JungHee: Tae Kwon Do

Another Side Of Me

Author Note: Wow, we're doing this story so much faster than we thought. Thank you, people who subscribed. It means so much to us! As you guys have noticed, Lillian and I write differently. This is sorta like a story with two POVs: Jung Hee (Me) and Jung Hwa (Lillian). Anyway, enjoy!


"Jung Hee! Pay attention!" Master Yoon yelled as Jung Hee mis-aimed her kick and accidentally hit Yoseob in the stomach harshly. A loud grunt of pain escaped his mouth before he collasped onto the floor, clutching his stomach. Jung Hee bowed apologetically and looked down at him with a worried face. She was such an idiot! She really needed to focus more on her Tae Kwon Do instead of thinking about other crap.


"I'm so sorry, oppa!" she exclaimed with as much sincerity as she could muster without sounding fake. She really did feel sorry, but she was never capable of actually producing those emotions without being accused of being fake. Offering her hand as help, she watched him struggle to reach for it. Something was wrong. Yoseob was one of the strongest people she knew so a simple roundhouse kick wouldn't take him down like that.


"I-it's ok," he replied as he got up. He stretched his back and sighed loudly.


"Yoseob, you should take it easy since you had to get surgery four days ago," Master Yoon said. Jung Hee's eyes widened when she heard. He had to have surgery?! No wonder he wasn't able to withstand her kick just now.


"Oppa, what happened?" she asked. A sweet smile that was intended to reassure her was all she got in return before they were forced to go back to kicking and praticing for the upcoming competition. He was hiding something. She had been suspicious of him since last week. Phone calls came during pratice time, and he would get up to answer them in a hushed voice, sometimes even losing his usually well-kept temper and yelling at the poor fool on the other end. Master Yoon even seemed to be in on the secret. Well, he, Yoseob, and four other guys were best friends so it should make sense that he knew what was going on.


"He seems out of it, doncha think?" Gayoon asked, and the younger girl nodded. Gayoon and two other girls named Hyuna and Sohyun were the only girls that she actually trusted and considered as friends. They met when Jung Hee first joined Tae Kwon Do two years ago. While everyone knew each other and were best friends, she kept to herself in her own little corner. Every time there was an event like the picnics in the spring and the monthly movie nights, she would avoid them until Sohyun reached out to her and attempted to befriend her. That was a failure at first as she had ignored the older girl completely, one reason why Hyuna and Gayoon had disliked her at first. Sohyun was a tenacious person though and sought to try to get to know her every chance she got. Eventually, she cracked her shell, and the two became friends, a big surprise to everyone. Jung Hee even opened up to Hyuna and Gayoon who got over their hatred. Yoseob, who paid no attention to her back then, started talking to her, and their friendship took off from there. Hyuna and Sohyun had quit Tae Kwon Do about two months ago; Hyuna focusing more on dancing and Sohyun on singing now.


"Okay, get back to your spots!" Master Yoon announced at the end of practice. Everyone scuttled to the spots they were assigned to stand in. The "thank you sirs" ensued quickly and soon, it was time to go home. There were only a few people there so the room had become deserted in only a few minutes.


"Bye sir! Bye Yoseob oppa and Gayoon unnie!" Jung Hee called as she left the building and ran to the parking lot where Suho was waiting patiently for her. Opening the door of his car quickly, she got in. "Hey oppa."


"How was practice?" he asked with a soft smile. His dongsaeng shrugged, her high ponytail falling apart. She quickly pulled off the elastic band that held it and stretched it a few times before putting it on her wrist. Suho's phone rang, and she grabbed it from his pocket, putting it on speaker immediately. It was dangerous to drive and try to hold the phone.


"Yah, did you forget me?!"


Jung Hee's ears perked up at the rude tone. The voice was really deep like Chanyeol's, but it wasn't him. She would recognize his voice from anywhere. She gave a glance to her oppa and saw him trying to hold his laugh in as if it was funny that he apparently forgotten this man.


"Sorry, I got sidetracked. I'm coming now!" He then signalled for Jung Hee to hang up. "Do you mind if we go pick up someone from the airport?"


"Nah but who was that?" She was really curious as to who it could be. Besides Exo-K, her oppa weren't really close friends with anyone, and the rude tone indicated that the person who called was close to him. They didn't have any cousins since their parents were both single childs.


"You met him before."

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WatashinoOrenji #1
Chapter 3: Those people don't know anything about her and they are judging her. D:<
She should show her true self!! >.<
Update soon~! :D