Chapter 7

Moving to south korea~
It was saturday. 
I stood up around 2pm. Hyemi went to work around 10am. Poor girl. She didn't sleep much, because of me.
Hyesung had to work too. But it wasn't that far fortunately. 
I dressed up. I looked in the mirror and my face became worse. I had a headache and my whole body hurted.
I took some medicine. I was a kind of bored, so i cleaned the house. It looked good again. 
Suddenly the doorbell rung. I opened the door and it was Junsu. He asked: "can i come in." 
I answered: "can you leave me alone." And i closed the door. It was rude, but he also acted rude the day before. 
I know he was still standing in front of our dorm. 
I heard him saying: "i am sorry, i acted rude yesterday, but i really care about you. I know you can hear me, please let me explain it." 
I didn't open the door yet. I put on a coat, and my shoes. And i took my bag. 
In a second of time I opened the door, went outside and closed the door quickly. Junsu was still there.
I walked away from him. He came next to me and said: "please listen." I ignored him and put my earphones in. 
I really didn't know where i was going, but he kept following me. I stopped my music, turned around and said: "are you a dog, stop following me." 
And i walked again. He grabbed me and took me to a car, and pushed me in it. "Yah let go." I said. 
He didn't let me. The driver was the same driver as last time. Junsu said to him: "can you give us some time." 
The driver got out of the car and walked to another side. He couldn't see us, since the glasses were black. 
Again i said: "let me go." He said: "listen to me first, i'm sorry for yesterday, i probably hurt your body. 
I should've come earlier, before those guys got you. After u said those things, i really got mad and worried. 
We are just friends for a few days, but if you only know how much i care about you. I shouldn't have act like that, i am sorry." 
I understood him. But i didn't say anything. Suddenly he hugged me and whispered: "forgive me." After a while I hugged him slowly back and said: "it's my fault too, 
i shouldn't say things like that. I understand that you reacted like that, i'm sorry for acting stupid." 
He didn't say anything and hugged me tighter. He whispered: "thank you." Just like that, we sat for few minutes. 
Suddenly the driver came in and said to junsu: "where do u want to go?" Junsu said: "let's go to everland." 
I looked suprised. I said: "did you forget those fangirls from yesterday?" He said with a smile: "we will go undercover, and as long as you stay by my side, you will be save." 
I smiled. "Let's go home, we can go with the all of us next time." He said: "okay, lets go home then." So we went to home. 
He fell asleep on my shoulder. i had a fun convo with the driver. He said: "so you found out huh."
I answered: "yes, it wasn't really hard, since we knew their names, and we have internet, so yeah" 
The driver started to laugh. We had a long conversation about random stuff.
When we arrived i woke him up. It was 5pm. Hyemi and Hyesung would be home at 6.
I went to my own dorm and just relaxed. We weren't a week here, and so much things happened already. 
With a lot of thoughts i fell asleep. Hyemi came inside and woke me up. 
Or well, she screamed: "HEEYOUNG WAKE UP, OMG I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING." I shocked and woke up. 
"WHATS UP" i screamed back. She sat down and said: "Min jae picked me up, and we went for a drive,
he took me to middle of nowhere, but it was a beautiful place. He stared for me for a long time. 
Suddenly he grabbed my arms and pushed me against the car. He stared for minutes again. 
And then he whispered: "don't move." He came closer with his face, AND THEN HE STARTED TO KISS ME."
She answered: "i don't know, because after that we went back home, and didn't say anything anymore." 
I was confused: "that's strange, he better start the conversation again." 
She nodded and said: "exactly, he better come by tonight or tomorrow." 
I asked: "ah do u need to work tomorrow?" She nodded  "mm". 
I said: "he better brings u again tomorrow. And she nodded again.
Suddenly Hyesung came inside and screamed: "YAH LISTEN." Hyemi said: "what's up?" 
Hyesung said: "min woo and i were both done working, we went for a little walk after that. 
He took me into a car, and we drove to a ice cream shop.  We ate some ice cream. But there was some ice cream on my lip. 
He said he would clean that. So he came closer with his face and  my lips, and then we started to kiss. 
WHY DID THIS HAPPEN, I NEED TO GO BACK, THIS CAN'T HAPPEN." Both of us started to laugh and i said: "omg this is so cute, just enjoy your time.
But what are u from each other now." She was thinking and said: "i have no idea, we didn't talk after that."
Hyemi and i looked at eachother and Hyemi said: "are they playing with us or are they shy?"
I answered: "i think shy, especially since they are singers, if someone would find out, we all be dead. 
So maybe they feel awkward after the kiss." It was logic. Hyemi asked: "what about u and junsu." 
I said: "we are friends again, i will keep it like that, or well, at least i try." 
She answered: "mmh we will see." I know she wouldn't believe. 
Hyemi and i started to cook. We ate some rice with chicken and vegetables. 
After we were done eating, we just laid down. It was like 9pm. 
The doorbell rung, but the 3 of us were lazy. In the end Hyesung stood up and opened the door. 
It was junsu, he asked me to come outside. I was really tired, but i went outside. 
When we walked in the street, we didn't say anything. He only held my hand. We kept walking, and he suddenly let go of my hand.
I just kept walking. Out of nowhere he gave me a back hug. Again he said: "i told you, i won't let you go." 
I sighed and said: "i know, thank you for being my friend, let's be friends for a long time okay." 
He turned me around and pushed me against the wall. He whispered: "i don't want to be just a friend, i want to be more." 
Ah this feeling in my body. It was uncomfortable. I said: "you can be my brother." 
He shaked his head: "i want you to be my lover." Only thing i said was: "no, that won't happend, let go now." 
He let me go, even though he wanted something else. I went back to the dorm immediately. 
Those 2 were sleeping already. I washed my face and took some medicine again. 
I laid down and started to think about everything. With those thoughts i fell asleep 
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