Chapter Five

Rejected By A Nerd
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It’s a she?

“Who’s that?” I asked, as I pushed my way up and looked at him with oddity.

ljoe ignored my question and marched downstairs, he looked so excited. I could feel a slight pain in my chest, not once he showed such benevolent countenance. I sat back on my original position on the

bed and listened to their conversation growing closer and closer. I sank back on the bed, burying my face on my text book. Words and numbers were written but I couldn’t understand anything. I perked up and saw two figures coming inside. I took a cursory glance at ‘her’ and found myself gawking in astonishment.

“Hyuna, this is Jiyeon” ljoe grinned, he kept her eyes on her.

You’ve got to be kidding me, I’m competing with that? How in the world am I going to win his heart now? I studied her from head to toe, feeling jealous rise as my eyes found her hands wrapped around his arm. Her braided pig tails hang loosely on either side of her head, her glasses was even bigger than the nerd I’m crushing on, and her clothes looked like there were bought in the some kind of old retail store. She’s...perfect for him, they were literally match made in heaven.

“Nice to meet you” her voice was petite and smooth, nothing like mine.

I smiled softly and nodded before I returned my attention back to my book, “She’ll be joining us today, I have a feeling that you’ll understand her teaching style more than mine”

I glowered and pouted, “But I want you” I whined like a child.

My eyes widened when I realized what I just said, I slapped my forehead mentally. They stood their looking unsure before they got back to their intelligent conversation, like seriously who talks about trigonometry while greeting each other? Apparently they do.

Jiyeon, as I recall her name was, sat beside me shyly and opened her binder. Ljoe joined us by sitting right across from with a smile on his face. I pouted, those tender sweet smiles are supposed to be for me. For at least half an hour I felt like the third wheel of the party, from time to time they would turn to me and ask about my opinion on how to answer a question. How should I know? I’m here to be tutored not to state my opinion which didn’t feel like it mattered even if I answered. For a moment they would make a certain remark to each other and would laugh right after as if they were having some kind of private jokes. They would look at each other so

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Heavensnohitori #1
Chapter 11: It was really good
Chapter 10: This story is so cute and amazing! ^^ oh my Hyuna ~
huehuehue #3
Chapter 10: <3 love this storryy! >.<
Dragonfly96 #4
Chapter 10: I cant believe my fav story is complete~T^T
anyway,im also happy,and ljoe,hahaha so cute!!Hyuna and ljoe make a perfect couple~~XD
nmhuongg #5
Chapter 10: hehe :D sweet ending. i like this cute nervous Ljoe ~ make more fics pls
_young5 #6
Chapter 10: Sequel plsㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 10: LOL so she isn't leaving? oh well, at least they're together ^_^
Chapter 9: I'm really confused
Chapter 8: HE'S THERE!
Chapter 6: Awww i feel so bad for her ;_;