
Ghost Everlasting

"I love you."

"Don't say that!"


"Those words."

"I love you."

"Please, stop."

"No, I won't stop. Just please don't deny it I know you feel the same way I do."

"I'm afraid."

"I promise, no harm will come to you."


"Shhh. I love you."

"I... I lo... I love you too."




"Hey Jonggie," You sighed heavily noticing the spaced out boy following you.

"Where are we."

"Next to Kaisoo Theatre."

Jongup muttered almost inaudibly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, don't worry." He smiled awkwardly walking ahead. "Come on short legs, works waiting." He cheered.

"My legs aren't that short!" You hissed causing people to stare at you awkwardly.

After bowing in apology you glared at Jongup and sped away from him as he giggled.

"Hey Jonggie." You turned to see him gone. "Maybe I should tell him my grandmother was the one who died in the accident." You instinctively reached for the necklace of hers that was missing. "Oh no." You stopped and frantically searched for it.

"I'm glad I caught you, you dropped this back there a minute ago." A boy smiled widely handing you the heirloom.

"Thank you, I don't know what I'd do if I lost this." You smiled putting it on. "Thank you again... ummm."

"Yongguk. Bang Yongguk." He smiled even wider extending his hand.

"Jang Soomin." You shook his hand.

"So um.." He said while staring at your still locked hands.

*....time is running out....* "Sorry I have to go." You shyly pulled your hand away before turning off your alarm and running to work.

"Wow Yongguk, smooth." Zelo chuckled as he hugged him from behind. "She ran away faster than the other girls you've hit on."

"She wasn't running away from me, her alarm went off." He smirked a bit before checking the time. "Damn it! I am going to be late, we'd better hurry and get you to school."

"Hyung, I'm not a baby."

"Well you have missed to much school, if I recieve another call from a truant officer off to private school you go." Yongguk threatened dragging Zelo behind him.


"Oh, Jongup-sshi your back." Youngjae smiled removing his napsack.

"How have you been these passed few days?"

"I've been well just a bit busy since the lab was backed up when Examiner Cho took a sick week." Youngjae blew a raspberry gathering his paperwork.

"Any news yet?"

"Actually yes, That collegue of mine said that he's tracked down an unidentified body that matches your description, but he said it was someone who's cause of death was a heart attack." Youngjae sighed sadly. "I'm sorry Jongup, but i'll keep looking. I promise."

"Thank you hyung." He smiled.

"So why are you with me today? Aren't you usually with Sammy?"

"Normally yes, but I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Mind if I start working?" Youngjae asked cautiously.

"No, I'm fine with seeing dead bodies." Jongup waved him off.

"So what's on your mind."

"Honestly, I wonder why Sammy lost her memory, she had one of those minds that never forgot a thing, even what people said weeks before she'd remember but now she always forgets things."

"Maybe her accident caused trauma." Youngjae rationalized while opening a chest cavity.

"Maybe, I just hope she ate enough, I know apple's are her favorite now, but an apple for breakfast is not enough."

"She's a smart woman, I don't think she'd starve herself." Youngjae smiled a bit while weighing a heart.

"well I should head back to her, she starts her new job today and I promised I'd help her." Jongup eyed the heart with a horrified expression.

"Your an odd one Jongup, have fun and be careful." Youngjae warned as Jongup faded away.


"Hello, I'm Jang Soomin, call me Soomin or Sammy, if you call me Miss Jang or anything you called my mother than stay out of my sight and we can co-exist without problem." You spoke to the group of officer that Chief Jung had gathered to greet you.

"Well Sammy, that couldn't have been any worse could it." He awkwardly laughed before addressing the group. "Well, Soomin will mainly be handling our cold case files in homicide and she will also be filling her mothers place until a new Commissioner General is selected." He said scanning the crowd. "Where is the Rookie?"

"He's late again sir." A man hollered from the back.

"Aish, Ummm, Dae. Can you please show Soomin to the Homicide Cold Case building since it is on the way to Examiner Cho's?" He pointed to a young boy in the back.

"Yes Chief Jung." He hissed eyeing the chief with a fire in his eyes. "Come on." The boy dragged you behind him quickly.

Once outside Daehyun questioned you non stop, you were suprised that he was so passionate about being a homicide detective, the walk wasn't long enough so you asked him to accompany you inside to show you around some more as an excuse.

"So why doesn't you father allow you to take a detective position?"

"He doesn't want me to get hurt or anything, I know he means well, but I just can't stay away, it's like it's in my blood to be here."

"Excuse me?" A wide smiled boy asked.


"May I ask where Commander Choi Siwon's office is?"

"He passed away four years ago." Daehyun said with a slight confused look. "May I ask why your looking for him?"

"Well that can't be, he just visited me last night..." He said a bit confused. "Um, could you point me toward the direction of the Medical Examiner office?"

"I can show you, I'm heading there myself." Daehyun pouted a bit. "I'll speak to you later Sammy, lunch maybe?" Daehyun questioned expectingly.

"Sure, but your buying."

"Hey you're the dongasaeng." Daehyun chuckled.

"Exactly you should take care of me." You smirked as he pouted.  "Fine I'll pay." You hissed.

"Thanks dongsaeng." He chuckled leading the boy outside.

"Sammy, I'm back." Jongup hollered with a smile playing on his lips.

"Where have you been? I was worried you'd forgotten your promise." You giggled a bit opening the door to the cold case files room.

"I was talking to Youngjae. Wow this place is way bigger than I remember."

"Well it's been awhile."

"Nothing changes this much in a few days time." He hissed scanning the shelves. "I want to know how long i've been dead!" He angrily growled causing things behind him to shake.

"Jongup calm down, it must have been a bit longer than a few days. Regardless when I find your case file we will know for sure."

"Where do we start." Jongup smiled widely digging in a file locker.

"Um let's start with these shelves?" You pointed to the oldest looking ones.

"Those are really old I doubt mine is in there, I'm going to look at those ones." he pointed to a wall of light colored boxes.

"Jongup have you ever wondered how you can manage to touch and move things?"

"Not really, It was hard at first but I practiced a lot." He smiled pulling some boxes down as you turned to the older files.

"Jonggie what was your surname?"

"Moon." He nonchalantly replied shoving the boxes back on the shelf before starting the next row.


"Hmmm, it' s not under moon..." You muttered trying to think.

"It won't be, I've already looked." A deep voice startled you. "Shh, he's napping." The blonde from earlier pointed at Jongup.

"You can see him."

"Why are you here." Yongguk asked ignoring your question.

"Since we can both obviously see Jongup how did you know I could see him." You ignored his previous question as well.

"Yes. I can see him. You used his surname." Yonguk reason as he blocked the door. "Now why are you here."

"I'm allowed to be." You pulled your badge out and showed him your identification. "I'm the late Miss Jang's daughter."

"Then I guess you're my new boss?" He asked unsurely pulling his badge and identification out.

"I am. Nice to meet you properly." You shook his hand turning back to the files. "Maybe his married name would be where his file is."

"Jongup was married." Yongguk asked surprised.

"He talks about marriage as if he's experianced it but I can't be sure, it's worth a look though right?"

"If he was it could be that his death was a result of the marriage." Yongguk got teary eyed as he looked over at the still sleeping Jongup. "It must be horrible to die for love." Yongguk wiped his eyes pretending it was morning fatigue..

"Don't be saddened, he had to have known the risks. I wonder if he will tell me his married name someday soon." You frowned.

"He hasn't told you?"

"It makes him angry when I ask." You frowned before taking on a serious face and standing in front of Yongguk. "Why are you so late. I saw you this morning, if I made it in on time why couldn't you?!" You hissed.

"Ohhh yonggie your here!" Jongup excitedly hollered rushing to your side. "Sammy do you remember him now?" Jongup asked excitedly.

"Jongup, I met him earlier today don't you remember he gave me back my necklace."

"What necklace" Jongup asked confused. "I've never seen you with one on."

"The one I always wear." You pulled it out to show him.

"How did you get this, they..." He trailed off trying to touch it only to pass through it. "I just want to hold it, why can't I..." He growled angrily as his attempts failed. "Please just let me touch it..." He sobbed still trying.

"Jongup, what's wrong." Yongguk asked reaching his hand out to stop Jongup.

"You too, why, why do you have these, they aren't yours!" Jongup's sobbing continued.

"Jongup please tell me what is wrong." You couldn't hold back your light tears as you faced his red eyes and tear stained face.

"The necklace and that watch, they don't belong to either of you, where did you get them."

"Mine was given to me." You looked away holding the infinity symbol tightly.

"Mine too." Yongguk looked away placing his hands in his pocket.

"I'm going to go see Youngjae, I'll be back later okay." Jongup forced a smile fading away.

"Jongup wait." You sighed as he was already gone.

"How did you get that necklace." Yongguk asked scanning the hand in his pocket.

"My grandmother passed it onto me." You wiped your eyes. "How did you get that watch."

"My grandfather gave it to me when I took Junhong in." Yongguk smiled a bit at the memory.

"Do you by any chance look like him?"

"Spitting image of him at this age why?"

"I am the exact copy of my grandmother at this age. When I first met Jongup he automatically called me Sammy and said I was in an accident and I was his best friend in the whole world." You finally let go of the necklace. "But I was never in an accident, my grandmother was."

"So you assume that he is under the impression we are them because of our likeness."

"It has to be." You sighed.

"I really wonder if we can find the file." Yongguk sighed opening the 'A' file drawer before pulling out a handful.

"I hope we do, Jongup really needs the closure."

*knock, knock*


"Sammy, it's lunch time, I was hoping you wouldn't mind eating american, there's this place just up the street." Daehyun smiled ignoring Yongguk.

"Yeah, that sounds great." You smirked grabbing your wallet and coat.

"Mind if I tag along?" Yongguk asked awkwardly scratching his nape.

"Not at all." You and Daehyun chimed together before laughing it off.

"Oh, Miss Ja.. Sammy, I've caught you... Mr. Jung was looking for you."

"But it's lunch." Daehyun hissed.

"It's about that case you've been looking for he said he's found it in your mother's belongings." The officer took deep breaths while standing hunched over.

"I'm sorry Dae, I have to go, but here." You handed him a few bills. "Lunch is still on me." You sprinted away quickly.

"I'm going with her." Yongguk nodded at Daehyun running to catch you.

"I'm going as well." Daehyun smirked at the officer before joing in the sport of running.


"I wonder why that group is running." Youngjae looked puzzled while approaching his car.

"Who knows." Jongup shrugged passing through the door and into the car.


"Why would a group of people be running through a massive crowd, especially in front of a police station." Himchan wondered as he twirled his key chain.

"I think that's Yongguk hyung with that girl from earlier." Zelo smiled eating his hamburger.

"Won't he get mad that you ditched again."

"I'm fine, he really won't send me to a boarding school unless my grades fall. I'm really curious as to why they're running though, Hyung avoids running unless absolutely necessary."


"Upbringing." Zelo shrugged his shoulder shoving a fry into his mouth.

"So why are we still here let's go follow them."

"If you insist." Zelo had a mischevious glint in his eye before he packed up and followed the running trio.






Another mini ish? update. Either way i'm thinking of making this an under 20 chapters story since my current outline is small. We'll see, in the mean time look at the cute hat I am ordering.

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bohyemi #1
Chapter 8: wow......I thought it Himup....
ooh it was still good