Chapter 2

Moving to south korea~
I woke up around 12 pm. I smelled something nice. I looked in the kitchen. Hyemi was preparing some ramyeon. 
Hyesung also stooded up and said "eonnie i am hungry" in korean. "Just wait you" Hyemi answered. 
She came with a pan and chopsticks. We started to eat. 
"So whats the plan today" i asked. Those 2 were thinking. 
Hyemi answered "lets buy some things for the house first." 
Hyesung answered "and lets explore the neighborhood." "Ok lets do that" i said. 
We were done eating and cleaned up. We started to dress up and went outside. It was like 24°c . 
"Finally, we are here" i said. "Babo we were yesterday also here" said Hyemi. 
"Yah i mean.. You know what i mean" Hyemi laughed and said "nehneh." 
In front of our house there were some stores and 2 restaurants. 
We went to a a few stores and bought alot. 
It was like 200.000 won (in euro it is around 140.) 
We only bought the necessary things for the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. 
It was funny how all the people reacted when we started to talk in Korean. 
The most of them wanted to see us back. It was really friendly. 
We put all our things in house and cleaned everything up. 
Then we went outside again for a walk. 3 streets after our house was the main street. 
It was really  crowded. It was amazing to see. We walked for a while and went back. 
It was like 5pm already. Time went fast. We went to the restaurant. It was really cheap. 
We ordered some kimbap and kimchi. And not to forget soju. 
Also they were surprised because of our fluent korean. 
Only an ahjumma and ahjusshi worked there.
They asked so many things. How old we are, what we did there, if we know the neighborhood, if we would like to visit often. 
They offered to be our guide in korea. Ah we felt great. It was so sweet. 
Of course we said we would like to. Then they asked us if we wanted to work there. 
They said " a lot of foreign people visit us, but we can't speak the language, it would be really great if you come work here." 
Hyemi said she had work already. She was a stewardess. Hyesung accepted the job. 
I was still thinking, because i needed to educate too first. 
After a long talk. We went back to our dorm. It was like 8pm already. 
When we walked to our house, we saw our neighbors. They were with the 5 of them. 
It were all boys. We walked to them and introduced ourself. "Hi there" Hyesung said. 
They smiled and the oldest looking one said "hi." 
Then Hyemi started to talk Korean, she said "nice to meet you, we are your new neighbors. 
I am Hyemi, this is my little sister Hyesung, and my friend Heeyoung." 
Just like all the other Korean people, they looked surprised, i was used to that already. 
The older one said:"nice to meet you too, woah your korean is really good for a foreigner" 
I answered: "we went to korean school for 3 years, thats why we can speak it fluently" 
The younger one replied "ah thats really good, nice to meet you, i am Junsu(22), they are Minjae(24) Minwoo(19) Junho(15) and Dongho(11). 
They all bow down, so did we. They asked us to come inside, so we did. 
It was as big as our house, but it looked much better. 
It was really sweet how they accepted us so quickly. We talked some, and just like in the restaurant, they asked a lot. 
We didn't mind, we really like to talk. But there was 1 guy, he was so cute. He looked so perfect! 
Every time when i looked at him, i became a little shy. Hyemi knew me too well. 
She said in our own language "he is your type right." I only smiled like a fool. 
She then said in our language again "well i like the other one! 
"They re made for us" i answered "i knew this for sure, ah we know each other too well."  
Then hyemi said "which one do you like hyesung" she said "i like them all, but i like the 19 years old one the most. 
"The 3 of us started laughing. Those guys were looking at us like we talked in alien language. 
I was so glad we could talk in our own language. They were probably curious what we said, but of course they didn't ask what. 
Then they asked us about the country, where we came from.
I didn't even knew the answers for everything. Especially when they started to talk about soccer. 
They really liked the soccer team. Min Jae random asked if we could teach them Dutch words. 
They wanted us to teach them 'hello, nice too meet you, how are you doing, i love you, bye.' 
We wrote it down "hallo, leuk om je te ontmoeten, hoe gaat het, ik hou van je, doei." 
All of them tried to say it, it sounded so cute! We all started to laugh, since it failed. 
It was like 10 pm. Dongho went to bed. Junho had to study, he asked Junsu "hyung, can you help me out with school, english!." 
He replied "you know our english is not good, but i will try." Junho said to me "noona, you were a teacher right, can you help us?" 
Ahh it was so cute, he already called me noona! I answered "ofcourse i can help you." 
So with the 3 of us we went to the room, I explained them both, it was really fun.
I felt really like a teacher. The oldest also kept asking questions, even more then the younger one.
Meanwhile Hyemi and Hyesung were with the 2 other guys. Min Jae kept talking. Like they were friends for years. 
Hyemi melted because of his voice and lookes. Min Jae asked Hyemi and Hyesung to go to the restaurant where we went earlier. 
They went with the 4 of them. Min Jae liked to drink, so he bought 5 bottles of soju. "Gunbae" he said. And the others repeated him." 
Min Woo said: "lets be friends, to our friendship." One by one, the soju disappeared. 
Min Jae and Min Woo drunk the most and fell asleep. (Fortunately for those girls.)
Meanwhile I was reading this english workbook. When i was finished i turned around to explain. 
But i saw the 2 brothers sleeping. It was the first day i knew them, but i felt like a sister. 
I put a blanket around them and left the bedroom. At that moment Hyemi and Hyesung came inside with the guys.
The guys were half asleep. They brought them to the bedroom and also put a blanket around them. 
Then we went to their living room. "Isn't it a bit strange we are in their house, while they are sleeping" Hyesung said. 
"Yeah, to be honest it is, but for some reason, i don't feel awkward" i replied. "Agree" Hyemi said. 
Their living room was a bit messy so we cleaned up. Hyemi did the dishes like always. 
Hyesung and I cleaned up the living room. After we were done, we wrote a note "thanks for the kindness, we really appreciate it, see you later." 
And we left to our dorms. It was like 12:30 am. We fell asleep immediately
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