I'm nothing without you (Song Inspired One Shot)

Yongguk One Shots

Hey Dami here! (: 

This one is a request from Eliiana

This is a double request inspired by the same song. It was Youngjae and Yongguk.

Inspired by: 10cm- Nothing without you

Hope you like Yonggukkie's version (: Hope is what you expected ^^





“Yongguk I don’t know why you chose her really. There are many other girls who can cook better than her and still you married her.”

You stabbed angrily your food with your fork as you kept your eye avoiding the glare of your mother in law. Is not the first time you’ve heard words like that coming from her lips. And again Yongguk would just keep his eyes on the food in front of you without saying anything in your defense. It was his mother after all; he wouldn’t dare say anything against her. But you were his wife, wasn’t he aware of how this hurt our feelings?

You looked up at Yongnam who was also in the dinner table. He looked apologetically; he didn’t seem to agree with his mother.

“How do you expect my boy to gain any weight if you don’t cook properly _____! No wonder the boy looks like he’s dying of hunger. Why don’t you do your job like you should?” –She started to raise her tone.

You bitted your lip in frustration and put the utensil down making a loud noise from the table.

“I’m done. If you excuse me I’ll be upstairs.” –You said sternly.

You didn’t dare say anything to her because the respect you felt for her as your husband’s mother, but once she started to raise her tone you weren’t going to take her, so the best decision you could do is leave before you’d yell at her.

“How rude… Seriously Yongguk you can do better.” –You heard her say before you went upstairs making you clench your fist.

Yongguk watched you leave with his mouth agape. He took a look at Yongnam who motioned him to go talk to you. He looked at his mother who kept eating, pretending the food tasted horrible. He took a deep breath and without any words he walked out the table. Though his mother was calling him to come back annoyed, he needed to talk to you.

He opened the door slowly almost tip toeing to get in. He felt the tension strongly on his chest. In fact, every time his mother was near you he could feel it, but today it reached its limit.

“_____?” –He said softly walking to you.

You were in bed looking away not wanting to face him. You didn’t answer; you just kept your eyes straight to the wall behind the bed breathing heavily. Yongguk sat next to you.

“Baby…?” –He carefully tugged you and turned you around.

When he saw your face his heart dropped. He’s never seen you like that and he felt he was the cause. His eyes got teary when he saw your face wet because of the tears. He quickly wrapped you in his arms making you fall into his chest. Unlike him, you were a very strong girl and you’ve never cried in front of him before. Seeing you now in that state was really strange to him.

You pushed yourself from his embrace and looked up with your eyes red, instead of sadness, your eyes were filled with anger. You weren’t crying because you were sad, you were furious.

“Yongguk I’m sick of the same thing every time she comes…”

He pressed his lips and took a breath as another tear fell.

“You know she’s always like that. But you know that I chose you because I fell for you, there’s no need for you to be insecure about it. Despite what she says, I know you’re amazing to me.”

He hoped you’d feel better, but instead he got a sarcastic smirk from you.

“Is not that I’m not sure of what I am. I know you love me, and I know you believe I’m amazing.” –You stood up and shook your head. –“Is not that what I’m worried about.”

He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up facing you.

“What is it then?”

“It’s always the same thing. She comes and she criticizes everything about me, and again… Yongguk sits down saying nothing to defend me. I know you love me; I know what you feel about me… But sometimes I need you to take the courage to say it to her! Stand up for me every now and then Yongguk! Don’t you see how much it hurts to sit down and being stepped on? I feel on my own every time because you don’t say anything against it! I feel like I’m not worth enough for you to say something on my behalf!” –You now raised your tone and more tears came down.

Honestly you didn’t care anymore if he saw you cry. He stood there not knowing what to do. He’s never seen this side of you, and he doesn’t know what to do about it. A muffled voice is heard outside after a slight knock.

“Yongguk… Since your wife was rude enough to just leave the dinner table. Yongnam and I will be on our way.”

You took a deep breath and walked past Yongguk to the door. You opened the door forcefully and looked straight into his mother’s eyes, you gave her the best sarcastic smile you could.

“Don’t mind me, I was just leaving… Enjoy the rest of your evening.” –You walked past her and Yongnam who was downstairs.

Yongnam was in shock when he saw you just leaving so suddenly. He looked up the stairs and saw Yongguk in the door frame with his mother. Yongnam shook his head in disappointment to his brother.

“See? How much more rude can she get…” –His mother scoffed looking down at the door which you had closed strongly.

“Can you please just stop?”

Yongguk’s mother looked back in surprise. He had never spoken to her that way before.

“Yongguk what’s gotten into you? Is her rudeness rubbing on you too?” –She put her hand on her chest.

“No. Is not. I’ve never said anything to you because I respect you as my mother. I thought you’d eventually stop harassing my wife, I thought you’d respect my decision to spend the rest of my life with her. But I’ve had enough!” –He paused and took a breath and spoke calmly but firmly. –“You don’t know how much I’ve worked to keep her happy and not make her cry, then you come and make her life miserable with your constant criticism and sarcasm.”

His mother starred at him just when she was about to speak he interrupted.

“I’m not done yet. You know very well she’s not any of the things you claim her to be. I am very happy with her and she’s treated me perfectly and I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world. So if you can’t see that and you won’t accept that, then I only ask you to not come near her if all you will do is insult her.”

“But Yongguk, I-“

“No buts mother. I can’t have you come here and ruin our peace.” –He pointed at the door. –“Now if you’ll be kind enough, I will need you to leave, because now I need to find my wife.

His mother took a breath and without any other word walked down the stairs to the door. Yongguk followed and Yongnam who saw everything stopped him with a smile.

“It was about time you did something about it.” –He smirked at his brother.

Yongguk scratched the back of his head with a shy smile and said: “Now to find her.”

“Go for it… I’ll talk to mom; I’ll try to get her to reason.”

Yongguk patted his brother’s back before leaving. “Thanks bro!”

He went to the coat rack and then picked his cell phone and dialed your number. But his shoulders fell when he heard your ringtone coming from the living room. He began to get desperate and rushed out the door. He got into the car wondering where to look for you.

Thankfully it was late afternoon so the sun was still shining. But he tapped the wheel as his eyes wandered about your whereabouts. Fortunately you weren’t that far, you were just a couple of blocks away from your home. You had your arms wrapped on yourself. You looked back when you heard a car engine pull over, but when you saw that it was him you just kept walking.

Yongguk turned off the engine and got off the car with a coat in his hand.


You kept walking faster.

“I thought you were with your beloved mother… Did she actually let you leave?” –You shot back sarcastically.

He picked up the pace and walked in front of you making you stop abruptly. He wrapped the coat around your cold body and he tugged it firmly from the front. He lowered his gaze on you.

“Just because you’re angry at me doesn’t mean you can freeze until you get sick.”

Your eyes that were still filled with anger avoided his glare.

“As for my mother, she’s not in our house any more, I got her out. I love her, but if she can’t respect my wife, then I can’t respect her like I used to.”

You lifted your gaze. Your eyes still a little wet from the crying earlier.

“Yongguk, if she ever says anything about me again, I won’t take it. I’m serious.” –You said serious.

With his thumb he dried the area underneath your eyes.

“I already warned her. If she can’t accept you without complaints, then she is not to step anywhere near you. If she ever does dare say anything against you, I will do everything I can to defend you. She won’t ever make you cry again, no one has the right to make you cry. Your beautiful eyes aren’t meant for that.”

He rested his forehead against yours holding you from the waist. Finally, you smiled.

“Just shut up…” –Trying to hold back a bigger smile.

“If you doubted, you are worth me standing up to my own mother. For you I will do it again if I need to.”

“Shut up…” –You hit him on the chest lightly.

“No matter how many girls I would’ve met I would still choose you.” –He kept saying knowing that though you thought it was cheesy you still liked it.

“Yongguk please…” –You looked up at him; your eyes met his cheeky grin.

“You’re the only one I need.” –His expression was now serious. –“Despite what anyone says, you’re the amazing woman I vowed to love forever, and no one will change that.”

He pressed his lips onto your forehead and brought you close to him.

“Now let’s head home… Where you belong.” –He said and you hit him playfully. –“I’m serious though, don’t you ever go away like that.”


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 3: It’s been a long time since I’ve read the series!!! Forgot how much I loved them!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 8: The feels EVERY time I read this (#8- I was scared too) I love this one :D
Angela990 #3
Do a daddy series like youngjeae's one please (and ps make it a son)
Chapter 6: I only think about, "Hey, what are you doing guys? Your friends' eyes are on you!" Omo~ (^-^)
Chapter 5: I think I have read this before, somewhere. Did you post this chapter somewhere else? I know the sarcasm hurts her but here I'm laughing over Yongguk's mother's word! XD And the cheesy part in the end of the story~ Hmm~ >//<
Chapter 4: Omo~ Poor both of them~ But I never imagine to have doll's point of view ^-^
Chapter 3: Heol?! Poor her, stay strong girl! Omona~ Where are the crew members??? *angry*
Chapter 2: Omona~ Author-nim~ I like the way you describe the situation, action, thinking, everything~ What would people say watching them being "not-a-coworker-relationship" event??
Excuse me~
I'm the reader who wants to read one shots of Bang Gukkie~
Marie_Unnie #10
Chapter 2: It was really good author-nim. I had to admit that tears were falling on my cheeks! It was sad yet It was beautiful! <3