I'll never let you go away.... Well... it depends

My life by your side

On the next day, Yun Ju was standing next to the couch in her hotel room, some luggages were next to her. Jeon Wu was sitting on the couch. His face was blank.


Yun Ju : come on, we're not fated to be together

Jeon Wu : I know... Actually, I'm just thinking again of what you told me

Yun Ju : about your feelings for ~~~~ ?

Jeon Wu : do you really think it'd be possible for me to be in love with her ?

Yun Ju : I already told you Oppa. When you were with me, you kept talking and comparing me to her, if you went out with other girls during your marriage, it's because you knew that ~~~~ wasn't in love with you so it made you upset. And you seem happier since the day you found them here.

Jeon Wu : I can't deny what you're saying, but it seems... weird. I mean, I would have noticed it earlier if my feelings for her were stronger than a friendly feeling

Yun Ju : don't try to convince yourself, you know that I'm right. Moreover, if you really loved me, you would be very sad now, and the only thing you're doing is thinking of ~~~~ 

Jeon Wu : I... I...

Yun Ju : don't miss your chance Jeon Wu, help me

Jeon Wu : h-how ?

Yun Ju : there is something you should know. Woo Hyun is my ex, it was a big mistake to break up and now I really want him back. But ~~~~ is blocking my way, if you're able to make her fall in love with you, I'll take care of Woo Hyun

Jeon Wu : It's not so easy, and you forget one thing

Yun Ju : what ?

Jeon Wu : they're married

Yun Ju : if we succeed, their marriage won't be a problem

Jeon Wu : I don't want to see ~~~~ suffer, I already did so many things to her.

Yun Ju : then, I'll take care of this by myself, but if you don't help me, she'll suffer way more than when she was with you

Jeon Wu : w-what are you planning to do ?

Yun Ju : there is no need for you to know...

Jeon Wu : don't do anything bad to her !! I... I'll help you


During this time, you and Woo Hyun were packing your things up, indeed it was already the time to go back to South Korea. Woo Hyun was quite sad because he didn't had the chance to spend the last day at Jeju alone with you. Noticing his pout, you back hugged him. 


You : it was a great honeymoon babe

Woo Hyun : I wanted to make it better, especially the last day, but yea... you know

You : just being here is wonderful, don't worry, I had a very good time. Now, it's time to go back to the daily life and work, I wonder if Ji Eun and Sung Yeol really took good care of our shop

Woo Hyun : I hope so, otherwise they'll regret it

You : I guess Sung Yeol kept saying lovey dovey lines in front of the customers

Woo Hyun : maybe should we do the same thing ?

You : aaw... I don't want you to suddenly become cheesy in front of other people

Woo Hyun : wae ?

You : because I'm the only one who have to listen to those cute sayings

Woo Hyun : right Jagi


He took the luggages off of the bed and put them on the floor, then stared at you.


Woo Hyun : I'm pretty tired you know, you'll help me carry my bag, nae ?

You : mwo ? but I'm a woman !

Woo Hyun : a strong one, come on, show me what you're able to do

You : s-shall I really carry it ? a-alone ?

Woo Hyun : why not, I'm going to rest while you take them down

You : yaaah ! I'm your wife, not a slave !

Woo Hyun : I'm asking nicely, you're the one who proposed to carry them alone

You : I'm going to kill you !!


You started to chase after him in the bedroom, Woo Hyun was laughing at loud as he tried to not break anything. He was pretty fast, and you were already panting. Finally, you let your body fell on the bed, arms wide open. Slowly, Woo Hyun climbed on you to peck those pink and sweet lips he loved so much. At this moment, you turned the two of your bodies around which caused you to be on top. Then, you grab one of the pillows before softly slapping him with it while laughing. Both of you were childish, but it was funny.


Sooner than you expected, you were in the plane. Your husband next to you, in front there was a family composed of a man, a woman and a child. They looked really happy. Unconsciously, you started to touch your own tummy. Woo Hyun noticed what you were doing and smiled from ear to ear. When he put his hand on yours, you heart beats were faster than usual. Turning your face to the side in order to see him better, you met his gaze. He seemed to be very happy, however you weren't smiling. You only felt... nervous. You often heard people say that after an abortion, it was hard to have another baby.


Woo Hyun : is it your way of announcing an amazing thing ?

You : Yeobo, I..

Jeon Wu : oh you're here too ! We're sitting right behind you, what a coincidence

Yun Ju : Annyeong Woo Hyunie Oppa, you look very handsome today

Woo Hyun : Yun Ju-ssi, can you please stop calling me Woo Hyunie, we're not close enough

Yun Ju : does it means that you want to know me better again ?

Woo Hyun : it means that the only one who has the right to call me like this is sitting next to me, and you... you're just a stranger to me from now on

Yun Ju : I won't let you forget me this easily Woo Hyunie Oppa


Jeon Wu didn't dare to say anything as he looked at the hands on your stomach. He was jealous and worried in the same time. Grabbing Yun Ju's hand, he dragged her to their seats. After sitting down, he leaned his face on the little window and soon fell asleep.

Your face appeared first in his dream, tears were falling down your cheeks. It seemed that he was there too, holding your arm to prevent you from going out. With violence, you released your own arm of his grap and lifted up your head. 


You : You're not allowed to do this ! I hate you !! I really do !!! I'll never... never... have a family with you !

Jeon Wu : don't do this ~~~~, you'll regret it for the rest of your life, there are many risks !!

You : I don't care ! I just... can't !!


He was dumbfounded as you walked away very fast. Falling down on the floor, he was crying, in pain to see you so disgusted of him. 


Feeling something on his shoulder, Jeon Wu opened his eyes. When he turned his head to the side, he saw Yun Ju.


Yun Ju : are you alright ?

Jeon Wu : n-nae, wae ?

Yun Ju : you were groaning things and when I looked at you, your cheeks were wet. Are you okay ?

Jeon Wu : yea, it was just... just a nightmare

Yun Ju : well, we're almost at the destination so you'll go to the restroom ok ?

Jeon Wu : nae, I will


You woke up when the air-hostess announced the landing. Woo Hyun, who was already awake, smiled at you. He knew that you were afraid of those moments, when it came to departure and landing, you were stressed. Once the plane touched the floor, you all got out. Ji Eun and Sung Yeol were waiting for you. As soon as you saw each other, your best friend ran to you for a hug. She hugged you so tightly that you were almost enable to breath. Woo Hyun greeted Sung Yeol then they carried the luggages to the car while Ji Eun and you were talking about what had happened during the last weeks. Jeon Wu, who was still feeling weird, dragged Yun Ju away, not letting her spoil this beautiful moment between you and your friends.

As Woo Hyun got closer to the car with his friend, he was smiling brightly.


Sung Yeol : so, how was it ?

Woo Hyun : the trip ?

Sung Yeol : yup

Woo Hyun : something really good happened !

Sung Yeol : mwo ?

Woo Hyun : I think that.. ~~~~ is pregnant !

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Chapter 14: finished already?? *criessss*
woohyun the baby is so cuteee.... i want to be his baby with u.. *spazzes*

i love this story author-nim.. d(^_^)b
Chapter 12: aish.. this yun ju girl.. i want to killed her...
how come she did this to ~~~ and hyun..
Chapter 9: please update soon..
Chapter 8: update soon!!
xcrystalx16 #5
Chapter 5: aww that was sad between Jeon Wu and Yun Ju
Chapter 4: haha.. Hyun is jealous..
Chapter 1: finally you make the sequel author-nim.. ^^
can't wait for the next chapter.. :D