Chapter 1

My Bodyguard
Chapter 1
Min Ah's POV
"Kyu Jin-ah!" oppa shouted as he ran towards me.
"Kyu-oppa.." I said as I try to hold back the tears welling up in my eyes.
"Let's go, Kyu Jin. Can you stand up? Here. I'll lend you a hand." then he gave me his right hand for support.
"Thanks, Kyu-oppa."
"It's alright. Just be careful next time, okay? There will be a time that oppa will never get to lend his hand when you trip over your self." he said then smiled.
"Yes, oppa!" then I smiled back.
*ring ring*
Aish! Stupid phone.. I really wanted to throw you away for disturbing my sleep and cutting my precious, gorgeous, fantastic dream. But before that, I'll answer the call first.
I pressed the answer button without even looking at the screen. "Moshi moshi?" I said slowly. I'm still sleepy, you know?
I immediately look on the screen of my phone to see the name of my mother. So, it really is her. "Oh, eomma. It's you.. Sorry.. I just got up."
"Oh! Did I disturb your sleep?" eomma asked.
"Ofcourse you did! D'you know that assassins like me have the most tiring and tiring and tiring jobs here in this world?! Both our body and minds have to work simultaneously or else we'll die! Not to mention that we're not immortal so we get injuries too! And I'm severely injured right now! And guess what? You disturbed my rest!!!" is what I really wanted to say. But ofcourse, I didn't. Eventhough she disturbed my sleep and my dream, she's still my mother.
"Nah. Not really." is the answer that I gave her. "So, why did you call? Did something happen?"
"Ah.. Eh.. You see.. I was wondering if.." my mother said. O-kay? What is it?
"Wondering if? Come on, eomma. Spill it. Don't hesitate."
"Okay.. I was wondering if you can go back here. Wait! I'm not done yet. Let me finish first before you say your reason why you can't." mom said. She really is my mom. Hahaha. I was just thinking of saying that I'll be having a mission in North Pole even if I don't have one. But then.. Hahaha she figured it out already!
"Yeah yeah. Continue."
"So, I want you to come back here in Korea. I want to see my daughter. It's been 6 long years since we last saw you. Me and your dad are having a lot of meetings these past few weeks. So even if we thought of going there by ourselves to see you, we just can't. We're too busy to travel. So, can you come here?" how am I supposed to decline this request?! Kamisama.. Onegai.. Tasukette! [God.. Please.. Help me!]
"I.. I have to ask our leader first. I know she won't say no. But don't expect too much, okay eomma?"
"Okay! I'll wait for your call later!"
*toot toot*
I stand up from my bed and went to the bathroom. After I take a bath, I went to my closet and get dressed up. I'm going to the headquarters to meet Arisawa-sama, our organization's leader, and ask for her permission. Haay.. I just hope that she'll say no..
Yeah. I really hope for her to say no! I'm allergic to Korean people! As if I'm not a Korean.. (-_-) Well, what I mean is that I don't remember anything about Korea anymore. It's because I've been here in Japan since I'm 13! The only thing that I can remember is the language and.. the language alone.
But, I have to get a yes as an answer. It's for my mom and my dad. ONLY. Mom and dad ONLY.
*toot toot toot* *Access Granted* *slide*
"Oh! Ohayou gozaimasu [Good morning], Min Ah-sama!" by anonymous assassin #1
"Ohayou [Morning], Min Ah-sama!" by anonymous assassin #2
"How have you been, Min Ah-sama? Good morning, by the way." by anonymous assassin #3
And the greetings goes on.. And I skipped my introduction.. But, because I remembered it, here we go!
Watashi wa Kang Min Ah desu. Okay.. Nevermind that.. So, my name's Kang Min Ah. Codename ; Akuma no Tenshi, Assassin #51, Group #7, Ranked 7th. I'm 19 and an assassin in Japan. Our organization doesn't have any name, so the other organizations address ours like 'Full-of-strong-assassins Organization' (they say that our organization is full of very strong and undefeatable members), 'Fight-them-and-you're-dead Organization' (we always end up killing those who pick fight against us), 'Like-hell-we're-gonna-give-up! Organization' (we never retreat in our missions even if there's only one person left to fight), or  'Idiots Organization' (they call us idiots for not knowing the words 'give up', 'retreat', 'escape', and 'lost'). But we commonly hear the name 'Nameless Organization', so most of the members of other organizations call us that.
"Excuse me, is Arisawa-sama inside?" I asked the guards outside our leader's room.
"Yes, Min Ah-sama. Do you wish to have a word with Arisawa-sama?" one of the guards asked.
"Please wait for a moment.." then he started clicking some buttons beside the door. Hmm.. What was that for again? Ah! It's to signal Arisawa-sama if she's having some visitors. Green light for yes, Red light for no, and a Yellow light for.. 'later'.
"Arisawa-sama said that you can enter, Min Ah-sama." then he slid his access card to open the door.
"Thank you." I said as I walk in. "Arisawa-sama?"
"Min Ah-chaaaaan!" then she jumped to hug me.
"Ah.. A-ano.. A-arisawa-s-samaaa!" I can't breathe.. Huhu! She's too strong..
"Oh! Gomen [Sorry], Min Ah-chan. I just missed you." she said in a cute way. I can't believe that this lady in front of me is actually the most deadliest person in Japan and one of the most strongest in the world..
"It's fine, Arisawa-sama." then I smiled.
"Hmm.. It's rare for you to visit me here by your own. Well, you only went here because I told you so. Are you going to ask me if there are some mission that are needed to be done?" she asked smiling.
"It's not that. I'm here to ask your permission."
"For what?" then she walked towards her bed.
"I wanted to return to South Korea." I said while looking down, a knee on the ground.
"A vacation?" she asked then lay down.
"Err.. Something like that.."
"Then go. Humans like you deserve to have a break once in a while, right? And.. It's been so long since you went shopping. Girls aren't girls without make-up, heels, and flashy clothes, you know?"
"Arisawa-sama.. You know that genders doesn't matter if you're an assassin.."
"I know. But, you have to consider it sometimes."
"I understand, Arisawa-sama.."
"Now, if you don't mind.. I actually wanted to ask you something. Well, I know that it's supposed to be your vacation and off from work, but.. can you do something for me?" she asked looking straightly in my eyes.
"It's not a normal favor, isn't it, Arisawa-sama?"
"Hahaha! You know me too much. Haay.. I hate you for being my student." then she stand up to sit. "It's a favor that my husband asked."
"Do I have to meet him?"
"Are you a mind reader? Hahaha! Yes, you have to ask him personally. He doesn't want to tell me why, but he need the strongest girl in my team. So, I'm sending you. Don't worry, he's not that hard to locate. He's pretty popular, yah know?" she stopped laughing. "So, can you do it?"
"Well, I'm just going to meet him, talk to him, and do whatever he wanted me to do so.. I think it's fine. I'll do it."
"Yey! Min Ah-chan's finally gonna meet my beloved husband!"
"Please don't get too fired up about it.."
- Next day -
*kring kring!*
"Yeah.. yeah.. I got it.." I went straightly to the bathroom to take a bath. After that I went to my walk-in closet and get dressed.
Wow. I'm really flying back to Korea. I'm finally going to see.. mom and dad again.
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Chapter 7: Awww I practically cried myself
NikkiMikki28 #2
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh, that made me so happy. He finally embraced the fact that she is his sister. Now, I can't wait until super junior comes back in.
Chapter 7: Awwwww their conversation lol!!but its cute that kyu being honest and also said he likes the old kyujin kkkk nice and they 'reconciled' they hugged ^^ cute siblings
Chapter 6: Pls updatw soon!!!
Chapter 5: Ok interesting, he thought his sister is dead..
Chapter 3: I like thw way U write. The conversation is natural n funny
Chapter 3: Wahhhhh i enjoyed reading chaptwr 2 n this!! Nice!!!!
Chapter 1: Hahha i like this so far
fakyuw #9
Chapter 5: wee i really love ur story>< please update soon^^