Chapter Seven

Rejected By A Nerd
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I threw my keys on the counter and ran upstairs and locked myself in my room, as I buried my face under my blanket with his picture in my hand. With a sigh I called the only person who would know that exact words to say.

“Oh, now you remember me” IU’s voice entered the line

“Stupid nerd got me all emotional”

“Oh honey” she trailed, “the nerd rejected you again?”

I smiled and we were off to our little world.


I feel like my story is just a one shot, it’s feel like my life is being written, it feels like my days will just pass in one type of a word. Like right now, it’s been days since I last spoken to Ljoe. I’ve seen him the school halls, he would give me a little wave and I would look at him as if I never knew him from the start. It was hard at first, but it will be easier to distant myself from him now than later since I’ll be leaving tomorrow. No, I haven’t gotten rid of his pictures on the back of my closet door, No I haven’t change my wall paper on my laptop, and No I haven’t gotten over him. I still wish to marry him and have little nerd’s babies, but right now that wish is far from possible.

Opposite attracts? I don’t think so, or maybe it’s true but I guess we just don’t match. We’re not meant to be, hard to accept but what can I do?

“You threw me away for a nerd and now you’re leaving me, what kind of friends are you?” IU hooked her arm with mine as we made our way to the library where I nee

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Heavensnohitori #1
Chapter 11: It was really good
Chapter 10: This story is so cute and amazing! ^^ oh my Hyuna ~
huehuehue #3
Chapter 10: <3 love this storryy! >.<
Dragonfly96 #4
Chapter 10: I cant believe my fav story is complete~T^T
anyway,im also happy,and ljoe,hahaha so cute!!Hyuna and ljoe make a perfect couple~~XD
nmhuongg #5
Chapter 10: hehe :D sweet ending. i like this cute nervous Ljoe ~ make more fics pls
_young5 #6
Chapter 10: Sequel plsㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: LOL so she isn't leaving? oh well, at least they're together ^_^
Chapter 9: I'm really confused
Chapter 8: HE'S THERE!
Chapter 6: Awww i feel so bad for her ;_;