Chapter 5

What I Feel For You [editing]

-Chanyeol’s POV-

“Chanyeol-ah, I want you to know-”

“Hana-ah, I wanted to ask-”

We spoke at the same time. An awkward silence grew between us, I didn’t know whether to tell her first or let her speak. Manners, Chanyeol, remember that! Ladies first. Sigh...

Hana spoke up before I had even opened my mouth.

“It’s okay, you can say it first.” She said, with her voice filled with hope, as if she could sense what I was going to ask of her. In a way that was calming, maybe she already knew. But I was afraid my question wouldn’t be what she thought. It was a big deal to me. I was going to ask a newly made friend about something that was close to my heart, something well hidden. AND that friend was a girl. I couldn’t mess this up; if I did that I would be doomed.

This is your chance, do it! My inner voice encouraged me.

“Okay, ehm, Hana-ah. There’s something I’d like to ask you.” I hesitated. It’s okay to ask her something like this, right? Would she help a friend like this?

I squeezed my eyes shut.

“I-I wonder if you can help me with a confession.”

“H-huh?” She stuttered. I slowly opened one eye to see her reaction. She was just staring at me with big eyes. Okay, this was totally not how I had wanted her to react.

It seemed like my question wasn’t what she had expected at all. If I wouldn’t have been so nervous, I would have wondered what she DID expect me to say. But right now wasn’t the time to wonder.

“What?” Hana continued, still looking baffled.

“Y-You see, there’s this girl I like, but I don’t know how to confess my feelings to her. And since you’re a girl and my friend, I thought that you...” I said hastily, continuing squeezing my eyes shut. I let out a sigh. I did it! I finally said it!

I opened my eyes again, and looked at her. She was... sad?

Oh no, don’t tell me that she... likes ME?

And I said I liked... I mentally facepalmed myself. What if I hurt her feelings?! I’m so dead if Baekhyun finds out about this!

I decided to wait and see her reaction. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions just like that.

Hana turned her gaze and looked at me with her chocolate brown eyes.

“I...” I waited for her answer, earnestly hoping that this was not the case, that she only saw me as a friend. “I can try.”

This must be a sign. That must mean she only see me as a friend. I’m so lucky today!

I smiled and pulled her in for a hug. Suddenly I remembered that she wanted to tell me something earlier.

“What was it that you wanted to say to me?”

I let go and looked at her with worried eyes. She bit her lip nervously and looked away.

“Nothing. I really have to go now.” She said slowly, turning around to leave. I was too happy to even get curious of her thoughts.

“Okay! See you later Hana-ah!” I yelled after her.

Thank you.


-Your POV-


Your yanked the door open and ran into the house, not even bothering to close it. When you with heavy steps passed the kitchen, you were greeted by your mother’s surprised face.

“Hana! Where have you been? What happened?” she asked as she stepped forward to comfort you and stop your tears.

“I... I don’t want to talk about it.” You shook her off and stormed up the stairs. Your mother was the one who had helped you through the years, no matter what problem you had, you could always talk to her about it and it would always feel better afterwards. But today you had no desire to feel better, you just wanted to cry. What you needed right now was Eun Hee, a friend.


It didn’t take long before Eun Hee stepped inside your bedroom, panting. She looked around the room.

“Hana, where are you? Your mom said you were here.”

“I’m h-here, b-behind the b-bed.” You cried.

You saw Eun Hee’s shadow move closer to your hiding spot, and you huddled yourself in all your misery.

“Yah, it was you who wanted to talk!” she sounded really annoyed. She was right though, it was you who had called her here. You crawled out on the floor, tears dropping down from m your face. The moment you looked up, she fell down on her knees and gave you a big hug.

“I here now, so don’t worry. It’s time for you to keep your part of the promise though. Tell me about it.”


Both of you sat down on your bed and you explained everything to her, all incidents from the night when you ran into Chanyeol, when you were at the hospital, Baekhyun who fetched you at the cafeteria, you and Chanyeol becoming friends, and at last, when he told you about that other girl he liked. Eun Hee was listening all the time, and when you were done she frowned.

“And you AGREED to that? Aish, I though you were smarter than that.”

“Yah! I just want him to be happy!”

“Aigoo, you need to think of your own happiness too.” She slapped your head.

“I’m happy as long as he is.” You rubbed your head and glared at her.

“You can clearly see that’s not true. He’s okay right now, while you are not. It’s possible for him to be happy with you too, you know that, right?”

You gave it a thought and nodded. Eun Hee noticed how quiet you were and smirked.

“You know I’m right! Now you just have to make him realise what a wonderful girl you are and that you’re the one for him.”

Oh sh*t. Not her plans again...


-flashback (8 years ago)-

A ten year old you ran towards a small shed in the corner of the playground. That was the place where you and Eun Hee had your secret meetings, far away from the other children. There you could talk about anything, play games and just be with each other. That was your safety zone.

“Hana! You need to come and see this!” Eun Hee yelled when you stepped inside the shed.

“What is it?” You curiously asked, Eun Hee had sounded so excited.

Eun Hee proudly held up two pieces of paper, when you looked closer at them, they weren’t just pieces of paper, they were concert tickets!

“Look what I have!”

“What’s that?”

“Concert tickets! For Dong Bang Shin Ki!”

“Dong Bang- what?”

Eun Hee dropped her hand that held the tickets in disappointment and sighed.

“A couple of weeks ago I saw my mom read this magazine, and they had an article about this group called Dong Bang Shin Ki. So I checked them up, and now I’m a fan.”

You looked at your best friend in amazement. You also wanted to love something that much, just as much as your friend did right now. Right, you had your parents and Eun Hee, but you wanted to love something more that excluded the few people you held dear.

Eun Hee noticed your behaviour and she knew what you were thinking. That's when she got an idea.

“Anyway, I persuaded mom to buy me tickets for their next concert, and I want you to come with me!” Eun Hee said happily and smiled her warmest smile. No wonder everyone liked her.

You couldn’t say no to her, so you went to the concert together. You saw that one of the guys on the stage was a bit younger than the others, and you thought he was cute.

After the concert you and Eun Hee were literally jumping out of the concert hall, towards the signing area.

“So Hana, who did you like the best?” Eun Hee asked with something sneaky in her eyes. She was surely planning something.

“I liked the youngest, he looked so nice.” You answered, oblivious to what Eun Hee was thinking.

“That’s Changmin! Come with me!”

You followed Eun Hee to a certain table, with a queue in front of it. When you finally arrived to the table, you felt like you were struck by lightning. Right in front of you, that boy sat, the one you had watched on the stage, the boy you had thought was cute. He was rather beautiful. He softly laughed at your expression. *Damn that Eun Hee, why did she drag me here?!* you thought.

Eun Hee opened .

“Hana here likes you!” she said and looked at Changmin. You turned to look at your friend *Oh no, she didn’t...*

The whole thing ended up with Changmin telling you to grow up to a beautiful girl so that he could date you later, signing an album (of course drawing a heart around the picture of him), while you blushed like mad. You had never felt so weak and humiliated before.

“I was right, huh? I knew you would like him!”

Eun Hee had planned everything. *No more following her plans. Next time I won’t get stuck in her trap.*


-end of flashback-


You laughed softly when you thought of the memory.

“Yah! What are you laughing at?” Eun Hee gave you a confused look. You had forgotten she sat in front of you on the bed.

“No, nothing. I was just thinking of the past.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Anyway! I were saying, I have a plan to get you and Chanyeol together.”

“Just like you planned to make me have a crush on Changmin oppa?” I laughed at her shocked expression.

“Y-you still remember that?” Her eyes was wide open, she was probably not expecting you to remember than incident.

“Yeah, I do.” I winked at her, making her blush.

“Please don’t remind me.” She threw a pillow in your face and exploded in laughter. You followed her example and threw the pillow back at her.

Now you had more confidence in yourself.

Just wait, Park Chanyeol, I will catch your heart.

Woah, this chapter really took a while to write!

Not the fun will begin, hehe xD

DBSK got a small space here, and Changmiiin~ Who knows, maybe I'll give him an important role here too

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/Matsu ^^

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shie_krai96 #1
Chapter 18: Awww,,,soo cute..gud job author-nim..
yeolli98 #2
Chapter 18: aawwwwwwww this is so sweettt!!! I really love it.
Aliah_exo #3
Chapter 18: This is so sweet awhhhh i want my life to be like this
Aliah_exo #4
Chapter 7: I love it¡¡¡¡
exo124 #5
Chapter 17: awwwww nice story!!!good ending and chanyeol is so cute in this story!
finally you updated! although i just found out this story todayㅡ im proud of you. it has been almost eight months since your last update and now you're back to continue writing. < 3 amazement suits the whole condition as of now because, as from my witness and all those research, most authors, once they got into a hiatus or writer-block, they tend to abandon their unfinished story which is just, useless, in my point of view. well, what i really want to say is that, welcome back and continue writing. < 3 i will always look forward to your new updates, nevertheless. the story plot is quite amazing and the story pace is all balance, which i liked from you, author -nim. all in all, i would upvote this though my karma isn't enough, just yet. anyways, i shall end my so called crappy comment here. ciao! o u o
Micassie #7
Chapter 15: Yaaaay I won't run over Chanyeol with a tractor, now that he's realized his idiotic antics by now. XD writer-nim, please update~
Chapter 15: Ne. Please update soon authornim. Asdfghjkl. <3
Chapter 15: idiot chanyeol xD
Chapter 15: Writerniiiiimmmm~~ update soon! Please~