This is ridiculous!

The Story of Us

* Minju's POV *

The bell finally rang, and everyone in class was gone to have their lunch... well... everyone except the weird guy beside me. He's not weird actually, but I don't like people who thinks their so awesome that no one should talk to them. He didn't even listen to the teacher, and well... no one does just now but isn't it too obvious that his headphones are on and the teacher doesn't even care?! This is just ridiculous!

"Yah Minju- ah, what should we eat today?" Naeun pull the chair in front of my desk and sit face to face with me with her face in hands, she snap me back to reality that I almost forgot its recess.

"Erm... I don't know~ why not we go have are lunch now in the cafeteria?" She agreed with me and we both stood up ready to leave the classroom when all of a sudden Naeun stop walking and pulled my arm to make me stop walking too. I turned around and look at her to see what's with her now, her jaw dropped.

"What now? Im starving... stop playing games." Gosh... this day just wont stop giving me surprises doesnt it? I heard footsteps, and it doesn't sounded like its coming from one person, its like that's more than one of them. I turned around to see what made Naeun look stupid again and I accidentally bumped into something hard. I took a step away and I saw a freakishly tall guy standing in front of me, he has this wide smile when I was rubbing my forehead.

"What do have here, someone's in a rush." I has this playful tone that makes me wanna slap him hard on the face. Naeun pull me closer to her and whisper to me.

"Minju-ah he's Gongchan Shik, the maknae of their band!" She whispered to me with her eyes glancing from him to me. Why is she so crazy about them?! Its not like they're a real band. They just name themselves cause they are popular in this school.

I glance back up to him to find him staring at me with a grin on his face, its like he was waiting for me to say something. I know I know, he wanted me to apologize for bumping into him.

"Sorry." I scoffed and was about to leave when he stand in my way. I move to the other side and he was obviously copying me.

"Its okay~ why don't you have lunch with us? " He nodded towards Mr. Rudy pants over there and pinched my cheek, the others from their group just ignore us and walk towards where Jung Jinyoung was sitting at.

I slapped his hand away and shoot him deadly glares. "Hey I don't know who are you but do not touch me!" I was really not in the mood in dealing with any of him and his friends.

Like seriously! Who does that? He's really lucky that I didn't cut his hand off.

* Jinyoung's POV *

"Yah hyung! Who's that cute girl?" Channie asked while walking towards me.

"Who?" I look up at him from my food.

"The one I just bumped into. Didn't you guys see what just happened?" No one answers him and continue eating. I didn't really hear what channie said cause I was zoning out to what happened this morning. The moment I set foot into the classroom, there she is again... I felt this awkward aura so I put my headphones on.

"Yah hyung!" Channie was snapping his finger in front of me. I blink a few more times and look at him. "You were saying?"

"I asked who is she? The girl I bumped into just now." How the hell do I know who did he bumped into! I wasn't paying attention on what he did few moments ago! I wasnt even interested in it.

"I don't know... describe her then." Not interested~

"She's cute, tall nose, brown eyes, with a pony tail. She has a tough attitude, and she has a friend with her too." W-what? Did she just describe the person I was thinking about ago? Well... not thinking but he just describe that girl. That weird girl who I think was haunting me!

"O-oh.. She's the new student. She sits next to me, I think she calls Minja or Munja or whatsoever." I cleared my throat.

"Ah jinjja? She sits next to you? Let me see... Hey she forgotten her phone!" Channie just gave me a smile and went to her seat looking through her stuff, by the time Channie said she forgotten her phone everyone look over to him.

"Yah Channie ah! Its rude of you touching others stuff without permission!" Shinwoo stare at him with a semi yelling tone.

"Arraseo.. I just wanted to know what's her name.... A-ha! I found it! Kim...Min...Ju! Yah hyung! Its not MinJa its MinJu!" Channie held up a notepad of hers. He flip through her notepad and saw her written something on it. After Channie read it, he kept giggling.

                                                                       Ige bwoya!!! Who do he think he is!!!
                                                                       Stealing my seat! Ignored me when I was talking to him!
                                                                       RUDE MUCH!!

"What's so funny about it?" I raised a brow and look at him, he gave her notepad to me and its obviouly talking about me.

"She's so cute." He was giggling beside me. What she wrote was obviously talking about me.

* Minju's POV *

I went back to class with Naeun after our lunch and class doesn't starts in 45 minutes, that means there's more time for myself. I walk towards my seat and saw everything was a mess. What the heck just happened here? A storm struck my seat? I turned my head towards those people next to my seat, I dont know why but my senses told me they did it! Its them!

Jinyoung turned his head towards me when he finally notice that I was staring at them. "W-what?" Uh huh! Its was him! "Who did this?" I pointed down to my table while Naeun was mumbling something. "Look I know this is ridiculous but I think you're misunderstanding me." He finally stood up and his friends were glacing from him to me. Naeun was pulling my shirt and tell me to forget about it, she got to be kidding me. They didn't ask for my permission and went through my things! Now that is just rude!

"Oh really? Explain what happened to my desk please." I crossed my arm in front of me and the room was our classmate were entering the classroom little by little.

"Let's talk about this somewhere else." He look around to find most of the people in class was looking at us and he walked out. I followed him and there was this awkward silence between us, we finally reached a little garden where there was a bunch of flowers around us. I cleared my throat and look at him.

"Look, I think there's this misunderstanding between us." He rubbed the back of his neck and cough a little.

"Like what?" I crossed my arms in front of me and was waiting for him to answer.

"I know you like me, but-" What in the world is he talking about?

"What?! Who told you that I like you? You got to be kidding me! Who do you think you are?!" He's insane! That's the misunderstanding he's talking about? Well its a really big one indeed! I walk away from him and ready to get back to our classroom, and I felt him grabbing onto my arm.

"Then what about this morning?" This morning? What this morning? Oh! I remember... oh so he thinks that I have a crush on him?

"It was an accident! Now do you mind?" I took a glance from his hand to him. He was totally embarrased by the look and his face, he let go of me and i went back to classroom having him behind me. I wasn't that mad actually, it was kind of... funny. All along he thinks that I have a crush on him?


"Yah MinJu ah... what did you and Jinyoung actually happen just now?" Naeun asking me while we were on our way leaving our school gate.

"You're not gonna believe me. That Jinyoung guy thinks that I have a crush on him." I saw Naeun from the corner of my eyes that she was trying to hide her laughter by covering .

"Ah noona!!" I held someone yelling my name and turned around to see who was it. It was that weird guy this morning, told ya he's younger than me! He ran towards us and I saw his friends including Jinyoung behind him.

"What do you want?" I scoffed and was surprised after that, he bowed and apologized to me.

"Noona, neaga neomu mianhae-ah, I was the one who go through your stuff without your permission in the first place so don't be mad at hyung. " he said it in a worried tone and apologized to me again.

"Ania... gwencana... Im not mad anymore. Now I think I should go now." Well... I wasn't that mad anymore... besides... he already apologized.

"But noona can't I make it up to you?" Channie held my wrist and made me stop walking away.

"Err... no its ok." I tried to break my wrist free from his grip

"Me and hyung are going to have ice-cream, would you guys like to join us? I really wanna make it up to you." He grab my wrist even tight and insisted me to have ice-cream with them.

"Yeah, why don't you just join us?" A tall guy with glasses suddenly spoke out.

"Ania, its ok, maybe next time?" I seriously need to go now, before anything stupid happens again.

"Why dont you just come with us?" I heard a soft voice insisting me and it sounded familiar. Its the Jinyoung guy, oh... so you finally notice you an idiot and you wanna make it up to me huh? Hmm... on second thought why not? A little ice cream and some tease on him wont hurt right?

"Yah- Minju ah... why not?" Naeun who was beside me finally speaks.

"Ok then... a little ice cream wont hurt. Err... Can you let go of me now? Its starting to hurt." I was twisting my wrist in his hand and he finally let go.

"Ehehe... sorry about that. Oh by the way, Im Gongchan shik. You can call me Channie if you want to." He smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey there ~ Im Cha Sunwoo but you can call me Baro." A guy with an average hight smiled.

"Hey nice to meet you, Sandeul here." This guy has a pair of small eyes when he smile... just like Jinyoung.

"Im Shin Dongwoo but others normally call me Shinwoo." The tall guy with glasses offers me his hand to shake.

"Hi im Kim Minju and she's my best friend Son Naeun but you can call me Minju and for her, just call her Naeun if you want to." I said it with a smile and Naeun did the same too.

"So are we going or what?" Baro and Sandeul said playfully.

On our way Baro and Sandeul was walking together and it seems like they are really close to each other, they looked like they're more closer than the others. Shinwoo and Naeun was walking together, and wow that's really fast for the them making friend with each other already. And of course, Gongchan was walking with me but we didn't talk at all, well he did talk but I reply him by nodding my head. Then I notice that Jinyoung was all alone at the back of us. All of a sudden Baro and Sandeul started to disagree on something again so Gongchan walk towards them to pull it off, finally he's gone. He's annoying... really annoying. I was walking behind Naeun and Shinwoo when I felt someone was walking beside me. It was Jinyoung.

"I see you don't talk much... and Im sorry about the misunderstanding." I didn't really look at him was talking to me.

"Its ok."I replied him.

"So I guess that makes us friends?" I saw him stopped and held his hand out.

"Yeah I guess so." He made a soft smile and we had our first eye contact when we both shook our hands.

"Yah noona, hyung! What are you guys doing at the back? Yah noona! I was talking to you first!" Channie came back and drag me to his side and started talking with me again. Oh well...


Hey guys!  Im back with the second chapter ~ I hoped you'll like this one too cause its kinda boring ... hehe ... sorry
But I'll make it interesting again at the back!
Remember to comment! 

Enjoy ~ 

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Chapter 20: Jinyoung come back T ~ T
Chapter 20: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO REJECT GONGCHAN (Jinyoung and Gongchan are my bias)
Chapter 19: Nuuuuuuu! Bring Jinyoung back! Huhuhuhuh. Channie should only love Bana... Or Jinyoung too (Jinchan shipper XD)
Chapter 17: Love da chappie
Chapter 17: I HATE JINYOUNG'S MOM but it's funny how channie acts like their dating soooo LOL
Chapter 16: Don't end it