
Sulli's P.O.V

I walked into the classroom to be greeted by many new faces.

"Hello new classmate!" A girl said to me. "I'm Park Sun-young, but you can call me Luna if you like!"

"Uhm.. Hi. I'm Choi Jinri.. But you can call me Sulli or Ssul." I mumbled.

"Come sit next to me! I'll be your friend!" Luna said, pulling me to a seat then she sat next to me.

A lot of other people came and sat around us, and Luna introduced me to her friends called Victoria and Amber.

"Just stick with us and you'll be fine." Amber said.

I nodded, then Luna changed the subject.

"You see her in the corner, looking out of the window?" Luna said.

"Yeah, what about her?" I asked.

"Stay away from her. She's dangerous." Luna mumbled quietly.

"She looks so lonely though.." I said, gazing over at her.

"She's cold. In both ways. Once I made awkward contact with her and her skin was as cold as ice.. And her eyes were enough to freeze anyone in their place.." Amber whispered, shuddering slightly.

"Does anyone know her name?" I asked.

"She goes by the name of Krystal, but that's not her real name. She doesn't ever talk to anyone and if she does it's usually insults She gets in a lot of fights." Victoria said.

"Also, a lot of people are in love with her, but she teases.. Thats how the rumours go anyway. You can't trust her." Amber continued

Just then Krystal glared at us. "Stop talking about me. I'm not deaf you know." She snarled.

"..Sorry. Just introducing our new friend to everyone." Luna called.

"..New friend? Are you going to make her as stupid as the rest of you?" Krystal said.

"Now that's un-needed." Amber said.

"What do you mean? You're all dumb anyway. You probably lured the new girl in before she had a chance to escape." Krystal said, laughing slightly to herself. I could see what they meant about the coldness.

"How are we dumb?" Luna asked.

"You make it too obvious. I heard your entire conversation even whilst you tried to keep it quiet. Calling me dangerous, saying I'm cold and what my name is. You know you should try to be more subtle, but it'll never work because you're all idiots." Krystal said.

I decided to speak up. "Can you all stop arguing with each other?"

"Why would we stop?" Krystal asked, getting up from her seat and walked over to us."..I don't want you to all argue with each other. It could get us all in trouble and I just want to get used to the school and not be dragged into this.." I said.

"..Sulli's right." Amber said.

Krystal grinned slightly. "You'll do well here, Choi Jinri." She was about to pat me but then decided not to and went back to her place.

"..How does she know my name?" I whispered.

Everyone else shrugged.

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kkabyulsicjungli #1
i like the story! but i understand u need to do some important stuff also.. but please if ever, please update this story.. thank u!
Chapter 9: Aw, lemme guess? It's school? Me too! >.< School really but I also love it! lol. I'll wait for your update! :)
Chapter 9: don´t worry, we'll be waiting (:
Chapter 9: hmmm why ?!? lol but i'll wait for you author-nim !! ^___^
Chapter 8: LOL~ I didn't read the last part. lol. XD so, SooJung is a vampire?! but I'm glad Sulli accepted her for who she is! :) Update Soon!
Chapter 8: How cute JungLi are together! <3<3<3
Man that came up pretty fast the vampirething and Sulli immediately believed her lol U_U

Chapter 8: Is soojungie a real vampire ?!! lol hahahhahaha update soon ^___^
Chapter 8: What could have done Soojung to have her parents treating her like this?!
I'm quite curious to know ^^
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update :D
Chapter 8: Thanks for update