Chapter 12

What I Feel For You [editing]

-Your POV-

It was Friday, the day before the party. Eun Hee was really excited; she was talking all the time about how great it would be. You weren’t as enthusiastic though; you bet Chanyeol would ask Kwang Hwi out today, and you were afraid you would break down again if you saw them together.

“Eun Hee...” You hesitated, but it was worth a try.

“Hm?” She answered while looking down in her phone.

“Can we skip going to the party, please?”

She suddenly raised her head and looked at you with a frown.


“Well, you see-” you started, but she interrupted you.

“If this is about Chanyeol, then it’s a no. I’m not going to let a guy spoil all the fun. You can avoid him all you want, but you’re going to the party. The end.”

You gave her a weak smile. At least she understood how you felt.

“But Hana...”


“We need to go shopping for tomorrow!”

“Oh no.”


You sighed. The last time you had been at the mall to buy a dress was probably when you were 15 and were going to find a dress for your birthday. Now you were here again, a couple of years later. Truth to be told, you didn’t like shopping at all. It wasn’t your style, and you were satisfied with buying the basic kind of clothes.

But Eun Hee loved it. That was why it always was really useful to bring her when it came to buying dresses and such.

After many hours of going in and out from countless of stores, trying on dresses and having a few nervous breakdowns, the both of you had found dresses for the next day.

“Remind me again why I’m doing this,” you sighed when you left the mall with heavy steps.

“Because you like Chanyeol. That’s why.” Eun Hee answered happily. She wasn’t as exhausted as you were, but you noticed that even she was a bit tired.

At last it was time for the two of you to part, so you said goodbye and headed home.

You thought about Chanyeol, had he already asked Kwang Hwi out? Or did he change his mind? The first thought made you feel so empty on the inside, but when you got the second one, a small spark of hope lit up the darkness.


You plopped down on your bed and unpacked your new dress. It was a beautiful dress, you loved it when you tried it on in the store, and you was sure that Chanyeol would also like it. Why am I thinking about Chanyeol again?!

You sat there on your bed and just stared at the dress for a while. It was white, strapless and short, with lots of ruffles. It was simple, yet elegant. You leaned backwards so that you were now resting your back against the comfortable sheets. You felt a bit drowsy, so you closed your eyes, and not long after that you drifted off to dreamland.


The whole next day consisted of getting ready for the party. Eun Hee dropped by to check if everything was working according to the plans.

“Eun Hee, I can’t do this! It’s not going to work!” you complained while she was curling your hair.

“Sure thing it’s going to work! You’ll just have to believe and keep your faith.”

“Have you been reading fairy tales again?” you sniggered with a playful smile on your lips.

“How did you know? Tonight’s going to be like fairy tale. You’re the princess and you’re going to get your prince, and then you will be living together happily ever after!” She got a dreamy look in her eyes.

“If I have to remind you, he likes someone else. He’s not.. Hey! You’ll burn my hair if you keep still!”

Eun Hee quickly pulled back the hand that held the curler.

“Oops, sorry!”


You drew a deep breath, and felt the soft wind caress your face. You shuddered slightly, it was cold outside. You wrapped your jacket closer around yourself .

“Hey Hana! YAH, HANA! Come now, we need to hurry!” Eun Hee yelled from the car.

“I’m coming!” You yelled back, ran to the car and seated yourself in the backseat.

“Thanks dad for giving us a ride there.” Eun Hee said to her dad who sat on the driver’s seat. A few nights ago he had promised us to give us a ride to the party. So here he was.

“No problem, anything for you.” He said with that cheesy voice he always had when he was excited.

“Dad, you’re not going to the party, you know that right?”

Mr. Choi laughed softly. “Yeah, I know that. I’m just so happy that I’ll get to drive you to parties like in the old days.”


Flashing lights, thumping music, people laughing and talking everywhere. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all. You felt free, not bonded to any duties or responsibilities.

“Hey, Hana. We have to find Prince Charming now!” Eun Hee wrapped her hand around your wrist and dragged you into the chaos. You rolled your eyes, and followed her reluctantly. He was nowhere to be found, the same with Kwang Hwi.

“Maybe he hasn’t arrived yet.” Eun Hee thought out loud, making your heart ache. Wait, what am I doing? I can’t just go and search for him. What if he won’t like that I came here?

“You have nothing to be afraid of. And besides, it’s not for him to decide if you should be here or not.” You looked up and met Eun Hee’s worried eyes.

“Did I just say that out loud?”

“Yeah, you did.”

You sighed. “But what am I going to do? I don’t even know how to control my emotions!”

“You’ll just have to.” She answered quickly before dragging you out of the chaos again.

“Wait here, I’ll go get drinks for us.” She said and disappeared into the dancing crowd.

“Is he even here?” You asked yourself and turned your head to look around.

Oh yes, he was there, just a couple of meters from you.

And he was kissing Kwang Hee.

I'm so sorry for not updating earlier, but I've been extremely busy with school lately.. (and I've found a cute boy in my new class *wink wink*)

I'd wished for this chapter to be longer, but with that short amount of time I have for now, it was hard to even write this much..

Anyway, this story isn't over yet hehehe I have some more plans going on, so I hope you'll stay with me until then!

Stay awesome everyone! <3

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shie_krai96 #1
Chapter 18: Awww,,,soo cute..gud job author-nim..
yeolli98 #2
Chapter 18: aawwwwwwww this is so sweettt!!! I really love it.
Aliah_exo #3
Chapter 18: This is so sweet awhhhh i want my life to be like this
Aliah_exo #4
Chapter 7: I love it¡¡¡¡
exo124 #5
Chapter 17: awwwww nice story!!!good ending and chanyeol is so cute in this story!
finally you updated! although i just found out this story todayㅡ im proud of you. it has been almost eight months since your last update and now you're back to continue writing. < 3 amazement suits the whole condition as of now because, as from my witness and all those research, most authors, once they got into a hiatus or writer-block, they tend to abandon their unfinished story which is just, useless, in my point of view. well, what i really want to say is that, welcome back and continue writing. < 3 i will always look forward to your new updates, nevertheless. the story plot is quite amazing and the story pace is all balance, which i liked from you, author -nim. all in all, i would upvote this though my karma isn't enough, just yet. anyways, i shall end my so called crappy comment here. ciao! o u o
Micassie #7
Chapter 15: Yaaaay I won't run over Chanyeol with a tractor, now that he's realized his idiotic antics by now. XD writer-nim, please update~
Chapter 15: Ne. Please update soon authornim. Asdfghjkl. <3
Chapter 15: idiot chanyeol xD
Chapter 15: Writerniiiiimmmm~~ update soon! Please~