Chapter 2

Love Me Again


Suddenly the door opened and Somin went flying on the floor…  She heard a man’s voice and said, “Oh my god, are you okay?” When she opened her eyes... she saw Kim Hyun Joong...



“Oh my f@#*#% god! OF ALL PEOPLE WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE YOU?!?!?” Somin thought to herself then she suddenly covered her face with both hands.

Hyung Joong laughed and said... "That's just too cute! But covering your face like that won't make me disappear..." he laughed even more.

Somin stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes...  “It's not funny!" she frowned. "You know what? Just go... I can manage…” Then she tried getting up but...

“No.. let me help you…” Hyun Joong reached out for her hand, lifted and pulled her up then her face landed on his chest... The smell of his perfume made Somin even weak. “Dammit, he smells so good... and his electrifying touch... Oh god... don’t you dare fall for this beautiful man Somin…. Don’t you!”

She pulled herself away from him... their eyes met and locked for a second…  they were drawn to each other but Somin panicked, looked away and said, “Thank you!” She was blushing and rushing to get away from the scene. So she quickly picked up the flowers on the floor and ran away from Hyun Joong as fast as she can.

Hyun Joong just yelled out… “You’re WELCOME!” He smirked a little and he already knew Somin is still attracted to him.



The wedding ceremony was successful.  Everyone headed to the reception afterwards. Somin’s been avoiding Hyun Joong all night… but what Somin doesn’t know he’s been trying to get her attention. He wanted to and simply make her feel uncomfortable just like when he found out about her secret in the past. Hyun Joong think its cute and funny to aggravate Somin…  He’s been following her almost everywhere… every time their eyes meet she would look away…

It’s that time when the groom has to throw the garter and the bride tosses her bouquet.  All the single men and women were invited to the dance floor to participate.  Hyun Joong thought this would be his chance to make her blush. He just simply likes to play with her emotions.  While standing in the dance floor, he talked to all the guys that he wanted to get the garter…  and as planned, he sure did catch it. When it was the bride’s turn to toss her bouquet, Hyun Joong whispered to Min Yun’s ears and told her to throw the bouquet directly to Somin.  Good thing Somin knew Hyun Joong’s agenda.  As soon as Min Yun toss her bouquet, she walked out of the crowd, looked at Hyun Joong and stuck her tongue out.

Somin was laughing. “Priceless! And he thinks he can play tricks with me? In your dreams! I’m no longer that child that you once knew.”

Suddenly, Mrs. Jung pulled Somin on the side… “What’s going on between you and Hyun Joong?” Sounding upset.

Startled. “You scared me mom!!!”

“I’ve been watching you two… and I’ve seen he’s been following you all night!” Mrs. Jung added.

“Mom… can you relax? Hyun Joong is just playing with me.” Somin responded.

“Playing? I think he likes you!!  I heard from your aunt that he’s a player in the States.  I’m warning you Somin stay away from him. ” Mrs. Jung sounding concern.

“Geeezzz… Okay MOM!” Somin rolled her eyes…  “The guy doesn’t like me… he makes fun of me… as if he’d really go for someone like me!”

“Somin, I’ll be watching so you better behave!” Mrs. Jung forewarned her.

“Got it mom… I know…” Somin just brushed his mother off and left to see her cousins on the other table.

Mrs. Jung gave her that I’m-watching-you sign with her finger…



It was close to midnight, a lot of people left but a few family was still lingering, drinking and chatting with one another. Somin headed to the washroom carrying her mini purse… She suddenly saw Hyun Joong but abruptly looked down to the floor and went passed by him without saying a word…  Hyun Joong cleared his throat…


“Until when are you going to avoid me???” Hyun Joong asked.

Somin looked up… checked her left, right and back… “Are you talking to me?”

“Yes, I’m talking to you.  Don’t you notice were the only ones here?” He exclaimed. 

“What do you want from me anyway?” Somin replied.

“Oh nothing really…. I just like teasing you!”

“Excuse me?!?!?!” Her puppy eyes widened in disbelief… “What is it with you??? I may have liked you in the past but don’t assume I still like you!” Her cheeks started to heat up.

“Are you sure about that?” He asked.

“YES I AM!” Somin yelled in frustration.

“How can I believe you…. you’re turning like a lobster right now!” Hyun Joong replied while laughing...

Somin squinted her eyes.  “Ohhhh… Hyun Joong… I know exactly what you're doing you jerk!” Déjà vu. Somin knew Hyun Joong ‘s playing with her emotions again… Just like exactly what he did when he found out she has a crush on him seven year ago.  “You want to play games with me? Well then watch me…” She gathered all her courage...

“So what if I do have a crush on you?” Somin admitted cooly.  “What are you going do?”

Hyun Joong was shocked to hear her response and got him speechless. 

“Are you going stop me?” Somin added.

She slowly moved a little closer, pushed him to the wall not leaving her eyes on him…

“Oh Hyun Joong…. I confess with all my heart and soul that I never stopped thinking about you…”

You can see Hyun Joong was feeling uneasy. But when she was about to reach for his lips… she stopped and said “Hah… gotcha!” then Somin started laughing and snorted at the same time walking away...

Hyun Joong laughed sarcastically while clapping his hands… “Ha... ha... ha… very impressive you little piglet!”

Somin stop her tracks… turned around to face Hyung Joong… “A little piglet eh?” Challenged. She suddenly walked towards him… dropped her mini purse, cupped his jaw and crushed her lips to him…. Hyun Joong was stunned but he was completely seduced by Somin’s action.  He kissed her back and his heart started beating faster. Somin pulled herself to gasp for air, looked at Hyun Joong and said… “You kissed me back…”  Disbelief, she touched her lips and ran to the washroom.

Hyun Joong ran both his hands through his hair. “What the f&$# did I just do?”


... to be continued

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 11: Pls update it author..
Amazon34 #2
Chapter 11: oh plsssssss update soooonnn I love this story please:(
flowerrose #3
Chapter 10: Update soon please i love this story
baek_hani #4
Chapter 11: Oh...poor HJ and Somin..their family separate them...thanks for update...waiting for the next chapter.
Chapter 11: Too bad..:(
Chapter 11: oh no! poor hj. he'll be waiting for nthing
Chapter 11: Seriously hate shin hye. She did what she threatened. Why can't she leave him alone. I mean if he is not in love with her, it's better for her to be separate from him rather than forcing him to stay with him.
Chapter 11: poor them T.T
160Mhel #9
Chapter 11: Too bad.....
lotus16 #10
Chapter 7: Thank you for this story. They are like romeo and juliet but hope not a sad ending for them. I beginning to hate shinhye. Wow im so attached to the story. Pls update.