Favorite Photo

Yongguk One Shots

Hey! It's Dami today... I wrote this Gukkie one shot, and after getting Lunna's point of view on it I decided to post it. (:

It's just a once in a while thing. (Lunna always gives me Gukkie feels lol)

I hope you guys like it! ^-^ 


Prepare yourselves though... It's a little long. >_<



I walked that same path that seemed so familiar to me. Glancing around I see the busy people on the streets, all in their own world without any care. Taking a deep sigh I look up at the tall building, it seemed like a cold place, the walk inside felt almost nostalgic.

Leaning against the elevator wall my eyes get lost in the blinking of the buttons.  My mind was elsewhere except the place I longed. There’s no such place anymore…


Walking out, I stepped on the top floor of the building. Considering it being a normal work week there weren’t many by standers. As I inhaled the chilly air and put my hands on my pockets, I contemplated the same question over and over. Why is it that I’m always brought here?

Perhaps it’s the relaxing feeling of this empty concrete floor? The belief that you are just a little bit closer to the sky? The feel of being on top of the world? Or could it be… that this is the last place my last happy memory of you happened?

I glance at my side where an old observer was. I reach out for my camera and look back at the same spot. Taking two steps back I look up and place the camera in the desired position. I press the small button on the top making a small clicking sound.


And there she was, her wavy hair falling on her back, her smooth skin shining under the light of the sun set. I couldn’t just make my mind of which one took most of my attention. Her voice though firm was like music to my ears.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

I blinked repeatedly realizing what I had just done. A stutter left my lips and at the moment I didn’t even dare to face her.

“I- uh… Was just taking a picture of the landscape… You… just happened to be on the way aghassi…” –That’s the only excuse that my mind could come up with. Nice going…

She smirked and scoffed as if I were some kind of ignorant. “Is that the best you can do?” –She said obviously referring to my lame excuse.

How can I feel intimidated by such an innocent looking girl? Well truth is the more you look into her eyes the more fearful I become. Somehow I’m fascinated…

“Okay, I did it on purpose… But is not…”

She put her hand on her waist and with the other she pointed at me and approached me as if she was challenging me. “Are you some kind of stalker?”

I opened my eyes widely. “No, no no… Don’t misunderstand aghassi! Is not like that… You see I…”

She cut me off with a chuckle. Really? Was she only trying to embarrass me?

“You should see your face…” –She kept laughing leaving me agape.

“Wait… You’re not mad?” –I asked confused by her sudden change of humor.

She just attempted to hold back her laughter. “I see you still have a thing for photography, huh? Bang Yongguk.” –She added with a smirk.

Now I was confused, how can this girl know who I was if I just met her?

“You, you… Know me?” –I asked pointing at my chest.

She nodded happily. “Of course! You haven’t changed a bit since the last time I saw you, plus your obsession with cameras only sold you off even more.” –She extended her hand to me. –“My name is Jung ____. Nice to meet you again Bang Yongguk-ssi…”

It all fell to place, I remembered her then. This sensation of sudden happiness overcame me.

“_____? Is it really you?” –I asked again just to make sure.

“Of course I am! Don’t you remember me at all?” –She asked with a frown.

“No, is not like that… Is just that it’s been so long and you’ve changed so much I couldn’t even recognize you.” –I answered truthfully.

How can someone remember a girl you hadn’t seen for years? Our same passion for photography was what brought us together back then. She was only a young friend I appreciated, but that sadly had to move at a young age.

“Is alright… I’m just joking… You seem sort of jumpy today though…” –She joked.

“Is not everyday someone suddenly accuses you of being a stalker for just taking a photo… I thought you were going to take me to the police or something…” –I responded.

As expected she was amused by my comment, but I couldn’t help but to smile because of her laughter. I guess that never changed after all.

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help myself…”

So that’s how we met again… It was sort of a strange meeting, but somehow, that same place became our own little world.

After a couple of months of meeting her, we became closer and closer. Who would’ve thought that a meeting with an old childhood friend would begin to blossom into something so beautiful? Her contagious smile and laughter became my necessity.

For me it was as if she had no worry on her shoulders, no burden. I sometimes felt jealous, but at the same time I felt like though I didn’t live a worry free life like hers, she needed to be right there next to me. She was meant to make me smile; she was made to make me forget my problems.

I shall never forget how reality came and hit me when I realized how wrong I truly was. And that gloomy day won’t ever leave my mind.


I stood in the place we had met for months now. I couldn’t stop thinking about what she was going to think when she found the message and the little hints I left her. If I was going to do this, I wanted to make it unforgettable.

As a photographer I couldn’t help but to admire the movement of the grey clouds above and I protected my hands from the cold air that was blowing. I also made sure there was nothing that could interrupt this moment.

My thoughts are interrupted when the door opens. I swear my heart jumped to my throat when I saw her peeking through the door. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of weeks and I had really missed her. She had a small piece on her hand as I had planned.

Her eyes roamed around until she found me. I saw her take a breath, and I felt a bit uneasy. But I didn’t plan for my nerves to ruin this for me.

I approach her with a smile and my hands on my back holding to an object. Though I was standing there right in front of her she didn’t look up.


Her glistening yet mesmerizing eyes look upon me. But her expression seemed crestfallen.

“Yongguk…” –She paused and cleared . –“What’s this?”

She showed me the last hint I left her.

“It’s just a set up for something especial…” –I answered with a grin.

I didn’t expect her to laugh, but I didn’t expect her to look away either.

“Are you alright ____-ah?” –I asked lifting her chin.

“Why did you want to meet me today?”

“Don’t we always meet here?” –I swallowed deeply. Trying to hide the surprise.

She nodded. “We do… But something feels different… Why are you really meeting me today?”

I cleared my throat, it wasn’t the way I wanted to do this, but since she seemed concerned and uneasy I decided to come clean.

“____-ah… I wanted to surprise you… Do something special for someone who’s really special to me…” –I began. Why was she looking more down as I spoke?

No more beating around the bush, I was going to say it.

“I really like you… I like you a lot ____-ah…” –She looked up at me with tears in the corner of her eyes. Were they happy tears?

“I want you to be my girlfriend… Will you?”

I took the object I hid so well on my back and opened the box revealing a beautiful necklace I personally sent to carve with our names. The reason I did this is because I was sure that she felt the same… I really felt it… But the way she reacted didn’t tell me the same.

She looked away and closed the box on my hand.

“I can’t…” –She said her voice breaking.

My heart just broke.

“I can’t be your girlfriend Yongguk…” –She shook her head and avoided eye contact.

I put the box in my pocket and grab her hands. “You don’t like me?” –I needed to know her answer.

Did she like me or not? Or she couldn’t be together for other reasons.

Again she avoided my eyes. “I- I don’t…”

Those two words were enough to make a tear fall. I held on to her hands but looked down, now I didn’t even dare to look at her. I felt like I wronged, maybe I was wrong about everything.

“I’m sorry you went through all this trouble Yongguk…” –She slipped her hands off mine. –“I am such a bad person.” –She cried.

“You’re not… I mistook your feelings for me and put you in this uncomfortable position…” –I truthfully answered. How could I get mad at her?

Surprisingly she shook her head while looking into my eyes. “You didn’t…” –She simply said.

“I’m sorry…” –She whispered with the little that she had left of her voice. With that she turned around and rushed out of the door.

I could only hold my hand out to reach her; I had no strength on my body to move. As if my legs were glued to the floor. But I couldn’t get out of my head… What did she mean? If I didn’t mistake her feelings… Then why couldn’t she accept me?

Another month passed and was once again in the same place the usual day we met. To tell the truth I never stopped going to that place, I somehow was hoping that she’d come back and tell me what happened… I curse the day I didn’t go through the trouble of asking her where she lived or about her parents, but then again we were just some casual friends, with mutual feelings.

I sighed at the thought, remembering her face that day and seeing her cry for the first time really made me think that there was more to her than just her sunshine smile. Why do I feel like maybe we weren’t as close as we thought?

Looking to the side I stare deeply into the view of the city. Almost in a trance I wake up when someone stood next to me. I suddenly get nervous, but then I shake that thought of my head. I thought it was someone I had been expecting, but it was not. However the resemblance was there, there was a reason why I thought it was her.

Almost in cue she looks at me, even her voice reminded me of her.

“Bang Yongguk-ssi?” –She asked.

I blink repeatedly and stutter. “Do… I know you?”

She grinned a bit and sighed, it almost seemed like she was in relief.

“She was right… She said that when I’d find you, you’d probably had a camera.”

I looked down to the camera hanging on my chest.

“Who are you?” –I questioned the young girl.

“Sorry for my rudeness Bang Yongguk-ssi… But I’m Jung Sohee.”

“Jung?” –My heart accelerated, could it be?

“I’m ____-ah’s younger sister…” –She responded.

When she said that, I felt in such a relief, but also I could ask her if she know anything about the girl that I can’t seem to get off my mind.

“I’m so glad to finally hear her name…” –I breathed out with a smile. –“How is she? I haven’t seen her since so long…”

She put her head down as I asked her, the same expression her sister had the last day I saw her fell upon her. Sohee opened her purse and took out what seemed to be piece of paper, but as I inspected it more, I noticed it was a photo of me.

“What’s this?” –I asked as I hesitated to take it.

“____-ah requested me to hand this to you after she passed away…”

I began to breathe deeply and my knees felt weak. How did this happen?

“She… Passed… Away…?” –I asked as I tried to avoid hyperventilating.

She shook her head but still seemed sad. “Not yet…”

“What do you mean?” –I tried my best not to lose my voice yet.

“The note will explain more…”

This time I did take it quickly… Her words are still plastered on my mind.

“Dear Yongguk…

I am really sorry you had to find out this way about me. But hopefully through this you’ll understand why I couldn’t accept you that day. I really cared for you, I cared for you enough that I didn’t want to burden you. I had known this day was to come since I was little. The reason we moved when I was little was because of me. I really gave a lot of trouble to my parents though they never complained because they loved me.

I know they suffered, so after I recovered I tried to give them the best of me… Make them smile for once. That’s the bright person you met again that day on the rooftop. Somehow you became more than a friend to me, and seeing you smile was one of the best feelings I got. I didn’t want to fall for you… And I also didn’t want you to fall for me because I knew there was nothing written in my story yet. But I did…

When you confessed to me that day… I didn’t know whether I should’ve been happy or sad… I couldn’t make you suffer what my parents suffered, therefore I rejected you. I wasn’t feeling well by then, I knew anything could happen. I wasn’t planning on telling you, but remembering how you were with me, you deserved an explanation.

Just know that I wish you the best Yongguk… You are an amazing person and you deserve someone that can keep that smile on your lips.

I loved you always…



I crumbled the paper on my hand and shut my eyes tightly as I tried not to sob. But that was an impossible.

“Thanks to that photo and the hints she gave me when she talked about you, I could easily find you… I came now because; you can still see her… I know she really wants to see you again…”


My body felt numb, I couldn’t acknowledge what was going on. I looked in the small glass window on the door and again my heart broke at the sight. But I wanted to see her, more than anything… She needed me now.

I cautiously walked into the room and observed her peaceful face. She had machines attached to her body. I reached to touch her hand and it was freezing cold. Carefully I moved her hand and put the blanket over it. I traced her face and my tears threatened to fall.

How did it come to this?

She shifted a bit and groaned softly and I witnessed her eyes opening slowly. I didn’t want to overwhelm her with my voice but when she saw me, she became stiff.

 “Hello again…” –I softly spoke.


It wasn’t easy for her to accept that I wasn’t planning to leave. I did my best to stay by her even when she was against it. Though her condition was still unpredictable, the doctors one day gave the goodwill for her to leave the hospital briefly.

“Where are you taking me Yongguk?” –She asked as I drove her in her wheel chair.

“You’ll see…” –I said playfully.

Once we arrived to that street she looked back at me. “This is…”

“Yes… This is our meeting place…” –I smiled down at her and kept driving.


Being there on that floor, I slowly drove her to the observing telescope, the same spot we met again. She was quiet again, but I could somehow sense that she was feeling at ease. I could’ve sworn I saw a small grin on her lips as she closed her eyes.

I let her enjoy that moment of peace; she needed it more than anyone.

“Why did you bring me here Yongguk?” –She suddenly asked.

I sighed and kneeled next to her. “____-ah… You love the sunset do you?”

She nodded and I took her hand.

“I wanted to take this chance to see the sunset with you… Whenever I was here without you… I got so lonely… I know you felt lonely too.”

She held the tears, I know it.

“I don’t want you to feel lonely any more… You have me…”

She tightened her grip on my hand and I could no longer bear the distance. I leaned up and kissed her softly but passionately, as if I was treating with a delicate flower. Right in this place we kissed, under the sunset…


I put my camera down and take the picture that came out giving it a few shakes. It was the same place I took the first photo… But what made the other one irreplaceable, was you…


Though you are no longer with me, I still have the memories to get me by. I sometimes come here without realizing when I miss you the most, and that picture you left me along with the note… I always keep it with me. I don’t know when exactly you took this photo of me, but along with the one I took of you that day… They will forever be my favorite pictures… Because they both remind me of you…

Leaning on the railing I take one last look at the sunset I just photographed.

It’s definitely lonely without you…





I know it was sad at the end... Sigh... But I hope you enjoyed your reading. <3

p/s sorry I made your character pass away. I couldn't really come up with a name... >< forgive me. ...

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 3: It’s been a long time since I’ve read the series!!! Forgot how much I loved them!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 8: The feels EVERY time I read this (#8- I was scared too) I love this one :D
Angela990 #3
Do a daddy series like youngjeae's one please (and ps make it a son)
Chapter 6: I only think about, "Hey, what are you doing guys? Your friends' eyes are on you!" Omo~ (^-^)
Chapter 5: I think I have read this before, somewhere. Did you post this chapter somewhere else? I know the sarcasm hurts her but here I'm laughing over Yongguk's mother's word! XD And the cheesy part in the end of the story~ Hmm~ >//<
Chapter 4: Omo~ Poor both of them~ But I never imagine to have doll's point of view ^-^
Chapter 3: Heol?! Poor her, stay strong girl! Omona~ Where are the crew members??? *angry*
Chapter 2: Omona~ Author-nim~ I like the way you describe the situation, action, thinking, everything~ What would people say watching them being "not-a-coworker-relationship" event??
Excuse me~
I'm the reader who wants to read one shots of Bang Gukkie~
Marie_Unnie #10
Chapter 2: It was really good author-nim. I had to admit that tears were falling on my cheeks! It was sad yet It was beautiful! <3