Chapter 8

Moving to south korea~


When i woke up Hyemi was gone already. Ah it was sunday. Last day of relaxing. 
Hyesung made some breakfast, before she went to work. 
After we finshed the doorbell rung. It was Min Woo. He picked up Hyesung. Ah they looked so cute toghther. 
I bet they went somewhere else first, since it was only 11AM. 
Ah tomorrow was my first day as teacher. I prepared the whole lesson. I made a bit fun of it. I was only 6 years older than them, 
so i can't be this boring, mean teacher.  I also hated them when i was younger. 3 hours past. And i was finally done preparing. 
I made some lunch and ate. The doorbell rung again. I was expecting junsu. I opened the door. And yes i was right. 
He came closer and the First thing he said was: "can't you just accept my heart." I shaked my head. 
He asked:"Why? i am a star, how can you reject me." 
I said: "so what you are a star, i thought i needed to act like your friend. Ask your fans to be your girlfriend, i don't want it, i only want to be your friend." He answered: "you are a fan too, and i can see that you lie, i know you like me as well, but you just cant admit that." I stared and said: "you are full of yourself huh? I thought u wanted to be a normal person." 
He sighed and said: "i don't want a fight again.. I'm not full of myself, i can see it in your eyes." 
I sighed as well and said: "i don't like you and i won't like you. I have a boyfriend already, so leave me alone."
He shocked: "you are lying right." I became a little angry and said: "i am not lying, i have a boyfriend, let's stop now." 
He became sad and left. At the same time Hyemi came and said: "what's up." I answered: "i told Junsu i had a boyfriend." 
Hyemi answered: "why? I know you like junsu, why did u say that then? You aren't over Siwon yet, are you."
I nodded: "i am still waiting for the day, he comes back, i know he will come back. I will wait for a long time if i need too. 
I just don't want to have another boyfriend now, we didn't broke up or anything. I won't date another guy till we broke up..." 
She answered: "yeah, it's better for u, maybe u should ignore him for a while. 
Take your time and think a lot." I nodded and smiled: "yes i will."
I asked her: "how did it go with Min jae." She laughed brightly and said: "he brought me again. We didn't say much, but we were holding hands the whole time. And before i left the car, he grabbed my face and kissed it. It was like we were a couple, it was strange. When he picked me up, i asked him: "why did you kiss me." He smirked and said: "you don't like it." I became shy and said: "i like it, but it was out of nowhere." Then he said: "i like you, you like me, but we can't date yet since my company said that people will find out, and you won't be save anymore. But i couldn't be patient, so that's why i kissed you. And i don't regret it, but i don't want to make you feel bad." I started to laugh and i said to him: "don't worry, i will be patient." Just like that we came back."
"OMO THIS IS SO CUTE" i screamed. "It's like a secret love thing. I hope that no one will find out." She smiled and nodded. 
"Let's see, what will happen next."
Hyemi and i went outside. The ahjumma recommend us a karaokebar, so we went there. 
We went to a small room and started the music. I bought some soju as well. I was thinking about siwon the whole time. 
It made me feel bad, so i drunk a lot. Even though i needed to teach the next day. Hyemi just let me. She knew how i felt. 
She asked me: "which song do you want now." I was thinking and asked her to play 'ALi - 365일' . 
When i was sad, i always listened to that song and always cried. Just like now. 
In one had i grabbed the mic and in the other a bottle of soju. Just like that i was singing, drinking and crying. 
It was afternoon, so i had enough time to get normal. After that song i played 'B.A.P - Rain sound' and also sang. 
When that song ended i played 'Seo In Guk - Broken.' When i sang that Hyemi left. She knew when i needed to be alone. 
Suddenly the door opened again. I saw Junsu. Why was he here?
I kept singing and crying like a retarded, while being drunk. And he knew that as well. He came closer.
Every time when he came a step closer, i took a step behind. 
The song ended. I played another song quickly. 'K.will - please don't.' And  I started to sing. 
He also grabbed a mic and started to sing as well. I stopped singing and only cried. His voice, it was amazing. 
He came closer again and hugged me. I kept crying and i kept repeating: 'siwon-ah, siwon oppa, please come back, i miss you, please come back, siwon-ah...' Junsu kept hugging me and only said: "ssht, don't cry."
Ofcourse i kept crying. I knew the truth, i knew before as well, but now i was in Korea, i realized even more. I just never accepted the fact that Siwon was gone. While crying i said: "Siwon won't get back. He will never get back." I felt a hand holding my hand. I looked up and it was Hyemi again. She cried as well and said: "heeyoung-ah.. Do you realize it now, did you found out. Siwon left all of us, already a year ago, you finally see it huh?" Junsu let me go and Hyemi hugged me. "Heeyoung-ah,  now you realize, let go of siwon." I screamed: "NO I WILL FIND HIM EVEN IF IT WILL BECOME MY DEAD." Both of us kept crying.
Hyemi said: "The only way to find him is if you die." I yelled: "NO, NO, THAT'S A LIE." I was really confused. I always kept all the pain inside me, i never talked once after siwon was gone, this was the first time. I made myself crazy.
I sat down and kept crying and repeated siwons name. I drunk even more soju till i finally fainted.
When i woke up, i looked around me. I was back home. 
The time was 11pm. I went to sleep again. 
Tomorrow was my first day as teacher, so i needed the rest. 
I was thinking about Siwon the whole time. Just like that, i fell asleep.
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