What he really wants...

Yongguk One Shots



My squinted eyes followed Yongguk’s every move around the kitchen.  They were in a thin line, because of the genuine smile that spreads easily every time I’m around this young man.  He had this aura that lures me in.  It was with effortless things that always capture my attention about him.

It was the throaty laugh to my unnecessary puns.   The way his eyes sparkled when he talks about what news ideas he haves for a new song.  Or when he daydreams about what it could be if he ever makes it big.  Being around him was simple and his simplicity was like cold water in a summer day, so refreshing to the soul. 

Pop corn is ready. Kaja!”  Yongguk pushed playfully my back so I would get off the counter top to start the movie already.  He raised one of his eyebrows when he noticed my mouth open wide. He was carrying the bowl of popcorn so he figured what I wanted.  A few pop corns were thrown in the air landing on my mouth. 

Satisfied?” I could only nod in response since I was still chewing.

 Something that I couldn’t help but noticed since that night at his garage was the way we moved around each other.  It was like two magnets that pulled each other.  And it cleared shows now.  I didn’t want to think much about it.  Yongguk is my best friend and well, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship with my over analyzed thoughts.  So I just let things take its course.

The movie turned out to be boring, but it was soon forgotten when we started to do a commentary of it.  The predictable story line made it even more hilarious, adding up to the jokes.  I was laughing so hard that it started to heat my face and neck, making my hair feel uncomfortable against my neck.

Now Yongguk was the one following my every move.  He observed as I tied up my hair in a messy bun.  He chuckled of how on my bottom hairline those little strands always stuck out.  They brushed against my nape adding up to my discomfort.  I huffed and was about to place a bobby pin to them, but he grabbed my wrist.


Looking over my shoulder I said, “Why?”

Because, then I won’t get to play with them”  He pulled me back so I could rest my head on his shoulder.  He wrapped his index finger around the strand of hair and twirling it around.  My face was bright red, holding back my breath.  It felt so nice to be this close to him.  Yet, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy with the many random thoughts swirling in my head. But one question was constantly there every time he twirled his finger around the strand.

Why was he even doing this?  It was beyond my grasp, but then as I looked into his eyes everything was so clear.


“Yes…” I whispered when he grabbed my right and to also play with my fingers.  I could see how he was finding the right words to say.  He placed it over his heart and said,

Will you go on a date with me?


Let me show you how much you mean to me.  How you’re supposed to be treated.  Can you give me a chance?”

I looked away from his eyes and felt his grasp on my hand lighten.  Maybe he thought I was going to reject him.  I averted my eyes so I could cuddle against his chest and say,

“I’d love that.”




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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 3: It’s been a long time since I’ve read the series!!! Forgot how much I loved them!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 8: The feels EVERY time I read this (#8- I was scared too) I love this one :D
Angela990 #3
Do a daddy series like youngjeae's one please (and ps make it a son)
Chapter 6: I only think about, "Hey, what are you doing guys? Your friends' eyes are on you!" Omo~ (^-^)
Chapter 5: I think I have read this before, somewhere. Did you post this chapter somewhere else? I know the sarcasm hurts her but here I'm laughing over Yongguk's mother's word! XD And the cheesy part in the end of the story~ Hmm~ >//<
Chapter 4: Omo~ Poor both of them~ But I never imagine to have doll's point of view ^-^
Chapter 3: Heol?! Poor her, stay strong girl! Omona~ Where are the crew members??? *angry*
Chapter 2: Omona~ Author-nim~ I like the way you describe the situation, action, thinking, everything~ What would people say watching them being "not-a-coworker-relationship" event??
Excuse me~
I'm the reader who wants to read one shots of Bang Gukkie~
Marie_Unnie #10
Chapter 2: It was really good author-nim. I had to admit that tears were falling on my cheeks! It was sad yet It was beautiful! <3