The little doll from the music box

Yongguk One Shots


You heard the front door close forcefully and you knew you had to run back to your hiding place.  It was one of those nights again, where you’d see him chatter to pieces.   It was such a horrible sight to see but you had to endure, because you were merely the ballerina from his mother’s old music box. 

You ran quickly over his desk and climbed desperately over the scattered books to reach up to your home.  You pushed yourself up to get inside and positioned yourself by raising you leg and your arms gracefully.   

The room was dark; the only light that shined through was from the moon.  When he opened the door of his room and flicked the light switch on, you closed your eyes from the sudden brightness. Opening slowly your eyelids, you watched closely his slothful steps towards the window.  He pushed his forehead against the glass and closed his eyes shut, taking deep breaths. 

You knew exactly what was going to happen.  The seconds ticked by and hell broke loose.  He slammed his one of his hands against the window and screamed with all his might.  He threw his things everywhere and shouted with anger words like,

I knew this was going to happen… I should just give up on you.… I’m such a failure… I’m tired, so tired…

He choked up with his own whimpers as he laid himself in bed.   You held back your tears, trying to maintain your posture of a graceful ballerina.  The only thing you wished right now was for him to close his eyes and go to sleep. How could someone hurt him in such way?   A few hours passed by and he finally closed his eyes.  But he kept mumbling incoherent words.  So you did the only thing you could do for him, sing.

You climbed silently out of the music box and walked towards his bed.  When you reached his pillow you sang the only song you knew, the one that came in the music box. You put one of your hands on your chest and sang from your little soul, (link of how I picture her voice)

Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by

Your voice filled enchantingly the room and you saw how he slowly calmed down.  Sliding down his pillow, you landed on his shoulder softly and kept singing,

 “Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying

One tear did slide down his cheek but you tried to wipe it off with your dress, how desperately you wanted to make him happy again. You got close to his ear and tried to make your voice imprint on his thoughts, to make him believe what you were trying to tell him.

Smile what’s the use of crying?
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just smile

“Just smile… please?” You begged him.  You sat down on the crook of his neck and looked out the window.  You asked the moon,

“You do know this isn’t enough? I wish… I wish I could make him see everything he is. That someone does care for him and that his dreams shouldn’t be thrown away.  But who am I to do that?  I’m merely a little doll from a music box. But I just don’t know what else to do”

You closed your eyes and rested your head against his neck, trying to wash away your worries. 


I used to sing this song a looooot when I was a kid.  I think because of the movie My Girl.  (Flashbacks of the movie!) Shivers~  Anyways hope you guys enjoyed it :3

Adm.  Lunna

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 3: It’s been a long time since I’ve read the series!!! Forgot how much I loved them!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 8: The feels EVERY time I read this (#8- I was scared too) I love this one :D
Angela990 #3
Do a daddy series like youngjeae's one please (and ps make it a son)
Chapter 6: I only think about, "Hey, what are you doing guys? Your friends' eyes are on you!" Omo~ (^-^)
Chapter 5: I think I have read this before, somewhere. Did you post this chapter somewhere else? I know the sarcasm hurts her but here I'm laughing over Yongguk's mother's word! XD And the cheesy part in the end of the story~ Hmm~ >//<
Chapter 4: Omo~ Poor both of them~ But I never imagine to have doll's point of view ^-^
Chapter 3: Heol?! Poor her, stay strong girl! Omona~ Where are the crew members??? *angry*
Chapter 2: Omona~ Author-nim~ I like the way you describe the situation, action, thinking, everything~ What would people say watching them being "not-a-coworker-relationship" event??
Excuse me~
I'm the reader who wants to read one shots of Bang Gukkie~
Marie_Unnie #10
Chapter 2: It was really good author-nim. I had to admit that tears were falling on my cheeks! It was sad yet It was beautiful! <3