Work and Play


After Kris' threat he made it his upmost priority to make sure I knew it was a promise. From brushing my teeth to see him looking through the clothes I brought. He came in to the bathroom, while I was showering, and flushed the toilet. I honestly am starting to hate this man. But then again I have to remember a small thing I  was taught as a child delinquent 'Don't get mad. Get even.' I just had to make sure I really had him. 

Kris' P.O.V 

'I actually think she makes a better Maltese than a Chihuahua. But then again she has a pugs eyes and a  short haired Maltese's image.' I smiled as I thought about her small image as she tried to apologize to me. I couldn't help but chuckle at her cute image. I am a little worried about how someone like that could be even associated with the business we do.I started pouring a cup of coffee when the shower started to run. Nina came up to me a put her finger in my face. 

"I don't care if I don't have the right to have privacy you sir are gonna stay away from me while I'm in the shower" she turned and went away.  

At first I was silent then a devilish curl appeared in my smile I had one of my best ideas yet. I grabbed a bag of flower from the cabinet and then went to my room and grabbed my camera. I slowly turned the knob and looked. I poked my head in to be sprayed with  cold water. I quickly retreated closing the door behind me. As I fell back I heard laughter from the other side of the door.  

'Did she just spray me?' 

Nina opened the door and looked down at me "Well I warned you didn't I?" 

"Okay" I said "You wanna play this game, let's play" I got up a went for the door to have it close in my face. the floor burst out of the bag and went in all directions. 

I fumbled with the door as it didn't open "Open the door!" I said "Open the door and clean this mess up" 

"You want me to clean up?" Nina asked form behind the door "Okay" 

The door opened and I fell in water sprayed all over me. Nina laughing over me I grabbed her and pulled her down to me. I held her close and grabbed the hose and started spraying her too. But instead of screaming in displeasure there were bits of laughter coming from her. At one point of this she sprayed the both of us. I started to laugh as she started to rub on the flour on my face and the floor. I looked up at her steadily getting up, fumbling and stumbling, I grabbed her ankle and she slid back to me and I sprayed her again. She managed to get up and I tried to follow but I fell back seeing as though I still hadn't let go of the shower head's hose. She ran to me and fully inspected my head. My wet hair in my eyes and Nina in my eyes I laughed again. She held my head in her hands and looked at me for a moment and smiled. It had to be one of the most genuine and beautiful smiles I've seen. I smiled back and cupped her cheek and she layered it with her own. Nina laughed in front of me and I looked at her features as my hand fell slowly to her neck and a shiver took her body. I felt the goose bumps rise on her skin. I looked down as she was leaning on my thigh wearing a soaked hoodie and shorts. She leaned into my chest and I felt her warm breath against my chest. I grabbed her and sat her up and she said "I can see through your shirt". I looked down to see what might as well been a plastic shirt. I folded my arms over my chest and Nina burst out in tear jerking laughter. I couldn't help flare up in embarrassment.  

"Aww, who new a big bad super agent could make such a cute face! You look just a like a kid" 

"Nice coming from a kid herself"  

"Of course you should be really embarrassed" 

"Yeah yeah you got me, now lets get dried off. After you." 

Nina got up and then turned around and helped me up. I held unto her as she almost fell to the floor. As we slip and slide our way down the hall to the closet.  

"Dry my hair for me?" she asked 


"Please?" she looked up at me with a huge smile 

"How about you go and change I'll change and make some hot chocolate and if your hair is still wet I'll dry it, okay?" 

"Okay" she held up her pinky and I hooked it with my own. She slid to her room and I cleaned up a bit quickly and went to my room and changed. After I finished I walked out to see the little girl sitting on the floor with a towel around her neck watching TV. I went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and started on her hot chocolate until she said that she already made herself something. I sat on the couch behind her. I sat my coffee down and put the towel over her head. As she sat in between my legs she sipped what seemed to be warm milk and honey watching SpongeBob.  

With this warm atmosphere and her gentle laughter at SpongeBob's antics I thought to myself 'I could get used to this-this peace' 


"Yes Nina? You need more milk? 

"No. But thank you, I do have a request though." 


"Take me out and tell me everything about the city" 

"What?!" I said surprised. 

"I'm going out tonight and I want to get a feel for the fighting style here. Could you tell where I could find the company's fighting club?" 

"We don't have one" 
"Don't lie" she looked up at me "you're bad at it" 

"Are you just gonna watch?' 

"Not gonna promise anything" I sighed at the bothersome child and put the towel to my side. 

"You ready to go out then?" 

"Yeah lets go" there was a plain expression on her face that completely crushed any earlier essence of a smile being there.  

 I got up and as she passed me her hair brushed against my arm and I looked back at her. 

'You're doing this to yourself again' her hair wasn't down her back, it just at her shoulder blades. Her bronze skin accenting her small frame. I raised my hand out to her and my mouth fell open as nothing came out and she turned around. Tears on her face and blood on her side. 



"Kris?" Nina appeared in front of me with then same deathly hollow and baron face she had before she had become Genevieve.  

"S-sorry let's go" 

Nina's P.O.V 

Driving down a street lit by a thousand different lights I watched them as they flew past me. I wasn't exactly happy ruining the nice atmosphere I was creating but I reminded myself of my job here.  I sighed and Kris pulled into a garage that took us underground. We went to a elevator that was almost rode completely smooth that I couldn't tell whether we went down 5 floors or 9 but it was much father than that. The doors opened to an empty hallway. Walking into the door in front of us it opened up to a large riot.  

"What's happening" 

"You wanna fight? I want you to show me that I can bet on you and it'd be worth it" 

"You want me to fight them all?" 

"Sure, why the hell not? That wouldn't happen to be a problem for you would it?" 

"Of course not" I said dully 

I walked out slowly hoping to not get noticed from what they were shouting it seemed like there was someone did something they shouldn't have. I looked back at Kris who was lighting a cigarette waving me to keep going.I looked over to see someone being thrown to the ceiling. I walked over to just the outside of the circle and grabbed one by his jacket and elbowed him in the back his neck. As soon as he was out cold I threw him off somewhere. I grabbed another guy and punched straight in the jaw.  As I did the level of noise slowly went to that of a low whisper.   

"*It's very shameful*" Kris said in English "*To be hit by a woman* 

"Fu**" I was grabbed from behind and thrown into a pillar. a ducked as a fist came straight for my head and then struck back to be kicked in my side. As I slid on my back on the concrete I looked at Kris who was leaning against a pillar smoking with an smirk that annoyed the sh*t out of me. I got up and a big guy came at me screaming swinging his fist. I jumped up and the heel of my foot landed dead in the middle of his face. I rode his face down to the concrete and then ran to the next guy, a round-house kick and contacted with my shoulder and my exact same counter contacted with his chin. I looked to see another 9 guys I had to take out. I groaned and then went for the biggest of them all, I launched myself into the air to be caught in his arms and hip thrown to the ground. As his foot went down to my face I grabbed it a twisted to a cracking noise. I jumped up and got punched in the face continuously until I blocked it. Then I dodged a round-house kick from behind and punched the guy in the jaw. I turned around to see the man form behind about to round-house kick me so I ducked and he hit the other guy. So those three were down and next was a the other six. 

"Nina!" Kris yelled I turned around and see them all holding knives. 

I groaned as I slapped my hand to my forehead. They came screaming at me and I ran to them until the sound of a revolver echoed. As they all stopped I found an aggravated sigh left me. 

"Who asked you to interfere?!" I yelled at Kris 

"Nina!" I turned around to spot a man holding Kris in a choker hold and another man in a hoodie pointing a revolver at me. I glared at him and turned around the knives were and the ground and the men were gone.  

'I was actually getting a workout and it was ruined because of this prick' I looked at the darkness that shielded his face. I went to pick up a knife and started walking towards him. 

"Nina!' Kris managed to yell "Stop!" 

"I won't get blood on you shut up and watch" I  said gripping the knife in my hand feeling a excessive beat in my heart.  

'The fighting got to me' I thought to myself 'if I'm not careful I'll accidentally kill Kris too' 

"I don't want to shoot you" the man's arm fell to his side "I'm not gonna shoot you" he said 

'Well aren't you a stupid man' I broke into a run  

"Wait,  Shàoyé!" I froze in front of the man in the hoodie 

I looked back at the the man holding Kris with wide eyes. He was the man from the night I went to the cavern and I looked up into the same eyes of the shadow I was engulfed in that night. He grabbed the knife that was held in the air and it fell to the ground. His hoodie fell off and he smiled at me. 

"It's seems I've saved you again" 

I looked to the side "I don't owe you any favors" I said under my breath loud enough for him to hear and the man behind him called me 'insulant' or something like that "Considering the fact that you are holding my friend in a choker hold" 

His eyes widened and he looked behind him "Sorry about that. We thought he was a bad guy, let him go" 

"Yes Shàoyé" Kris fell to the ground 

I looked up to meet a Tao's dark gaze raked over me and I glared at him. As your eyes met, it was his gaze to my own. I felt my face quickly degrading into a hateful scowl, to that of a expression of fear or aww as he cupped my cheek. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. My shoulders went slack and eyes wide I backed away. 

"Kris take me home" I pushed his hand off my cheek and went for the door. 

No one's P.O.V 

Nina left and Kris at her heals and went directly to the elevator. As Kris hit the button and the doors shut Nina collapsed in the corner. Kris went to her but stopped as an unbearable feeling of fear consumed him. Nina held herself in that corner continuously filling her thoughts of what would make her like this. As she cradled herself nothing but pain came to her, she was putting herself through a portion of the fourth method (not absorbing blood) and it was driving her mad. She had never felt vulnerable in someone's eyes before. The monster inside of her was slowly consuming her to protect her from what she had not shown in a long time, vulnerability. And it was so strong that even Kris felt it radiating from her. Tao looked at the elevator with a smirk on his face. There was something about that girl that just captured him. He didn't know what but something told him that being around her would make things in his life interesting. He wanted her closer to him. 

"Lets get to know each other well. Nina" he sang leaning against the elevator doors. 

"Shàoyé I think that it be best we left now" his bodyguard said

"Yeah your right, I have to go back home before my sister notices I sneaked out again"

"If you didn't sneak out in the first place then you wouldn't get in trouble" the bodyguard retorted

"But wheres the fun in a life without adventure" Tao said "Speaking of adventure I want you to find everything you can on that girl, Nina"

"Shàoyé I think it would be best if we stayed away from her. She was as you could see with 'him' and we both know we have to stay away from those who work for-"

"Come on" Tao interrupted "Just a little insight, please?"

The bodyguard sighed and just walked off without an answer and Tao followed continuous pleading.

Who is Genevieve?

What's her connection to Kris?

Did Nina prove herself?

Will Tao find out anything about Nina?

Will Nina over come her fear of Tao's presence?

Um just a little something to say um when Kris was told to be speaking in english I put up these * to show that it was a different language. Um I'm writing this as if they're speaking in chinese. I hope that's not weird -_-" sorry if it is. I plan on using french later on as well I'm not fluent but I'll see what I can do since I have a french friend. 

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Andrenaeh2017 #1
Chapter 10: oh that's cold.... poor tao's in trouble :(
Andrenaeh2017 #2
Chapter 9: what?!?!?!?! will she love ZiTao or Kris?! and he..k-k-kissed her?! wah~ what is happening and Tao you :P :)
Andrenaeh2017 #3
Chapter 8: oh no what is he doing?!?! is he planning on killing her?!?! and kris is going to be a part of it too right?!?! Is he going to ruin what nina and tao are doing?!?! what trap- sorry please update again soon :D
Chapter 7: ooooooooooooooooh
I can see you finally decided on a picture. I like it!
VIPgal #6
Chapter 2: This fic is too confusing o.e I've decided that youtr mistakes are too much and that I will be your grammar Nazi from now on e.e cant even spell a curse word tsk tsk tsk
Lol VIPgal!!! :)
VIPgal #8
Chapter 1: Wae you make Kris such a softie?! -__-
Chapter 1: Lol '*whispers* hopefully. That was funny!