
Sulli's P.OV

My parents came back quite late so I had time to clean up the house after Krystal left. When they got back I was studying.

"How long have you been studying for?" My mother asked.

"Quite a while. I cleaned the house so it would be nice when you came back." I said.

"You're so good." Said my father, patting my head.

It was almost midnight when I went to bed, but it took me a while to fall asleep because I was thinking about Krystal...


Krystal's P.O.V

I went to the woods for a while, then decided I needed a change of clothes so I started to walk home. It was very dark by the time I got back and when I came in everything was quiet.. Until my mother came down the stairs.

"Why are you here." She said.

"I need clothes." I said quietly, trying not to make eye contact.

"Take your stuff then and get out." She said, then she walked off.

I quickly went up the stairs and into my room and put a lot of my clothes in a bag, but as I started to leave my sister Jessica came out of her room.

"..Soojung." She said.

"What." I looked up at her coldly.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"We have this conversation every time I'm here.. They don't want me to stay, so I'm taking some stuff like I do every week." I said, sighing.

"Why can't you stay?" She asked.

"Are you simple minded or what? I just said, they don't like me.. Ever since.. Something happened." I mumbled.

"What happened?" She asked, looking worried.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said quickly. "I'm leaving now. Don't tell your parents that I spoke to you."

"Okay.. Bye Soojung.." She said, then she watched me leave.

I left the house again and headed for the woods, then changed my mind half way through and went to Sulli's house instead. I climbed up the side and her window was open slightly. I pulled it open more and climbed in quietly. I walked over to Sulli's bed and saw she was fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, I opened up her wardrobe and sat in it and fell asleep sat up straight.


Sulli's P.O.V

I woke up in the morning and sat up slowly. I heard some snoring and it woke me up. I listened for a while and it seemed to be coming from the wardrobe. I wearily creeped over to the wardrobe and looked inside to see Krystal sleeping. I giggled slightly and picked her up and put her on my bed. She twitched slightly as I put the covers over her, then I got ready for school and went down to get breakfast. When I came back to my room she was awake.

"Hello, Choi Jinri." She said.

"Hello Soojung." I said. "Sleep well?"

She nodded. "I really need to go somewhere now though.. I'll see you at school.." She said, then got up. opened the window then looked back at me. "I don't mind where you put my bag, I already have my books at school.." Then she climbed out of the window and I watched her run away.


I caught the bus to school a while later and Krystal was sat in the place where I first saw her. Luna was there with the others so I decided to go with Luna.

"Jinri!" Amber squealed. "We heard things about you. Don't worry, nobody else knows."

"..W-What did you hear?" I asked nervously.

"You and Krystal.." Victoria mumbled.

"Oh.. That." I started. "Well.."

"She's probably planning to kill you." Said Amber.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling scared.

"Well.. All of Krystal's ex girlfriends have all been found dead." Luna said.

"..It's not nice to spread rumours." I heard Krystal's voice from behind.

"But we all know you killed them." Amber said.

"Don't be stupid. Why would I kill them?" Krystal snorted.

"We don't want you to kill Sulli." Victoria said.

"I wouldn't ever hurt Choi Jinri." Krystal said, then I heard her stand up and walk behind me and she hugged me from behind.

I blushed slightly and Krystal grinned.

"If you're going to make out then do it somewhere else, we'll stop talking about you." Luna groaned.

"If I do hear you talking about me again.." Krystal said, then she pulled me back to her seat.

"So.. Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "I don't like it when people talk about me.. Stupid rumours.." She mumbled.

I looked over at the others and watched them leave the room. "There's nobody else here now."

"Are you sure you're okay though Soojung?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I  be okay? You're here with me now.." She said, then she pulled me onto her lap and hugged me tightly.

I smiled slightly and rested my head against her. "Where did you go before you came to my house?"

"I went home to get clothes.." She said.

"Are they mean to you at home?" I asked.

She nodded. "They haven't liked me for a long time.."

"What happened?" I asked, looking at her worriedly.

"It's hard to explain.. I don't think that you would ever accept me the same way.." She said.

"Tell me. I'll still love you." I said.

"Okay... Well a few years ago, I was out in the woods with my friends and there was some kind of.. thing.. chasing us. I wanted to see what it was so I went to look for it. I don't know what it was.. I didn't see because of the branch that had hit me in the head. Next thing, I woke up with this thing latched onto my neck. Then I pushed it off and it disappeared.. I think it was a vampire, because ever since then I've been cold and needed blood to live.." Krystal explained.

"So.. Y-You're a vampire? Is that why they kicked you out?" I asked.

"I tried to bite my sister but they caught me and ever since then things just haven't been the same." She said.

"Can you only bite humans?" I asked.

She nodded. "I keep myself away from the people I love when I want blood.."

"Well.. I d-don't mind if you drink my blood.." I said slowly.

"I don't want to cause you any pain.." She said.

"I said I don't mind." I said, then I pulled her closer and kissed her lips gently.

She kissed back and somehow we stood up and she pushed me against the window and she wrapped her arms around my waist. I smiled slightly and she pulled away as people started to enter the room.

"Promise you won't tell anyone.." She whispered to me.

"I swear on my life." I said, then I went back to my seat.


Updates will be getting slower or maybe even stopping, I'm quite sick right now :(


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kkabyulsicjungli #1
i like the story! but i understand u need to do some important stuff also.. but please if ever, please update this story.. thank u!
Chapter 9: Aw, lemme guess? It's school? Me too! >.< School really but I also love it! lol. I'll wait for your update! :)
Chapter 9: don´t worry, we'll be waiting (:
Chapter 9: hmmm why ?!? lol but i'll wait for you author-nim !! ^___^
Chapter 8: LOL~ I didn't read the last part. lol. XD so, SooJung is a vampire?! but I'm glad Sulli accepted her for who she is! :) Update Soon!
Chapter 8: How cute JungLi are together! <3<3<3
Man that came up pretty fast the vampirething and Sulli immediately believed her lol U_U

Chapter 8: Is soojungie a real vampire ?!! lol hahahhahaha update soon ^___^
Chapter 8: What could have done Soojung to have her parents treating her like this?!
I'm quite curious to know ^^
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update :D
Chapter 8: Thanks for update