Part one: Misconceptions


Nina’s P.O.V

I caught a bad feeling crawl up my spine and Tao saw the discomfort in my body. I was going to assure him I was fine but he scooted next to me and was going to assure me of comfort.

“Are you okay?” he asked

“Yeah it’s just got a bad feeling from something”

“Okay no more bad feelings for the either of us” he said “I think we should go to the hot springs”

“There’s a hot springs in town?”

“No it’s not real, think of it like a spa. It has like massagers and mud baths and facials and whole bunch of other things. It’s just the fact that this is the easiest way to see you in a bikini”

‘He is so nasty’ I thought with a laugh

“Driver to the spa please”

“Do you do this often” I asked

“What do you mean?” he asked innocently

“Take girls out treat them to the better things in life?”

“On occasion; you just happen to be the first that I’ve been with that’s more than likely not going to be a one night stand”

“Oh I can account for that” I said and he frowned

“We won’t be there for a while so” he stretched out his arms and laid on his back and put his head in my lap and I held my arms up a little shocked at what he had done.

“What are you doing”

“I’m going to rest the way there” he said “I think I’m going to dream of you in that bikini”

“And I think I’m going to have nightmares because you said that” and we both laughed at that and Tao laughed himself right sleep.

‘I wonder what it is he’s been doing to make him so tired’ I saw dark circles under his eyes. I pushed some of his hair out of his eyes. My finger outlined his features and felt the warmth of his skin. ‘Something to savor’ I thought running my fingers through his hair; playing with it during the drive.

As we pulled up to the spa I slid out to be followed by a bed headed Tao. I fixed it for him and he led me into the building. After he had organized everything he told me to go to the changing room.

“I don’t have a bathing suit”

“They have all types you’ll find something” he went off to another direction while I was pulled into the room of a million bikinis. I’ve been to drug cartels and this room out stocked them by thousands.

“What type of suit are you looking for miss?”

“I guess anything thing a cover up and a nice pattern”

“Cover up? What is that”

“I guess I’ll just have anything with a nice pattern”

“Okay then” she brought some that might as well have been made out of string two pennies and a sugar pack. One looked like it was just string.

“These are the designs of fashioned by other girls Mr. Zitao has brought in” ‘Zitao?’

“I’d like something a little less revealing”

“A little more less revealing”

“I didn’t say that” I said

“A lot more less revealing?”

“No. I want a bikini that does not reveal everything that has a nice pattern”

“Oh Okay”

Minutes later I walked into a room filled with steam and felt every pour in my body open up. With the towel wrapped around my waste I looked around to a seemingly empty room designed as if it were the amazon but very realistic. I looked around trying to find to someone of the same characteristics like Tao’s but nothing but steam.


“Boo!” I jumped and the towel I held was snatched away

“Ooh Nina. Who would have known with the hoodies and baggy clothes you were hiding a body like that”

I could help but be embarrassed as he took this chance to circle me. Crossing my arms over my chest I walked over to the pool of warm water. It was an amazing feeling the heat just loosens every muscle in your body.

“It feels wonderful” I said

“It does” he said getting in next to me

“So Tao, how many times have you been here”

“Just a couple” he said with a shrug

“And couple times of being here they already know what type of swimming suit you like your girls to wear”

“They are very observant here”

“How much did all this cost?” I asked

“Not much”

“Not much to you? Or not much to me, because I’m guessing by the use of a town car there’s a difference”

“I’m not rich”

“I never said you were”

“You were implying”

“I was implying you had money; never said it was your mister Zitao”

“That can be explained” he said looking over at me

“I think that’s very clever using a name like that to cover your tracks like that. I would have done the same thing” I said putting my hands behind head

“So you think I’m clever”

“Don’t push it. The money isn’t somebody else’s is it?”

“Nope. I’m using the money legally”

“Okay mister Zitao” I teased “I truthfully don’t care” I said sinking into the water

Tao’s P.O.V

‘I wonder if she’s gonna blow me?’

Nina’s P.O.V

I looked up and saw Tao his lips and took this opportunity to get out.

“Curves in all the right places”

“I heard that”

“I wanted you to” he said following me out “Want me to help you dry off?” he said holding my towel.

“No thanks I think I’ll do it myself” I said reaching for the towel for him to snatch into a different position. I went for it again and kept going until he waved it over his head. I put my hands on my hips and frowned at him.

“Come on don’t get mad play with me” he said waving the towel in his hand.

‘Screw it’ I thought and I jumped for it he wasn’t that tall I just wasn’t too tall myself. I kept jumping until I realized by the satisfaction in Tao’s eyes what I was doing, jumping up and down against his SHIRTLESS chest trying to reach the towel. I jumped one last time and he caught me mid jump and held me close. I pushed away from him helplessly.

“Put me down” I demanded grabbing the towel

“And spoil our fun?” he held me tighter and pulled me up his chest “I don’t think I want to”

“Tao!” I said “Put me down!”

 With a shocked expression he put me down and instead of seeing a hurt expression he was smiling. ‘At least I don’t have to apologize’ I thought rapping the towel around me.

“Sorry, but you were taking your little joke too far”

“I wasn’t joking. But you don’t need to apologize, you just so happen to be only other person except for my sister, and my exes to ever yell at me”   

“Congratulations to me?” I said confused

“You’re nice Nina” he looked down on me and cupped my cheek. With a smile his hand fell and he walked past me. In the few moments his hand left my cheek I wanted him to embrace me in that unique warmth he created. I ended up following him to an indoor pool with the only lights underwater.

“Take a dip. It feels weird to have all that heat on your skin a have the water just” he didn’t finish and let his jaw hang “You know what I mean”

I walked over to the other side and watched Tao as he went in a different direction. I dropped the towel and jumped into the pool I went all the way to the bottom. I swam around and going around to the different lights until they started to dim. I swam to the top and was met by Tao.

“What happened to the lights?” he slid into the water and cupped my cheek which made me back away from him.

“Look” he said tilting my chin towards the ceiling. I watched in aww as the aurora borealis traveled the room “Amazing right? The lights reflect off of the projection and they play all around the room”

At this moment I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry but I knew the tears wouldn’t cry so I smiled.

“Tao” I said looked at him


“Thank you” I said rapping my arms around his neck “Thank you so much” I said

“No problem babe” he said hugging me back

After a few moments I had let go and was still being held “Tao?”

“Just a little longer” he said laying his head on my shoulder. He soon let go and started to sink further into the pool. I took this as a chance to enjoy this scenery. I floated atop the water my arms out and decided to close my eyes. I wanted to take in the serenity of the moment.

“Nina” Tao popped up beside me and pulled me under water. I watched him as laughed under water holding his stomach pointing at me. I was going to get him when he pointed to the top to resurface for air.

“I so got you” he said laughing

“Just wait I will get revenge” I said swimming for him

“Wait,” I stopped “How about we make this interesting?”

“How so” I asked feeling my eyebrow dart to the top of my forward

“Strip racing” he said smiling and cocking his head to the side

“And what makes you think I’d agree?”

“You possibly have the chance to see the rest of this body”

“Thanks but I think I can do without though”

“Come on, humor me” he said “Just this once”

‘Only an idiot would agree to this’ “Fine” ‘Of course I’d agree’.

“Okay from this side to the other you have to get there before the other. Last one there takes one item off. Deal”


We waited at the at the pool’s back “Ready . . . Steady . . . . Go!”

After a few splashes and gasp I made it to the other end Tao came up from behind me with a smile “I think this was a rigged race sir”

“I didn’t see you cheat so there is no foul” Tao disappeared underwater and came back up with his trunks in had letting them go to have them float away. I turned away and laughed but turned back to face him keeping my eyes from below the water.

“You wouldn’t happen to be embarrassed for me”

“A little”

He laughed “Okay one more race”

“Okay but this time you lose you put you trunks back on”

“I win I’m taking that top of yours as a trophy”

“Ready” I said

“Set” Tao continued


I left Tao in my dust as I made my way back faster than him. I laughed as he later sulked about not getting my top while he put his trunks back on.

“I want another round” he said

“How about marco polo?” I said “I’ve never got the chance to play that”

“Okay you close your eyes”

I did as I was told and called out marco. By the third time he called polo I felt he was right behind me.

“Got it” I felt my top slip off of me and I immediately cover myself. I opened my eyes and turned around to see that Tao had at the other end resting his elbow on the side of the pool. And in his hand was my top.

“Oops” he called sarcastically “It seems I have found a piece of swimming attire whatever shall I do” he said smirking at me

“Tao this isn’t funny” I said “Give back” he stuck his lip out “Now”

“Fine” he surrendered with a laugh. He swam up to me and gave it back.

“I’ll tie the back for you”

“I think I can handle it” I tied it tight and figured it was about time I left.

“Tao I think it’s time for me to go” I said

“Oh come on babe I’m honestly sorry. Just a joke”

“No my friend is probably worried and I have prior engagements” I got out of the pool “Thank you”

“Wait” he said coming out behind me “We have to do this again, right. What’s your number?”

“Don’t have a cellphone”

“Then I’ll give you mine” he took me to his locker and gave me his phone.

“Call whenever, really night or day”

“Got it” I said.

He dropped me off where he picked me up and as I walked through the doors I was met by Kris and dark expression.

“Kris?” he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards the garage if I didn’t know any better I would have thought he was trying to pull my wrist off “Kris!?” a call with no answer

As we came up to his car he open the back seat and tried to push me in but that wasn’t going to happened “What’s going on” I asked deciding to stand my ground.

“Get in the car”


“I don’t remember asking you. Get in the car”

“Kris please-“

“Don’t say my name!” he screamed grabbing me by my arms pushing me against the car.

His breathing became ragged and his eyes searched my own until his head fell against my chest. I felt his nose ride up the side of my neck.

“Don’t say that name” he picked his head up and his grip got tighter and I felt his nails dig into my skin.

No One’s P.O.V

Nina cried out in pain to be silenced by Kris’ lips against her own. And Kris who held her against the car pushing his chest against her own cupped her cheek and deepened the kiss as tears fell down his face and a picture fell out his pocket.

Just three questions: What happened to Kris to make him this way, where will this leave there relationship, and whats on that picture?

More to be revealed in the next chapter

Okay so yestarday I was got a comment from a reader and I was soooo happy okay, is that sad?. To those reading, comment your feelings, I think that way I own't be completely clueless on what can happen and what you guys want to happen. And I can update sooner. And no more writer's block, YAY.

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Andrenaeh2017 #1
Chapter 10: oh that's cold.... poor tao's in trouble :(
Andrenaeh2017 #2
Chapter 9: what?!?!?!?! will she love ZiTao or Kris?! and he..k-k-kissed her?! wah~ what is happening and Tao you :P :)
Andrenaeh2017 #3
Chapter 8: oh no what is he doing?!?! is he planning on killing her?!?! and kris is going to be a part of it too right?!?! Is he going to ruin what nina and tao are doing?!?! what trap- sorry please update again soon :D
Chapter 7: ooooooooooooooooh
I can see you finally decided on a picture. I like it!
VIPgal #6
Chapter 2: This fic is too confusing o.e I've decided that youtr mistakes are too much and that I will be your grammar Nazi from now on e.e cant even spell a curse word tsk tsk tsk
Lol VIPgal!!! :)
VIPgal #8
Chapter 1: Wae you make Kris such a softie?! -__-
Chapter 1: Lol '*whispers* hopefully. That was funny!