Chapter 3

Locker Room Love


“You did not actually try out for the football team, did you?” Kyungsoo, Sehun’s bubbly roommate asked, his wide eyes full of disbelief.

Sehun dropped his messenger bag on his bed and flopped down on it backward. Over the weekend Sehun had gone home to his mom’s flat in Seoul and now that it was Monday morning, Sehun really wanted nothing to do with Kyungsoo’s inquiries. His feet were aching from wearing converse to the tryout and all he wanted was a foot massage.

“Did you though?” Kyungsoo insisted, jumping onto Sehun's bed with him.

Kyungsoo didn’t seem to understand personal boundaries because he virtually broke Sehun’s personal bubble at least three times a day. Sehun didn’t mind Kyungsoo usually, he was just too annoying to deal with right now. Sehun gave Kyungsoo a light push off of the bed and the boy fell to the floor, crying out dramatically.

“SEHUN!” Kyungsoo squealed, poking his head over the side of the bed.

Sehun smirked at his adorable little friend and finally gave in, rolling over onto his stomach.

“I did. Not that I’ll make it of course. It was a fun experience though.” Sehun explained, a small smile gracing his lips at the fond but not so distant memory.

 He remembered how he actually felt like he belonged when Xiumin and Luhan complimented him, when they actually acknowledged his existence unlike the rest of the school besides the teachers and Kyungsoo.

“You might make it. Just be positive.” The boy in question said, an encouraging look in his eyes. Kyungsoo had relentless faith in anything Sehun decided to try out. He was basically Sehun’s personal cheer leading team.

“Thanks, Kyungie, you always seem to be able to put things into a better perspective.” Sehun said appreciatively, mussing Kyungsoo's hair. Kyungsoo giggled of course before flouncing away across the room to the mini fridge.

“Do you want something?” Kyungsoo asked, his brow furrowing in concentration as he sized up the fridge's contents.

Kyungsoo was an umma (as well as an exceptional writer and singer) but first and foremost, he was an umma. When Sehun had first arrived four years ago, he had walked into his dorm and his first impression of the boy was finding him cooking an entire three course meal for himself and his yet unknown roommate. Kyungsoo had been delighted to share it with someone so appreciative and they had been best friends, as well as roommates, ever since. Usually the roommate arrangement changed every year, but because of Sehun’s grades and Kyungsoo’s musical prestige, they recieved special treatment. They considered themselves VIPs while everyone else found the perk quite annoying.

“Nah, I’m okay. My mom made me a pretty huge breakfast!” Sehun responded, patting his slightly distended stomach.

“Suit yourself.” Kyungsoo commented, returning to the kitchen where cooking noises soon began to float out of.

Sehun lay in bed, knowing his first class started in half an hour but for some reason he just didn’t care. The anxiety of the ‘final cuts’ for the soccer team being posted at some point this morning was chewing away at his thoughts. His whole weekend had been consumed with the worry of whether he would make it or not. His mom had been delighted that he was finally participating in the school in another form other than academics.

“You’ll finally get the high school experience that you deserve.” She had said when she heard the news.

Sehun thought his ‘high school experience’ was going fine, although he did finally understand the thrill of being part of a team. The shared goal of winning something was foreign and also very intriguing to Sehun. And on top of it all, Luhan was on the team.

“Luhan came ‘round this morning looking for you.” Kyungsoo muttered, returning to the room with a steaming bowl of something that smelled delicious.

Sehun sat up on his bed automatically and scowled at his friend. “Why did you not mention this before? That’s basically committing the sin of omission!” Sehun chided, jumping to his feet.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at the mention of the word ‘sin’. Sometimes he just forgot things, Sehun should know that by now.

“Sorry. I didn’t think it was that relevant, it was sort of confusing actually. He made me very nervous, he’s popular…” Kyungsoo expressed, eyes becoming wider and wider as he continued.

Lots of things made Kyungsoo nervous, especially popular people. Kyungsoo was only social with people he trusted and were of the same ‘social standing’ as he was; it baffled Sehun.

“You’re neurosis is infuriating! He’s the captain of the football team, you’re so daft sometimes, Kyungsoo!” Sehun snapped, but when he saw how upset his friend was getting, his eyes softened.

He walked over to Kyungsoo and gave him a supportive rub on the back. “It’s alright. It was a mistake. I’m sorry for freaking out.” Sehun said and Kyungsoo just nodded understandingly.

“It’s okay. He didn’t leave a note or anything. He seemed excited about something though, maybe you should go check the cork board to see if the final cuts are posted?” Kyungsoo suggested before slurping up a mouth full of what was in his plate.

“Oh! I hadn’t even thought of checking it yet, I’ll see you at lunch, ok?” Sehun said, before grabbing his bag and rushing out the door.

He ran through the hallways until he arrived at the common room of the boy’s dorm. There was a small crowd surrounding the board and Sehun waited patiently for it to clear. His heart was pounding with anticipation.

When it was his turn, he walked up to the page and read down the list of names. He recognized most of them and he even smiled when he saw Luhan’s name.

“Congratulations!” Somebody behind him greeted before he even had the chance to read his name at the bottom of the list.

Oh Sehun, String 2

Sehun wasn’t sure what string 2 meant but he suddenly felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He had made it. Oh Sehun was on the soccer team.

When he turned around he was met with Luhan’s smiling face. Without a second thought, Sehun wrapped his arms around Luhan excitedly.

Once Sehun realized what he was doing, he froze.

Oh my god… What the hell am I doing? He thought, in complete and utter shock at his own actions.

He was glad he couldn’t see the look on Luhan’s face. He was probably so uncomfortable.

But, to Sehun’s surprise, Luhan melted into celebratory embrace. It was totally friendly from both ends, but once they pulled away from each other, Sehun couldn’t help but feel something inside flicker.

“You made it! Practice starts tomorrow. I have to get to class but text me later, okay?” Luhan said, before putting a folded piece of paper into Sehun’s hand.

The Luhan had just given Sehun his number. This was officially the best of Sehun’s life, so far.

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Chapter 25: I'm going to miss you ;_; but I'm glad you made your choice. May you do well in the future!
Chapter 24: -.- another good story going to waste :/
-dolce- #3
Chapter 25: guys, please don't pressure her into keeping this story. You know it's not the right thing to do. Just support her into doing what she thinks is right.
omgitsemiinii #4
Chapter 25: asdfghjkl; WHAAAT. nooo! ;A;
Chapter 24: AWWW I LOVE THIS STORY DOPN'T DELTE IT. Just give the author credit and don't feel disgusted. u were jsut tryign to write a fanfic desperately. Just give the author credit on ur forward and maybe put a link of the original fanfic on it too just oin case. Its okay. but before u do that, ask the author.
Chapter 24: if you talk to the original author, GIVE HER CREDIT, and idk maybe if you sent me the link along the way so i can read the original one.. im actually quite disapointed though.. i love this story, and i odnt want you to delete it, but, im just disapointed..
Chapter 24: As a huge fan of this story, I would hate for you to delete it. As an author, I think you should delete it. But I honestly believe you need to go to that author and tell them what you did. Ask them for forgiveness and ask if it's ok to keep posting as long as you give them credit. Some authors won't mind as long as they're given the right credit. Please talk to that author first before doing anything rash.
Chapter 22: This might sound harsh, but as much as I enjoy reading this story, I think it's still better for you to delete it. First of all, what we're reading is not yours, it's someone else's. We might be okay with that, but is that what you want? To be known for someone else's writing and not your own? It would be better for you to start afresh, and make a story that people will love that is your own and from your own imagination. I know how hard it is to come up with something that's never been done before, but it doesn't have to be. It just has to be YOU.