
Ghost Everlasting

"Jongup, I can wait, I know it will hurt and I don't want to rush things."

"But we're married."

"And that means we have all the time in the world to do that."

"I love you Dae, and I promise it is yours when I am ready."

"Uh huh." He lightly pecked Jongup's lips.

"You know I never break a promise." Jongup lightly teased Daehyun by biting his lip during the kiss.

"I know." Daehyun kissed him back with more passion lightly cupping his face in the process.


"Do you think Jongup is okay?" You scanned your watch again.

"I don't know it's been six hours." Youngjae sighed adjusting his jacket over your shoulders as Yongguk glared at him.

"He's fine." Himchan placed Himjong's head on his shoulder. "It's so weird seeing my grandson all grown up, he looks just like his mother."

"How did you die?" Youngjae questioned.

"I caught pneumonia." Himchan sighed.

"Why did Jongup mention you not helping him." Yongguk asked now glaring at Himchan.

"I was forced to do so." Himchan looked away sadly.

"Explain!" Yongguk hollered.

"My wife at the time had caught me trying to kiss Jongup and she told Chief Choi. He used it against me for awhile knowing I'd lose everything, but when Jonggie and Dae got married they used my unborn child and wife as collaterol so that I would do as they say. " He sniffled a bit. "I couldn't choose and I knew if I picked Jongup i'd be as good as dead, I couldn't do that to my family. I stood by as he was locked in a trunk for days because they had taken my wife and threatened to kill her if I let him out." He sobbed harder. "I killed Dae, because he was bleeding to death and I knew he wouldn't want to live not after watching what those men did to Jongup." Himchan wiped his eyes. "I watched them cut into him, fighting the will to rush to his aid, instead ending his life like he asked me to." Himchan shook violently. " I killed my best friends and live with the sound of their screams and slowing hearts in my head everyday on repeat."

"Himchan, you had a tough decision." Zelo spoke softly. "If I were you I might have shot the men but they were bound to have had a plan b or worse." He sighed heavily scanning Jongup's case file.

"I regret so much not choosing them." He cried more.

"Don't regret it." Jongup breathed out heavily making his presence known.

"Jonggie!" You rushed to him. "How? What did you do!?" You scanned him.

"I got rid of her, but it was a hefty price to do so." He slid down the wall a bit.

"What did you do." Himchan asked.

"I fought with her spirit, but it took a lot more than I am used to." He smiled sadly. "I gave it my all to protect you all, just like you all protected me." He hiccuped. "I'm at peace now that I know the truth, I know what they did to you and me and dae, move on, pass over, live life." He said crawling over to Daehyun. "Fall in love again." He kissed his forehead before looking around at everyone and then up before disappearing.

"Jongup!" You hollered gripping your necklace tightly looking for him all over.

"Sammy he's gone." Yongguk held you back.

"No, I don't believe you, he disappears all the time it's just a joke!" You hissed with tears in your eyes. "He does this all the time he'll be back, I know it."

"Where's Himchan?" Zelo scanned the room before calling out for him.

"He disappeared too." Youngjae spoke up tossing his wallet across the room angrily.



~ 6 Months Later ~

"Sammy how about a lunch date?"

"Youngjae, I already have plans with Daehyun I'm sorry, your welcome to join us."

"Alright." He smiled.

"And what about me." Yongguk tried to pout cutely.

"Stop doing that and I'll let you keep your job." You chuckled as he looked sad.

"It's so weird, now that the case is solved it's like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders." Daehyun smiled.

"I just wonder what happened to Examiner Cho he never returned from his trip, he only sent in a resignation letter." Youngjae frowned.

"I don't know, but hopefully he's happy." Daehyun shrugged before tossing his arm over your shoulder.

"Hopefully." You looked around cautiously as if someone were watching you.

"So how does american sound?"

"Great." You smiled freezing for a moment when you heard someone call out your name.

"Ah, I'm glad I caught up they told me your Jang Soomin?" An exact replica of Jongup stood in front of you.

"I'm Moon Han, my family asked that I bring this for you. It's all of my great uncles personal belongings. We figured that you'd like to have it."

"Thank you but I can't accept it."

"Oh." He frowned.

"Would you like to join us for lunch? We can look over it?" You smiled pointing towards your group.

"That would be... wonderful." He blushed after Daehyun made eye contact with him.


"So Jonggie why did you lie to them?"

"Because they don't need me anymore and I have you back Dae, we can't have you know with them fully able to see." He smiled cheekily.

"Yeah but it must have hurt them to lose you."

"I know, but I am glad it all worked out."

"I'm glad your back in my arms." He pecked Jongup's forehead.

"Even as ghosts you two make me want to vomit."

"Shut up Himchan." The shouted in unison.

"Well let's get going if we're going to find the other locked away spirits of our friends we're going to have to start soon."

"Please himchan you said our honeymoon could be as long as we needed as long as we worked extra hard right after."

"Fine. You know where I'll be." He grumbled disappearing.

"So Jung Jongup how did you get so tough."

"I was angry, I couldn't believe they did it all because of that woman's idle threats, she deserved to burn like she did."

"You can't really mean that?"

"Kind of yeah." He smirked cutely pecking Daehyun's lips.

"So do you think Han and Daehyun can be happy like we were?"

"I don't know but I thought we are still happy." Jongup raised his brow before storming off in a huff.

"Jonggie that isn't what I meant." Daehyun chased him, before scooping him up. "I love you Jung Jongup."

"And I love you Jung Daehyun." Jongup smiled kissing him passionately.

"Let's go help himchan?" Daehyun questioned as they broke from the kiss.

"Alright, but no special time for you tonight." Jongup smirked poking Daehyun's nose before disappearing.

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bohyemi #1
Chapter 8: wow......I thought it Himup....
ooh it was still good