JungHee: Punching Bag

Another Side Of Me

Note: Sorry if there are any mistakes! I'm not from Korea so I can only trust information I get from my Korean friends and google, so I'm sorry if something I write does not actually exists in Korea. Anything I write in Italics is either a flashback or Jung Hee thinking. Oh, and if you guys can't tell, this is college, not high school. I know I made it seem like a high school, but that was because I forgot that Jung Hwa and Jung Hee are in college, and I'm too lazy to go back and fix it XD.

She doodled on her notebook lightly, drawing small butterflies with delicate wings and ignoring the boring teacher's lecture about some kind of formula for multiplying. The girl next to her, Soyeon, kept on sharing information on which girl was dating who, which girl had a wardrode malfunction, and which couple had broken up: things that she could care less about. It was not right to go around spreading baseless rumors about other people, but she didn't stop her "friend". The energy to do so was not in her at this moment. Jung Hee stretched her arms and cracked her knuckles loudly, attracting the attention of many people, including the teacher.


"Kim Jung Hee, I don't care if you're not going to listen to my lesson but will you please not disturb the other students who are actually trying to learn?" she snapped with a hint of anger in her voice. During the beginning of the school year, she would have kicked this impudent girl out of the classroom without another thought, but that never seemed to affect this brat so giving up, Ms. Kang had no choice but to ignore her. It didn't matter for this girl will suffer in the future without a proper education. Who cared if her parents were multi-billionaires? If she didn't know how to do simple math, her company would go bankrupt no matter which famous company she inherited.


"Yes, ma'm," she replied in a bored tone, a small smirk gracing her face. The girl two seats in front of her turned around and threw her a dirty look that clearly said "Rude brats like you are not welcome here in this honors class". In reply, Jung Hee gave her the finger, an obscene gesture that would surely get her suspended if a teacher saw. The girl widened her eyes and turned around quickly, her black hair whipping behind her. Yeah, turn around and mind your own pathetic business.


"Yeah, you show her, Jung Hee unnie!" Soyeon whispered to her. Jung Hee nodded in reply, not even casting a glance to her seatmate. She didn't like Soyeon that much. Why was she still friends with her? First of all, they weren't friends. Soyeon only liked her for her brothers - Sehun perhaps? Second, Soyeon was an easy person to manipulate. Everything she said, Soyeon did, no matter how ridiculous it made her look. Jung Hee was the puppet master while Soyeon, and pretty much most of the girls in the school, were her puppets. The ones who didn't like Jung Hee were forced to stay in silence, meaning not spread false rumors and other crap about her. Those who did were either beaten up by her brothers and their friends or her. She wasn't the prettiest girl in the whole school so guys didn't like her that much. In fact, the only ones that liked her were ones that lusted after her. That was perfectly fine by her because guys were unreliable, fake, and conniving snakes that deserved to die in a hole.


"I don't get this." Soyeon broke into her thoughts with her whiny voice that resembled a horse. Ugh, she's so stupid. Seriously, the only reason Soyeon was in honors math was because her family pulled some strings while Jung Hee was actually smart. She just didn't show it off. 


"Ms. Kang?" the same girl who she had given the finger to called. Oh goodness, this idiot was going to tell on her. Her eyes hardened as her eyes pierced into the back of the girl's head in an attempt to send her a mental message to not say anything or else.


Their teacher whipped her head around and said in a kind voice that she had never used with Jung Hee, "Yes?"


The girl looked down for a second, as if she was contemplating if she should tell or not. You better not tell, you little . Working up the nerve, she declared, "Kim Jung Hee just gave me....." She looked down again, embarassed to say it out loud. "the finger."




"KIM JUNG HEE! HOW DARE YOU!" Ms. Kang roared, her face red with rage. Jung Hee inwardly flinched. This was the first time  Ms. Kang had lost her cool, not counting the times when they had first met. It was expected since she had never been caught giving the finger.


Until now because this little piece of garbage had to tell on her.


"She started it," Jung Hee replied calmly, trying her best to not lose her prized poker face. Around the room, she could pick up a few smirks and sneers from the nerds. Everyone felt that she had used her money to get into this class. They, however, assumed wrong. Well, not like I'm telling them the truth. She preferred everyone thinking of her as the badass girl who kicked butts instead of the nerd who actually studied every night- well, every other night.


"I don't care who started this, but you have no right to give such an inappropriate gesture to one of our fellow students-"


"And I'm not a student too?"


"You don't even listen so how are you a student?" the garbage who got her in trouble said. This girl was going to be a new punching bag for Jung Hee. Nobody had ever told on her and gotten away with it. She was going to make sure that this girl's life would be a total living nightmare. She was going to tell her brothers later on so they could spread some rumors around the male population and ruin this girls's chances of ever getting a proper boyfriend, forcing her to deal with the outcasts. Yup, she had that much influence in the school.


That still didn't make her one of those rich s who went around threatening to financially destroy anyone who annoyed her though. Never once in her life had she ever used her parent's possessions to scare someone; she had her own intimidating self and her older brother Chanyeol who wasn't as "attrative" to girls. He was handsome, just not as opened as her brothers were. Being secretive was something he was extremely good at and even she didn't really know what he did after 1 AM, the time when he always left the house through the back door and disappeared off in a black car that she never seen before. Nobody knew about what she saw though because she never revealed to anyone that she had noticed. She didn't want Chanyeol to get in trouble.


But if he was doing drugs or some , he was going to get it.


"I don't care about this crap," Jung Hee replied nonchalantly. Her eyes darted to the half-opened door near the front of the classroom that was , unfortunately, blocked by one of the nerds. Oh whatever. Her parents did say that she would get grounded if she ran away from school again.


"How dare you!" the garbage yelled again, this time louder. The bell rang suddenly, cutting the argument off. Jung Hee got up from her seat, grabbed her already packed stuff, and headed towards the door, kicking some poor guy's pen out of the way.


"I'm not done with you!" Ms. Kang yelled after her, but that was in vain as the girl had already left.


The other girl glared after Jung Hee, hatred in her eyes. Who was she and how dare she be so rude to one of the respectful teachers?! Ms. Kang was wasting her own time just to teach them, and this girl wasn't even appreciating it! She hated these rich, snobby brats who thought that they could do whatever they wanted without getting in trouble.


Micky: So how was it? Sorry for the language. Please subscribe and comment! Tips are allowed but insults are not. :)

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WatashinoOrenji #1
Chapter 3: Those people don't know anything about her and they are judging her. D:<
She should show her true self!! >.<
Update soon~! :D