
Don't forget our love

Nichkhun struggles to keep his body balanced as he does his daily yoga poses, but along with the meditations, they provide him with calmness and serenity. For the first time in months, Nichkhun's mind is at ease. He stretches his aching muscles, already dreaming of a long, hot bubble bath with relaxing opera music playing in the background while he sips on chai tea and finishes reading his book.

He enters his room and immediately notices the neat piles of folded clothes on his bed. The smile on his face automatically appears as it always does when he sees evidence of Wooyoung's acts of kindness. He sorts them neatly in his closet - careful not to mess up the neat arrangement - and only laughs when he accidentally drops a shirt onto the floor.

Yes, he has definitely turned a new leaf; from a walking ticking bomb to a Buddhist monk.

Ever since that one day when the members of his group found him passed out on the couch with an empty wallet and an unopened bottle of whiskey by his side, Nichkhun has sworn off alcohol completely. He had absolutely no idea how he'd got there and where he went two days prior. His Blackberry that he uses to make private calls had been taken, causing a slight panic within the company. Luckily he'd set a password lock on the keypad. But what if someone successfully unlocks it and sells the phone numbers of all the celebrities he's close to? Nothing of the sort has happened and it's been months, but it's still not too late.

Aside from quitting alcohol, Nichkhun had also quit throwing irrationally angry fits and getting into fights. He doesn't remember why he was always so angry back then; all he knows is he's been mistreating the people he loves. Sometimes he feels spontaneous annoyance at his group mates without actual reason. The other day he'd been so tempted to push Chansung down the stairs but fortunately Wooyoung - who was clinging onto Chansung's back for a piggyback ride - had reached out and soothingly massaged his arm before running off with the maknae.

It would be a lie if he says he doesn't notice the effect Wooyoung has on him recently. All the baby faced boy has to do is smile and all of Nichkhun's anger evaporates into thin air.

Maybe he's the solution to his anger problems. Maybe he's the problem in the first place.

Either way Nichkhun wants him in his life. Possibly just as a best friend, but hopefully as much more than that.




The two best friends sit side by side in the scarcely filled cinema, pulling the hoods of their jumpers up to avoid being seen by fans. It's been awhile since they spent time like this just the two of them, and boy, do they miss it.

Nichkhun sneaks a hand into Wooyoung's popcorn bag and grabs a handful. He drops a few and manages to catch them between his legs. He laughs heartily at his skillful thighs but shuts up immediately when his friend casually rakes his fingers between his thighs to part them, collecting the few kernels and stuffing them in his mouth.

The Thai has no idea why he finds it so .

This isn't the first time he finds himself attracted to the man beside him, but all these funny feelings have only started a few months ago, even though they've known each other for years.

He thinks back. He couldn't recall ever feeling so attached to Wooyoung. They have always been close, but only recently does his heart flutter even at the sound of his footsteps.

There were also the drunken confessions.

According to Taecyeon, he had once clung to his best friend's feet and asked him to love him. He doesn't remember any of this, but he's always been an honest drunk. So that would mean he's in love with Wooyoung, but he's sure he wasn't a year back. When did this beautiful creature even capture his heart? They haven't spent as much time together as they did before.

Afraid of what might be, Nichkhun just shakes the thought away from his mind and focuses on the movie. Or at least, he attempted to.

Because the younger man opted to rest his head on his shoulder instead of leaning back on the headrest, his breath nice and warm on Nichkhun's neck raising the baby hairs on his nape.

On screen, the scene transitions from funny to y, and eventually racy. Wooyoung's breath hitches when the girl moans in ecstasy and Nichkhun catches this. He wanted to ignore the bothered man beside him but fails miserably when he too lets out a quiet, breathy moan.

His hand moves on its own accord and lands on the younger's thigh, gripping at the delicious toned muscles. A groan lets Nichkhun know he's doing the right thing and he inches his fingers higher and higher.

"Wait!" A panicked whisper. "I-I've never...before..."

He hopes Wooyoung can't see his expression in the dark because he might be offended at the look of disbelief on his face. Wooyoung is still a ?!

The hand loosens its grip and rests comfortably on it instead. His action is unexpected by the both of them, but if his heart is saying he wants to wait for Wooyoung, then he will wait for however long it takes until he's ready.

On the way home, Wooyoung keeps quiet. They didn't talk about their little moment back in the cinema because what had felt right then feels sort of weird now. Why were they suddenly attracted to each other?




A week later, while Wooyoung is arranging his collection of stuffed animals, A very determined Nichkhun barges into his room.

The sudden intrusion had given him a mini heart attack, and the tight clench in his heart got worse when he saw the longing gaze in those big, brown eyes.

The truth is, Wooyoung has been confused lately about his feelings towards his fellow bandmate. A few months ago, the Thai was treating him like the sun; everything he did revolved around Wooyoung. He had been taken aback at first, even feeling a little suffocated by his possessive behavior. But after Nichkhun had gotten help to manage his anger, things were ten times better. They were best friends just like always, but now there is an undeniable attraction between them.

It surprised him how easy it was to just accept his tiny crush on Nichkhun. He thought he'd be a fighter and deny these sinful thoughts, but for some reason, it felt natural. As if he and Nichkhun had been attracted to each other for years now, but just didn't want to admit it.

Nichkhun stops in front of him and takes his hands in his. He remains silent, continuously rubbing the back of his knuckles with his thumbs.

Wooyoung cowers at the thought of Nichkhun pushing him away. What if he changes his mind and doesn't want me?

I'll show him, Wooyoung thinks as he lunges forward to catch those luscious lips between his.

In the back of his mind, he wonders why it felt so natural to kiss his best friend like this.

It doesn't really matter much though, especially when Nichkhun kisses him back and promises more in the future.



The end


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QueenOfRoses #1
Chapter 9: SUCH a gorgeous story.
dreamstar #2
Chapter 9: oh wow, i really love how this plays out. it was unpredictable and my emotions went everywhere but everything ends up just perfectly. i first thought khun gonna get all his memory out the first time, and i was quite glad when he stops and pulls the plug on the procedure. i didnt know then that it was going to turn him into a jealous monster, and to be honest i was quite sad when he went back and got his memories removed, but in the end everything is well and they are starting again afresh.

though somewhere in me i had this thought that everything might turn sour again, because they never did resolve their differences, that they dont have their past experiences to refer to and to learn from to be better for each other. in that sense a sequel on how different this time will be would be very interesting... or idk maybe they never learn anything and they will just keep repeating that whole cycle of loving and fighting and erasing memory, like its an endless circle of creating and erasing memories.

this was such a lovely read and i love how it keeps going to the past and the future. love it :)
ninewonders #3
Chapter 9: Omg, this was such a beautiful read. I found myself alternating between scratching my head and then bawling through some parts of this story.

It was such a shame that khun and woo didn't try to talk or fix their dysfunctional relationship but somehow the concept of erasing their memories and then falling in love again, this time hopefully the right way was much more beautiful than what I had imagined.

Ahhhh!! Thank you for this amazing and interesting story. I hope you'll write more in the future! :-)
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 9: Wow.. such a great story. This is probably the only story that would make me feel undescibable xD the end is not really satisfying for me, because they both won't remember their past together..
But i'm happy that they get a chance again. I still think their decisions in doing all of this was sooooooo wrong. This could have been solved much easier... and better.
Especially it annoys me so much , that they NEVER talked to each other, after something had happend. Makes me a bit angry xD

In the end i still don't like chansung xD he was so extremely weird the whole story. I really thought chansung wanted woo just for himself, because from the beginning on he acted so strange..
Thank god it ended xD i think my head would have exploded ^^'''

Great story :D
khunyoung987654321 #5
Chapter 8: No i really don't know what to feel anymore..
This is so sad... and at the same time it seems like he'sdoing the right thing.
I dom't know what to feel anymore.. i'm afraid of reading the last chapter...
khunyoung987654321 #6
Chapter 7: O.M.G
This confused the hell out of me. Your brain is quite creative xD my respects ;)
And thank god!!!!!! Khun changed his mind in the very last secound :D

You don't know how happy i am right now xD
khunyoung987654321 #7
Chapter 6: Felt so extremely embarassed reading this chapter xDD i'm used to (damn that was chaotic, when i read the very first time XD) , but this was so funny and embarassing, because the two doctors were still there xD
I don't wan to imagine what they saw or heard, while khun was remembering XD
khunyoung987654321 #8
Chapter 5: So everything was just a misunderstanding :// ?
That was so stupid of khun not to talk to woo about it ><

The have mouths for good reason, why don't they use them than ò.ó ?????
khunyoung987654321 #9
Chapter 4: So....
Khunnie cheated on woo?? Okay this is suprising. I thought woo just went crazy, but seems like there's really a reason to this, although i don't really understand his reaction....
He could have just talked to him ://

I'm still not ok with chansung.. why does he kmow so much?? I'm sure that channie told woo about the doctor, but why did it have to be this way??
Chansung is weird..
khunyoung987654321 #10
Chapter 3: Omg..
Now i really want to punch that face of khun and the freak/doctor.
Khun would make the worst decision by locking his memories of him and woo...
But i'm grateful that the doctor said, he doesnt erase memories, but just lock them...
I really hope khun won't do it ...

I don't know why, but i really dislike chansung in your story o.o he's not really likeable and i have the feeling he's hiding this all for his own goods. Could it be that he wants woo for himself?

Well.. let's find it out in the next chapter :D