends down his knees as he tries to catch up his breath.

Competing with Naeun is a really bad idea. She’s the captain of the women’s track and field and no one could ever surpass her, even Myungsoo himself.

“Oppa! You’re gonna lose if you keep on resting! ” Naeun turns around to see Myungsoo panting as she laughs wholeheartedly.

Naeun returns to run again leaving Myungsoo still panting with his head down.

As his breath turns to normal, Naeun was already far from him.

He can’t let this happen.

He must win.

This is the only chance he will confess his feelings for her.

Myungsoo keeps on running giving out all his energy to boost himself up.

He saw Naeun running across the road as he saw a speeding car approach her.

“Naeun-shi!!” Mungsoo shouts, but it seems that she doesn’t hear him.

Myungsoo keeps on screaming her name as he run towards her.

With the velocity of the speeding car he will not able to reach her on time.

“Naeun-shi move!!!!” Myungsoo calls her once more.

Naeun heard Myungsoo’s voice as she turns to her side and see the speeding car.

Her mind turns blank as her body was freezes up in the middle of the road.

But then someone grabs her body and pushes it to the other side.

Is it Myungsoo?

But the scent of his cologne is different.

“Are you okay Miss?”

His voice is different. But why do I feel so much comfort in his embrace?

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Please update...
Author....Don't betrayal us!!
Anu_Taeun #2
Please update
Anu_Taeun #3
Chapter 8: Please update this one.... I so want to read it.
Anu_Taeun #4
Chapter 8: When are u planning to update this ? I know I'm super late but I liked this story very much. Please do continue.
xBiisx #5
Chapter 8: Taeun please!! Thankyou
Meykkei #6
Chapter 8: Ahh this one is soo going for myungeun T^T Taeun were so cute the first chapters but now Taemin seems like the bad guy and he can't even go near her because of the deal with L D:
blackCOUPLEII #7
Chapter 8: myungsoo is cutee. ^^ hehe. please update soon.
koala_panda #8
Chapter 8: oh no..i am sure the next only bad thing happen with naeun..i don't wanna see it..
Stepfanietaeun #9
Chapter 8: poor naeun! Who will protect her?