Chapter 6

Moving to south korea~
Hyemi took the laptop. She wrote down some things about the guys.
They were sweet, rich and popular. Well, it wasn't hard to find out, they were a star. 
But why didn't they tell us anything. Who are they exactly? So much questions we had to answer ourselves. 
We searched their names on the internet. We both shocked. They were really popular. 
They were a rookie group but really good and popular already.. 
We didn't listen nor searched for new kpop for a long time , so that's why we didn't know them. 
But why didn't they tell us the real identity? What do they exactly? Are they only singers, or what? 
Hyemi and I went to their dorm and knocked. Junsu opened the door. I went closer and said: "why didn't you guys tell us anything?" 
He sighed and looked a bit sad. "Can we come in?" I asked. He only nodded. 
We went to the living and sat down. They were still with the 2 of them.
They didn't look at us for one moment.  The silence was kind of awkward. 
Hyemi finally broke the silence and said: "why did you keep this a secret, i thought we were friends?" 
Both of them sighed and Min jae answered: "we don't have other friends except for each other and some old school friends. 
Since we were young, we were trainees. We didn't have contact with the rest of the world. When we debuted, everyone knew us, 
it was kind of weird in the very begin. Then i realized we only had fans, fans who wanted to be friends with us. 
We couldn't be their friends, because they will threat us differently then and our company didn't let us. 
Suddenly you guys became our neighbors, and you were the first one who didn't recognize us, we really wanted to be friends with you, 
since you treated us like other normal people. If you would find out, you would act different. So we kept it a secret." 
There was a silence again. But then i said: "but if you want it to keep a secret, why are you going out with us? Of course we would find out with those fangirls, 
who probably hate me right now. But even now, i won't act different. If i knew before, i wouldn't act different too. You are a star, yes, but also our neighbors and friends." 
Junsu answered: "we apologize for judging you, we were just scared that we couldn't talk anymore."
Hyemi smiled and said: "don't worry, we will act like always." Min jae answered: "thank you, i'm really happy to hear that, i still apologize as the leader of our group."
I smiled and said: "it's okay already, but don't keep big secrets in front of us anymore" 
They both said at the same time: "we promise."
I suddenly said: "well, now, do you mind to introduce yourself." 
They laughed and Min jae said: "i am the leader dancer and rapper, Junsu is dancer and vocal, Min Woo is the rapper and visual, and Junho is Maknae and Vocal.
Hyemi answered: " woah that's really nice. So what is the name of your group?"
Junsu answered: "We don't have a official name yet, they just call us b-boys." "Ahh." We both said. 
Suddenly Min Woo and Hyesung came inside. Min Jae said: "they found out." 
Min Woo looked shocked and sad. I answered: "don't worry, we will treat you like our neighbor not as star." 
He bowed down a lot of time and thanked us. Hyesung looked bit confused and said: "what is happening." 
Hyemi said: "those guys are a boy band, but you should keep it a secret and don't treat them diffrently." 
She smiled and said: "promise." Just like it was normal.
It was friday, 8pm already.
We went to our own dorm and cooked some food. We were looking at each other, because we were still a bit confused. 
Hyesung said: "lets listen to some music of them." We  the laptop and searched for some music. 
They were actually really talented. Omg we kind of fangirled. 
They even had some music videos. It was too good. 
Hyemi said: "we are so lucky, we just have them as neighbors, thats amazing." 
I answered: "i know right woah."
Just like that we were fangirling. It became 11 pm. We went outside to the restaurant. 
The ahjumma greeted us brightly and gave us some kimbap and soju. 
I said: "to our first week." And we started to drink. 
Hyemi and Hyesung could drink a lot, which i didn't knew. 
With the 3 of us, we drunk 6 bottles. We became drunk. We walked back to the dorm. 
Suddenly a few of guys walked toward us. I accidentally  bumped in one of those guys. 
I apologized and walked again. He grabbed me and said with anger: "you better be careful, you don't want to get a fight with me." 
I turned around and screamed while being drunk: "yah, you want to die? I apologized right, so let go already." 
He grabbed me by my collar. Hyemi and Hyesung stood behind me and said to him: "please let her go, she was wrong, we apologize."
He ignored it and said: "don't mess around with me." I laughed and replied: "or else? You re going to hit me? A girl? Isn't that a bit sad?." 
With one hand he were still holding me, with the other one he hit me really hard on my face. I fell down on the ground.
Hyesung and Hyemi tried to pull me up. But it didn't work, since they were drunk too. 
I pushed them behind and stood up myself. I looked around. They were with the 5 of them. But none of his friends moved. 
I laughed while whipping of my mouth with blood. I walked towards him and i kicked him in the balls. 
He bend down. At that time i also kicked his stomach. I said: "you better don't mess with me. If someone apologize, accept that, understand?" 
And i walked away. His friends still didn't move. I really didn't understand. 
I whispered to Hyemi and Hyesung: "we better run." At the same time someone grabbed me. 
I turned around and it was the same guy again. This time he had a knife, just out of no where. 
I said calmly to Hyemi and Hyesung: "run now." And they started to run to the apartment. 
"You think you are though huh?" That guy said. 
I laughed and said: "you start to hit me and now you use a knife since you can't handle me. That's just sad." 
A friend of him came nearby and said: "stop already." He said: "that b*tch need to apologize first."
I looked confused at him and said: "are you stupid? In the begin i already apologized, and then you started to act like this." 
He didn't say anything. Suddenly he cut in my cheek. Ah it burned. 
"What are you going to do now huh? Your friends left. You are all alone" he threw me on the ground and kicked. 
A friend of him joined and start to kick me too. When they finally stopped, i stood up. 
For some reason i had some power. I walked confidentially towards them. 
I first kicked and hit is friend, who fell on the ground. 
That guy grabbed me and i hit him in his face and kicked him also down. 
The other 3 friend of him came towards me with a knife. My life almost ended. So i closed my eyes. 
Suddenly i heard a voice: "stop." I recognized the voice. It was the voice of Junsu. 
I opened my eyes and he stood on the right to me with a baseball bat. I looked on  the left. The other guys we standing there with baseball bats as well. 
The guy on the ground asked: "is she a friend of you?" Junsu answered: "yes." 
That guy stood up and apologized. I was a bit confused. Did they know each other? I didn't say anything. 
That guy said: "it was my mistake, it won't happen again. Don't tell the police please." 
I still didn't say anything, since i didn't get it. Junsu saw my expression and said: "lets go." 
He grabbed my arm and we all went back. Or well the others went back. I was standing outside with Junsu. 
He said: "are you crazy, they could've killed you." I asked him: "why didn't they." 
He became angry: "yah do you really want to die?" I ignored that question and said: "did you know them?" He nodded. 
"He was one of my old school friends, and he also know the fact that we are artists now, that's why he didn't do anything." 
I sighed, and said: "why did you come, you should've let him." He became angry again and grabbed my arms.
It hurted, but i didn't say that. He looked in my eyes and said: "are you crazy. Why would i let him kill you?" 
I answered: "because he is probably always like this, maybe he threatened people before. And now he could maybe go to jail. 
Junsu became even more angry: "can't you just thank me?" Only thing i said is: "forget it." And i pushed him away. 
I started to walk, but again he grabbed my arm. He pushed me against the wall and held my arms. 
I yelled: "let go." He whispered:  I only know you a few days, but you became really important for me already. Now i hold you, i won't let you go." 
What was this guy saying... I pushed him away, and started to run. I went inside our dorm and closed the door immediately. 
"What happend?" Hyemi asked. I explained her and she was also a bit confused. Hyesung said: "just forget it for a while, go wash up yourself. 
You didn't see your face yet, did you?" I walked to the bathroom and saw my face. My cheek was blue. 
When i undressed, i saw my body also being blue. "Good job Heeyoung-ah." I said to myself. 
I took a shower. It hurted. When i was done i dressed. 
I walked to the living room and saw the 2 of them sleeping already. 
I understood. Since it was 4 am already.
I also laid down and fell asleep.
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