Chapter 9

Moving to south korea~


My alarm clock was set around 9am. I had to teach 2 pm till 5 pm. Jaimy and emily were still sleeping. Ah i was so tired and had a headache. I didn't remember a lot from last day, it was really weird. I took a shower, dressed and put some make-up on. It became 11AM already. I ate some and left. When i walked outside, i saw Junsu. I really didn't want to see nor talk to him. I walked quickly. He saw me as well, but he knew i ignored him. But he still couldn't let me. He grabbed me by my arm and said: "let me bring you." I said calmly: "can you let me go, and leave me alone." He answered: "i can't, heeyoung-ah, are you a fool? I told you i liked you."  Am i a fool? Was he kidding? I said: "i told you i have a boyfriend, let me go now, i don't want to be late on my first day." He sighed and let go of me. I walked away, but suddenly he grabbed my arm again, pulled me to the car, pushed me in it and locket it. He took the drivers seat. I said: "you want to die? This is illegal, let me go!" He smirked and said: "put on your seatbelt." I yelled: i don't want, let me go." He was still smirking and came close to me. He grabbed my seatbelt and put it on for me. I shocked and looked into an other direction. He started the car and we drove to the school. The whole way he talked and asked questions. But I ignored him, i didn't say a thing. When we arrived at the school, i immediately stepped out of the car. He also went out. I didn't even look at him and left. He screamed: "jagiya, i will come to pick you up at 5" I shocked and looked around. Everyone was looking at me. I felt ashamed. I looked at him and gave him my 'i-will-kill-you'glance. He only laughed and stepped in his car again. I quickly went inside, to the teachers room. I introduced myself. They were really glad to meet me. After some chatting, one of the teachers guided me. He was only 3 years older than me. He really reminded me of Siwon for some reason, he was really cute and sweet.  We went to the class where i needed to teach. When he opened the door, all the kids looked. They were around the 16/17. We stepped inside. The guy who guided me said: "this is your new english teacher, let her feel comfortable." The kids said in a choir: "yes." The teacher asked me: "can i leave you now?" I smiled and nodded. So he left. The students were all starring at me. I smiled and said in Korean: "i am choi heeyoung, 20 years old, i am an english teacher, nice to meet you." They kept starring like i was an alien. Finally one guy said: "your korean is really good." I said with a smile: "thank you." Then he said: "but you are only 20, 3 years older than me, how is that possible?." I said: "i graduated last year, and at the same time i studied english for a short time." He said: "amazing." After i got more questions i said: "let's study now." They agreed. I said: "from now on, we will talk english, i will correct you if you make mistakes, like that you will understand the english language quickly." They agreed again. They were really easy. One girl tried to say in english: what i now do." I corrected her and answered: "open the first page." They all opened it. And i said: "let's read. Everyone gets one line to read out loud, we are going from left to right." They looked at me like i spoke a weird language. I said it in English and Korean. They were really impressed by my korean. Another guy asked me in english: "how do you know Korean." I answered: "i went to a korean school for 3 years. " they were still impressed. "Ok. Lets start now." Everyone read one sentence. It was really cute, their engrish. Just like that, we had a lesson for 3 hours. 1.5 hours i explained, the other 1.5 hours they studied their self. I forgot one book in the teacher room so i said: "keep studying, i will be back soon." I went to the room and grabbed my book. When i turned around, the siwon look-a-like stood there. He said: "do you like it here?" I nodded and said: "they are really great. It's fun to teach them. He smiled and said: "i'm glad." I smiled bAck and said: "i need to go back now, see you later." When i went back i heard a lot of noises, it came from my class. I tried to listen from the outside. It was like.. They were bullying? I opened the door a little. No one noticed me. The guys were bullying one girl, and the girls 1 girl, and also together, weird to explain. I looked what they were doing. They said a lot of all bad words, wrote on the table, pushed them and a lot more. I opened the door fully, and everyone went immediately to their seats. I said: "this is only my first day, i thought you were really nice kids, but i was wrong." They were a bit shocked. I said while pointing: "you two, come here next to me." They girl and guy who were getting bullied came to me. The rest of the class started to laugh. I looked at them, one bye one, and they immediately stopped. I said to the guy who was getting bullied: "why are you getting bullied." He said while looking at the ground: "because i am ugly and weird." And then i looked at the girl and asked the same. She said: "because i am stupid, weird and ugly." I walked through the class and asked the 'prettiest' boy: "why do you bully him." He answered: "it's fun and they deserve it." I asked: "why is it fun and why do they deserve it." He became quiet. So i said: "you don't know, do you?" And he still didn't answer. I went to the 'prettiest' girl, but she didn't say anything at all. I said to everyone: "you aren't tough now are you, go bully them now." Everyone was quiet. To both of the bullied once i gave a lot of compliments. Then i talked to the class again, i told them a story. About a boy who was getting bullied, he committed suicide. He thought no one liked him, until he died. A lot of people cared, and were in pain because of his dead. I also told  about a girl, who was getting bullied. She became heartless. In the begin she did a lot of self harm. Later she started to hurt people. In the end she murdered people, because she was really heartless, and became psycho because other people. No one said anything and they all looked shocked. Then i told my story. One guy reacted: "but you really look good." i answered: " those people also look good. Everyone has his/her own taste. Even when you think they are ugly, it doesn't matter. It's about the inside, not the outside. Some of you may think i look good or ugly. But i am kind hearted. In the past i was cold hearted, because of people like you. But then i realized i was better than them, just like those 2, who are a lots of better than y'all together. They were quiet again. Suddenly i heard an applause. I looked on the left  and it was the guide. He said: "good job teacher, thank you for letting them realize.. You see guys, finally someone, who talked to your hearts." The 'prettiest' guy from the class stood up and went to the other guy. He bowed down and said: "i am sorry, i did wrong." The girl did the same to the other girl and then the whole classroom followed. The both kids started to cry. It was really beautiful to see and i teared up. The teacher held me and i smiled. After the emotional moment u said: "class is over for today, i hope nothing to hear or see ever again, you guys, pinky promise?" They all promised. They stood up and bowed. The girl and guy came to me and thanked me. I told them that i would be there for them, and if they need help, they always could come to me. They smiled and left. "Hard day, wasn't it." The teacher asked. I smiled and said: "it was fun, i didn't teach them much english, but it was even more important." He nodded. 
I suddenly asked him: "what was your name again." He said "choi Siwoo." I shocked. It was almost the same. He smiled and said: "can i invite you for dinner with the  2 of us." I smiled and said: "of course, thank you." He said: "let's go." 
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