
Ghost Everlasting

"I promised him forgiveness and dammit I'm going to solve this case!"

"Look I'm getting you off of it for your own health. This case has been a dark cloud over this station for decades, I can't let it own your life like it did our predecessors."

"I won't let you, we're training partners if I'm gone so are you!"

"Not anymore." The woman held up a transfer paper. "I go to Busan tomorrow, there's a permanent position waiting for me." She turned her back walking away.



"This isn't just some family secret it's a life that you all tried to cover up!" Daehyun yelled at his father.

"Dae, it's just that the family decided to let it go, he was so young and father chose not to speak about it." His uncle pleaded.

"No, this needs to be fixed and finished, what your saying is.. it's... ugh!" He growled flipping a desk and chairs.

"Daehyun what's going on?" You questioned.

"Jongup's husband, he's my grandfather's twin! And they dropped his case for so long because they didn't want to deal with it. How could you not want to get closure." Daehyun grumbled kicking a box of case files.

"Jung Daehyun you will stop this now!" His father raised his voice.

"No! I refuse." He glared at his father as he clenched his teeth.

"Then you can say goodbye to your heirloom I will be melting it down!"

"You wouldn't dare.."

"What heirlooom." You butted in glaring holes into his father. "I order you to hand it over."

"Just because you hold a higher position than I do does not mean you will boss me around like I am a child." The man clenched his fists at his sides.

"You can do this the easy way or the not easy way, you just admitted to a room full of officers that you are withholding an heirloom which belongs to your son, as well as admitting to covering up an unsolved murder case, Mr. Jung I am within my legal right to arrest you and remove you from your current active duty." You authoritatively responded.

"But, it was my family's decision unanimously to bury the case, we do not want it solved." Mr. Jung replied worridly.

"If solving your uncle's case would have led to solving Moon Jongup's then for the sake of the Moon family I believe they would have prefered the closure." Yongguk responded before you could push the words out.

"I didn't agree to bury the case, I want it opened, I want it solved." Daehyun spoke his voice laced with boiling anger. "I want it solved." He hissed turning back towards the office with the files.

*Jongup if you can hear me come back we found your file.* You thought while gripping onto the necklace.


"I wonder what's going on everyone seems to be rushing towards the main building." Youngjae frowned. "Maybe something big happened should we go check it out?"

"Sammy..." Jongup whispered looking around.

"Is something wrong."

"I can feel her anger." He clenched his fists tightly.

"Jongup, let's go to them. Where are they." Youngjae asked looking around.

"There. In that building where everyone is flooding, that's where her anger is coming from." He disappeared as Youngjae quickly headed towards the building.

"What's going on inside?" He asked a passing officer.

"We just got a call that Jang Soomin is arresting Chief Jung." He turned back to a group of gossiping men as Youngjae pushed his way inside.

"Youngjae!" Himchan hollered running up to him. "This way, up the backstairs the elevator and main stairs are crammed with people.

"Thank you, what exactly happened." He questioned.

"Well, Chief Jung has been covering up a murder something about his family not wanting it to get out that there was an illegal same marriage in their family." Himchan frowned. "You'd think they'd want to have the case solved so that his spirit could rest or something but according to the other officers Chief Jung's family wanted to write the quote "abomination" out of their history." Himchan rambled on gritting his teeth when he said abomination.

"So they buried the case?"

"Yes, it's this big cover up, it's why a Jung has always been a chief or higher up, to continuously conceal it."

"Then why couldn't Dae be a detective..." Youngjae trailed off finally reaching the fifth floor where the most noise was coming from.





A/N small update but it's a double update!?

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bohyemi #1
Chapter 8: wow......I thought it Himup....
ooh it was still good