Review: Blank Music Sheets - iloveulzzangs_

Don't Remember Me Request Shop: REOPENED

--Title:  1/5

          It catches the attention of readers, but so far the actual story and the title do not work well together and have no relevance to one another. 


--Foreward and Description:  6 /10

          There is no foreward. the forward should be a short excerpt from the text that will entice the reader to continue reading instead of going back and searching for something else to read. 

          In the descprition  the wording is a little awkward. The description should reffer to the characters in a way instead of just focusing on the music aspect. Also, the description is a form of foreshadowing for the characters of the story but there is no hint to let the reader know whom they're going to be reading about.


--Plot:  15/30

          The fact that it's placed in a school environment is overplayed and somewhat boring, because everyone writes it. Also, the whole thing about being revolved around music should be more prominant within the story. So far there is little to no actual mention of music and being that this story does revolve around it, according to the description, there is a lack of the main factor. 


--Characters:   7/20

          The characters(mainly Minji) seem to be too unrealistic and pretentious at times. You constantly refer to MInji's actions as if she were acting like a child, alongside her friend (Haneul). Also, when she is talking to Chan-ho , MInji, seems too out of character from before and almost as if she's trying to hard. With Woohyun's character you really haven't given the reader anything. His character seems rude, bored, and utterly uniterested the majority of the time that you include him in the story. As the story progresses the characters should grow as people and change should happen, but not dramatically or else it'll seem forced and fake.

        The addition of new characters is good but make sure you give them a purpose to be in the story. Don't just make a bunch of small characters that only show up once and then just blow them off as if they were never in the story. Instead of having a ton of small characters create a few strong characters that will constantly show up but don't force them to be in every chapter. 


--Grammer and Spelling:   14/20

       There's close to none spelling errors, but you did misspell Woohyun's name in a chapter.  The sentence structure is okay, but some words are confused  and used in the wrong term (past, present, future) and that makes some sentences seem awkward and out of place.  Also, there are some sentences that  are completely unneded and the story could do without. The majority of sentences are also very simple, which is good if your audience is younger or those that english isn't a first language, but to those that are fluent the story can become quit boring because of the lack of diversity in sentance structure. 

      Adding longer, or more complex senteces will help you keep your readers attention. They'll be more entertained by the variety of the sentance than the monotonious simple sentances.


--Flow:   5/15

        In general the story seems kind of rushed yet slow at the same time. You left out key point to the story like; why did the school shut down in the first place and what were some more in depth reactions of the students. Also, the lack of description of the characters make the writing bland and even if the chapters are short can make it seem longer than it is. The time laps' between chapterss is also uninformed and that could be a problem seeing that the reader doesn't know if just a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months have gone by since the last time and that can also cause some damage to the story. 

     There are very few to none transitional words and that 's fine since it is fairly simple to follow along with what's going on, but if you do plan on expanding revising transitional words are key to making a good story turn great.


--Overall Score: 48/100


- yuuki-chan123 - 

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Hi everyone! I know the store is really dead, but I'm working on all the oneshots so Ill post them all on one day! c:


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IMeMyandMine #1
Hey, just wanted to inform you that I changed my username. Previously yuuki-chan123
requested! :D
kpopperforever #3
thanks, i just requested to be a staff ^_^
I've requested
Do I need to comment if I wanna be staff?
Chapter 15: Thank you very much for reviewing!! I know you were busy so thank you for sparing some time for this :] I'll take note on the characterization: make them alive from the very start and leave no blank gaps. Thank you once again, it really helps! I'll credit you and the shop as soon as I'm on my laptop :D
Ayaaahime #7
I've applied as a reviewer and writer :))
I applied as a reviewer :-)
I've requested for a review! Thank you :)
xiseyre #10
Chapter 2: checked the rubrics. ^ ^ just so you know.