
Ghost Everlasting

"Is it him?" Detective Bang approached the scene.

"Yes, we found him, and believe me you don't want to see what they did." Examiner Yoo frowned deeply as he and his assistant passed carrying a fresh folded blanket.

"Sir, we canvased the immediate area but heaven't found any of his belongings." Rookie office Choi wiped his eyes.

"Why him. Why." Detective Jang sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'll get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing I do." Detective Bang hissed holding her in his arms when Rookie officer Moon Jongup's body was carried passed him and placed inside the back of a police vehicle.

"Detective we have another body." Another rookie ran up a sweaty and panting mess. "Hurry, the rain is going to start up again soon." He ran back with the detectives and examiner following closely behind.




"Sammy wake up, you'll be late for your first day back if you continue sleeping." Jongup said loudly hoping to wake you.

"Just five more minutes, Jonggie." You hissed covering your head with a pillow.

"No, that's what you said last time and guess what you didn't wake up."

"Fine, I'm up, i'm up!" You hissed going to the bathroom.

"Sammy have you found it yet?"

"No, I haven't. I'm sorry Jongup." You sighed heavily as you washed up. "But when I find that case file, I will make sure to tell you."

"How are you sure that you can find it?"

"I have a gut feeling." You smiled softly picking up an apple from the kitchen.

"I miss eating, what does that apple taste like."

"Like an apple."

"Hahaha very funny."  He replied with a pout gracing his lips.

"Juicy, sweet and delicate." You whispered taking another bite.

"So let's go to work!" Jongup cheered.

"Hey I work you just kinda stand there." You hissed in a joking manner before grabbing your bag and house keys.

"Don't forget your wallet." Jongup scolded.

"Thanks for reminding me, Appa."

"Your welcome." Jongup smiled. "Uh I need to go."

"Go where?"

"To the others, you'll remember them eventually, you probably hit your head too hard during the accident." Jongup smiled as he faded away.

"I wasn't in an accident." You sighed heavily exiting your apartment.


"I see you're back." Yongguk greeted Jongup when he appeared at the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry I had to wake up Sammy, and after this i'm going to work with you both." He smiled widely.

"What?" Yongguk asked confused. "There's no one in the district named Sammy." Yongguk shook his head biting into his apple.

"Sammy ate the same thing this morning." Jongup laughed while yongguk looked at him confused.

"Hyung! Where's my duffle bag?" Zelo shouted.

"It's in the hall closet." Yongguk hollered back as Jongup faded away again. "Stupid imagination playing tricks on me again."

"Who are you talking to Hyung?"

"No one, did you find it?"

"Yeah it was right in plain sight actually don't know how I missed it before."

*giggle* Yongguk looked around before shaking it off. "Let's get going, I have a new boss coming in today and I can't be late."

"Arraso, just let me get my..." Zelo trailed off. "Nevermind, I don't even remember bringing this down here." He whispered picking up his presentation board.


"Keys, Watch, Lucky Charm..." He trailed off looking at his dresser. "I could have sworn it was right there this morning." He sighed looking by the window sill desk. "Hey it's that guy again. Wonder who that girl is..." He watched from his apartment window.


"Now don't forget your only coming with me today because it's your free day and you finished your studying last night, being a cop is a dangerous job so you won't be in the field at all and since you can't keep out of the grown up discussions you will be in my office all day unless I say otherwise... Actually I'll send you over to the Medical Examiner's his assitant needs some help catching up on the pushed back schedule. You might even get some good scalple practice."

"Can I have pops' badge back now."

"Not until you learn you can't go around impersonating an officer."


"Look's like I'm alone today, again." The young man huffed checking to make sure his wallet was still firmly attatched to it's chain before putting his hat and coat on the hanger.









Short yes, but intentionally short. Works kind of hectic so I will try to update this story and Zero maybe once ever week or so, I can't guareentee anything since my schedule is pretty much hell. :[ But the bright side is I'm making money, which means I can buy things I want, like a backpack, a special backpack that looks like this!


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bohyemi #1
Chapter 8: wow......I thought it Himup....
ooh it was still good