The Man

A Simple Duty



It’s already Tuesday, and everything seems change in two days. Kyu absent yesterday and now he walk slowly toward his lockers as he change his shoes in silent as some students pass him by and start whispering about things. Kyu only look at them lazily with his blank gazes, before he turn his gaze toward his front after close his locker.

He has dark circles under his eyes, like he never sleep these past two days. He walks slowly in silent like usual, as some student stare at his strangely. He like to glance at them once or twice before he put his gaze back to his way, try not really care toward the other. He can see also some spirits that floating out in the hallway looking at Kyu with their lifeless eyes and following his shade until he get into his class.

He opens the door slowly and all eyes turn into him. He just stops in the hallway as he like to questioning himself what’s wrong with him anyway. He not really cares and let the stare keep on him. He walk slowly toward his chair, he can see a spirits sit on his desk and he move in second just when Kyu come and leave. Kyu put his satchel on his desk and lift his head in second when Ryeowook come.

“Come with me.”

Ryeowook take Kyu’s hands as he leads the taller out from the class. Kyu just follow to where the other brings him to as he know, if the shorter lead him to the school’s roof. Ryeowook take his hands off as they arrived. He still back facing Kyu and turn slowly with a deep sigh.

“What’s going on between you and Siwon hyung?” Ryeowook says slowly and only replied with a strange questioning looks from Kyu “he looks bad, and whenever anyone ask him, he only says ‘ask Kyu’ seriously, what happen!?”

Kyu turn his gaze for awhile. He avoid Ryeowook gaze by looking at everywhere. He stops moving his gaze as he catch a glimpse of figure that he knows already stand on the corner, staring at both him and Ryeowook from afar with an expression that can’t tell.

Kyu move his gaze away from Changmin when he realizeS if Ryeowook already waving his hand in front of his face “I know you wouldn’t tell me. No, you wouldn’t tell anyone Kyu. But please, just… I… I” Ryeowook voice suddenly cracking as the sobs start to feels the air “I miss you, I miss the Cho Kyuhyun that I know before the accident.”

Kyu can feel it really clear, when Ryeowook walk pass him by and bumped at his left shoulder. The shorter leave him on the roof to only stare at the place where he standS before. Kyu only sigh a little and lift his head as he can see the transparent figure already move and stand in front of him.

“it’s okay…”






“You must be Cho Kyuhyun.”

Kyu turn his head as he found a quiet tall figure look at him from his right. He has that dark brown hair and quiet sharp eyes. He has small mouth which is smile now toward him. This man uses a suit and walk closer to him. Kyu move aside a little as the man stops feet away. Deep inside his mind, he feels like he knows this man.

“I’m Jung Yunho, Changmin’s dad.” He gives a hand for Kyu to take, before Kyu eyeing it slowly and take the hand. Yunho smile a little as the hands off “can we talk for a moment?”

Kyu not says anything. He just turns his head back to the white door that he already stare since moments ago. He wants to get inside, but then nods his head slowly and follow Yunho to outside the hospital.






They sit on one of the bench outside. Let the warm air touch the skin as the wind swift slowly. Neither Kyu nor Yunho says any word. They sit side by side as leave a gap.  The leaves fall slowly as the wind blows the tree and make it falls like a rain in a one take. Yunho take a deep breath.

“So, how long you know Changmin?” Kyu straighten up his sit position when Yunho ask him that, because seriously, he knows Changmin just after the other get the accident. He can’t tell to Yunho if actually he not a real friend of Changmin because he never really have a proper talk with the other in the real life. He wants to says the truth, but then he not “honestly, I’m glad to know if he has a friend, even just one.”

“Since Chulie’s dead, he not becomes himself anymore. I know, I never be a good dad for him, but then, every time I seeing him alone, only makes me guilt toward Chulie.”

Kyu listen to the words slowly. He tries to understand when Yunho tell him about the other one whose already dead. He remember the time when Changmin tell him about the painting on the ceiling in the mall, where on the corner of it have an autograph from the painter, who is actually his mom, Shim Heechul.

Kyu widen his eyes slowly and says something in low voice without facing Yunho “But, you are Jung and Changmin is—“

“Shim.” Yunho cut Kyu words. He lift his head slowly to see the tree over them that slowly but sure almost lost all it leaves “He take Heechul’s famiies name for a reason.”

“Aahhkk!” Kyu his in pain slowly as his right head suddenly hurt like it want to explode in no time. It feels like something try to knocking up his head over and over and make him dizzy at the same time. He close his eyes as his sight turn blurs slowly. He pulls his hair tight to less the pain, but its only makes it worse. Yunho turn his head in second as he see the younger whimpers and hiss, he try to find Kyu gaze.

“You okay?” Kyu only nods a little and stand from his seat. “I better home.”

Yunho quickly follows the younger as he try to walk beside him “You sure you okay? I mean, we’re in hospital, I can—“

“Fine.” Kyu gritted his teeth as the pain still sting his head up. He open his eyes and look at Yunho right in the eyes “I just need to home.” And he bows his body before leave with his hand still on his head.






Kyu walk slowly as the pain keep getting worse in his head. He already leaves the hospital. He canceled his session and just left right away on foot. He doesn’t want to take a train, where he must be accidentally touched or bumped toward another person.

His look is terrible. With still his hand on his head, make his hair is such a mess. His face is full of sweat, and his body is feels like burning, which makes his school uniform damp. He walks like he lost his soul. Some eyes already eyeing him as he passes them by. He also can see some spirits that looking at him with their plain expression.

He still walks on the main road. He just needed two blocks away before he arrived at his home. He just wants to sleep right away and make the pain leave him soon. He struggle enough, because he use his left hands to support him by the wall, as he walk with his eyes half open. He feels like dying.



“So, it’s already three years, but we still can see the painting of Shim Heechul everywhere.”



Kyu stops right away as he listen a voice from his left. He turns his head slowly and he just realize if he already stops in front of electronic store which displayed a LCD TV on the front behind the glass window. The TV is on, and it played some kind of talk shows on it. Kyu lift his body and try to straighten up his stand position and keep look at the TV where the host still talks toward a man.



“We still remember the time when we heard the news about his accident.  It’s totally a big lost for us, for losing a brilliant painter like him.”



The TV suddenly shows all the painting from Heechul that still existed. Kyu can recognize few of it since sometimes Eunhyuk likes to bring him to some gallery or something. It also shows some place which the walls are painted by Heechul, just like the ceiling from the mall. Kyu still put his focused on the television, and he even forgot about the pain in his head. The screen suddenly turn into the host again, but in different place, like he’s on a gallery. On the corner of the screen, Kyu can see if it’s recorded tape, since it shows the date, which is four years ago.



“So now, we already in Shim Heechul’s house, with his husband Jung Yunho. And now, stand beside me is our painter that we already know for well.”



Kyu eyes widen in second. He forgot how to breaths and he stuck in there just like being struck by lightning. He swallowing his own saliva that somehow hurt his throat and make him want to scream in second, but no. he just stay there and not moving, like his feet already glued to the place.

Suddenly the feels come again. He feels like the time passing so fast, and the wind getting worse around him. He can hear some whisper in his ears, not from people but from the empty souls around him. He doesn’t realize since when, but now, he already surrounded by the death spirits that also focused on him and television. He can feel their gaze, because it sends a goosebumps toward him. He doesn’t want to turn his gaze away until he’s sure to what he sees.

The man beside the host on the tape has a light brown hair. He still has his gaze down as he laugh slowly. He not that kinda tall, but then he lift his head and make the time feels stops for Kyu.


It’s him.

The man in his dream.

For all these time, the man that haunted him is Shim Heechul, Changmin’s mom.

That’s explain why he seem like he know this man before.



“Hahaha, It’s a pleasure to have you here, but again, I’m just an ordinary person like others”



Kyu walk backward as he sure to what he sees. Suddenly his head hurt again and make him fall on the ground in second. He gritted his teeth to prevent his screaming because of the pain. He holds his head hard and close his eyes as the pain keep make him just want to die in second.

“You alright son?” A man comes out from the electronic store as he sees Kyu fell on the ground and holds his head hard. He’s kneeling beside Kyu as he tries to find the younger gazes who still close his eyes.


‘It’s such a long time for you to realize it’


Kyu lift his head and turn his head on his right, to see one of the spirits already look at him with his plain expression. The spirit doesn’t have a right arm and Kyu can see the long scar that connected his mouth and his left ear.


‘A half immortal like him, never know how to make it easier’


Another voice come, and Kyu just put his gaze down, because seriously, the shade of woman that he just see is not something that you can be proud about when you can see them. “Son, you okay?”

Kyu turn his head to his side and find the middle age man already seeing him with worried look, because Kyu just see the other ways moment ago, and look like he terrified. Kyu nods in second, and with the man’s help, he get back into his feet. His head still hurt, but not really worse like before. He nods his head to the man as thanks and sorry. He also almost leaves the place but then someone calls his name.



“So you just realize about it Cho Kyuhyun!? How's about that!?”



Kyu stuck in his place as his eyes fixed on the TV. He just call his name, no, he just talk to him. Shim Heechul just talk to him toward the TV. Kyu even can see how Heechul’s gaze focused on him, as a small smile that more like a smirk plastered on his face. The host on the show is not responding and he seem like not get what Heechul just says, and the shows keep go on, like Heechul not says anything toward Kyu.

Kyu widen his eyes as he quickly turn his heels from the place and get a run. He can hear the man that help him before call him, but he doesn’t care. He runs toward his home, but then he realizes he’s not. He runs with no direction. He run with his eyes keep focused on the ground. He doesn’t know how much people already bumped by him, because he really doesn’t care.

Kyu stops right away when he feels he almost lost his breath. He has his hands on his knees as he tries to take more oxygen from the air. He lifts his head slowly and looks at surround him. He realizes he already arrived in a place that he know very well. A place where he get the accident three years ago. He also quiet shocked to what he sees right now. The same street light like one in his dream. Exactly the same.

Suddenly he just stares blankly at the street light. He understands now. He just gets all this puzzles up into his mind. He just realize about everything after all these time. He smile and laugh bitterly as the memories hit him. He remembers the time Eunhyuk says three years ago, if Shim Heechul also get the accident at the same day with him, but he died right away.

The reality hit him, and he feels dizzy at the same time.

Kyu feels like his surrounding spinning around with some spirits that keep staring at him. His gaze turn into blurs, and his legs is trembling. He fell on the ground in second. He can feel if his eyes are heavy as hell and force him to close it. He can hear so many people talk surround him like to ask him what happen. The last thing that he can remember is, he feels like he hears someone’s voice, call him and tell him not to close his eyes.

Just in second after that, he lost his consciousness.


















I can't believe I update this story a day after. I just read manga yesterday, and one of Mangaka says 'If you don't get a job, you'll die in five years'  I guess that is something which makes me write this.

Oh, and I'm sorry, there's no Changkyu moment this Chapter, no it's worse, there's no Changmin here, his part just a little. I'm sorry, I'll makes his part a bit longer next Chap. See ya on next Chapter

Thanks for reading :))



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foodgame #1
Chapter 6: Your stories are always amazing!! Please update it!!! Pleaseeee
pimprime #2
Chapter 6: hey, will u update this story? :)
pimprime #3
Chapter 6: hey, will u update this story? :)
Chapter 6: I really want to know what's going on :OOO ny changkyu<33 feels!! XDD thanks for the update, it's really interesting and i want to know everything
Chapter 5: Wah, I feel so sad and I am dying to know what happens next.
Chapter 5: i love this story, it's really great and interesting and CHANGKYU<3333
Saravy #7
Chapter 3: Something is up with AFF. I didn't get the notice that this had updated and this isn't the first time. :(

Anyways, so they finally meet irl. It was really sad. Plus, Kyu's "nightmare" was really odd. Scary and odd. I can't wait to find out who he needs to find. I wonder..
Kyung1Ari #8
Chapter 3: Good story! Please update soon
Chapter 3: Siwon you er! xDD Excuse my language~
I hope they don't paint over Heechul's painting!
Update soon!
Chapter 3: Hope that he will survive... *sob *sob