
Ghost Everlasting

"Jongup are you ready?"

"I'm nervous."

"I love you. I am not gonna leave you." Daehyun smirked lightly holding Jonup's face as he placed a gentle kiss on his lips.


"Come on we can't keep our witnesses waiting." He smirked moving to the make shift door.

"Dae, I love you." Jongup swiftly kissed him, blushing before slipping passed the frozen, smiling Daehyun.



"I'm sorry Mr. Jung." You whispered as the arresting officer passed with Daehyun's dad in hand cuffs. "Please return to your normal duties and I will take care of this before the end of the day." You motioned to the office Daehyun's dad once occupied.

"Come on we need to get back on the case." Yongguk frowned pulling you behind him gently.

"I just hate that I'm going to have to tell Daehyun he can't work this case, he's emotionally compromised." You sighed twisting the knob.

"Daehyun!?" Yongguk hollered as Daehyun was pressing against a flushed Jongup as he kissed him, while Zelo was standing with wide eyes off to the side.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't control myself." Daehyun backed away from Jongup before letting himself fall to the floor. "What's going to happen now? I know I can't work the case or anything." He sighed rubbing his head.

"What case." Jongup asked finally snapping out of the trance he was in.

"Jongup, what I've been trying to tell you..." You frowned trying to think of how to explain.

"We found your case file, but it wasn't alone." Yongguk finished as he pointed to the open file on the table.

"Wait, he's Jung Jongup." Daehyun stood up abruptly turning Jongup away from the open file. "You can't be him he's..." Daehyun widened his eyes in realization before passing out.

Jongup took no time in catching him before his head hit the floor. "I'm not going to lose you again Jung Daehyun." Jongup softly rubbed Daehyun's head.


"You may enter." You hollered as a timid looking man slid into the room.

"Hi, I'm..." He studdered staring at you. "I'm.." He scratched his nape nervously.

"Youngjae, they found my case." Jongup smiled widely pointing to the desk.

"Who are they?" Youngjae pointed to Yongguk and Zelo as he walked quietly to the desk not taking his gaze off of you.

"I'm Yongguk and the child next to the wall is supposed to be in school right now." Yongguk smiled while talking in a very low voice sending chills up your spine.

"There's other people in here." Jongup looked around and met eyes with a newly arrived Himchan.

In one swifty lightning fast movement Jongup was throwing Himchan around the room. Landing loud punches on his torso causing him to groan in pain, but the odd thing was that Himchan didn't seem to be fighting back at all. If anything his expression showed guilt and hurt.

As you and Yongguk tried to pull one of the two away your hands passed through both of them, it was then that you realized Himchan was a ghost as well.

"Why didn't you help me!" Jongup hissed kicking the man repeatedly with a blind furious rage that caused the items in the room to fly around and fall over. "All you did was stand there and watch, you said you loved me, that you didn't care if I picked Daehyun you were there for our wedding and yet you still left me to die! How could you!" He hissed gripping Himchan by his neck.

"I'm sorry." Himchan croaked. "I'm so sorry."

*knock, knock* "Come back later." Yongguk hollered.

"I'm sorry but I need to speak to Miss Jang Soomin immediately." A frantic voice spoke from beyond the door causing Jongup's onslaught to stop.

"Give me a second." You shouted back. "Jonggie, please let him down, you need to know the full story, remember that's what makes a good detective.." You whispered in Jongup's ear as he sobbed releasing his grip on Himchan.

"Hello." You opened the door to see the young man from earlier push his way into the room.

"Hi, um nice to see you again, uh I am Kim Himjong and I need to speak to Jang Soomin immidiately."

"I'm jang Soomin." You showed him your identification.

"Oh good, here look!" He handed you a file of pictures. "My grandfather passed away a few years ago of a poisoning, I'll explain later, and shortly after my father died in a mysterious accident. Then six months ago I got a call from some guy who called himself Chief Choi of Seoul Division and saying his daughter had betrayed him." He flipped through a bunch of family photos pointing out the girl who was circled in each one.  "And then like the other day I got visited by him saying to go to Examiner Cho and something else but either way he gave me this necklace and I think this woman is after me next." He pointed to a final image of the woman in the images, she looked so famiiar to you that you began biting your lip in thought. "I don't want this necklace it was my grandfathers and then he gave it to my dad and they both died while holding it, I don't know what to do and ugh... please just tell me is it cursed?" The boy finally stopped his rambling to breathe.

"I know her." You frowned not being able to place the face.

"Please help me, I'm afraid for my life. I can't even manage to find my lucky charm..." He bit his nails frantically.

"Just relax, we'll figure this out.." You asured him patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"I just don't know what to do, I mean.. She's been following my family for years... Every picture she's in it." He sighed heavily.

"What year did the pictures start having her."

"Um, Here this is the first one, it's from early ninteen fourty I think, either way it's super old, she's here in my grandpa's service picture too." You scanned the image then glanced at Himchan quickly before looking back to it.

"I'll look into it, in the mean time I need you to calm down and go stay with some relatives." You scanned the images further while guiding Himjong to the door.

"This can't be..." Yongguk leaned close to your back peering over your shoulder to see the image. "Junhong come, look."

"That's the woman from the ninteen thirty-nine school fire." Zelo pulled the pictures from you. "This woman is dead though. She commited suicide after claiming she could live forever with her husband."

"Who was her husband. What's her name?" You asked without a seconds hesitation.

"We don't know, she was never married and her name was never mentioned in the reports."

"Maybe it's Commander Choi's daughter?" Himchan chimed in.

"This isn't commander Choi's daughter though, she's still living." You tugged on your bottom lip nervously.

"Did he have any other daughters?" Yongguk looked at a guilty looking Jongup.

"One, Choi Sooyoung."

"He never had a daughter named Sooyoung."

"We knew her by Kim Yejin."

"That model, the one who was always in trouble because she was a loose woman!" Himchan said completely shocked.

"That's the one." Jongup sighed heavily playing with Daehyun's hair.

"Why would she be going after our families though?" Himchan rubbed his eyes in frustration.

"Because I took her shot at one away." Jongup sighed again placing a gentle kiss on Daehyun's forehead. "I will take care of her. In the meantime call Himjong back to the station and stay together."

"Why?" You and Youngjae questioned confused.

"I know where to find Sooyoung."Jongup gently placed Daehyun's head on a jacket he had found on the floor.
 "And you will need to stay close and be on the lookout.." He trailed off

"Jonggie." Himchan gripped him. "When you come back I will explain my story." He forced a smile letting Jongup go.

"Let's go find Himjong?" Yongguk placed his fist in the air as everyone started joining him.

"What about sleeping beauty. I'm not lugging him around." Zelo ruined the moment by pointing out the obvious.

*knock * I'm sorry I forgot my coat may I have it back please." Himjong spoke from beyond the door causing you all to smirk happily if only for a moment.

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bohyemi #1
Chapter 8: wow......I thought it Himup....
ooh it was still good