JungHwa: Friends

Another Side Of Me

Note: Sorry if there are mistakes! LOL I hope i did i good job.... sigh LOL ok enjoy reading!! By the way, this is Jung Hwa, not Jung Hee.

                  As you finished your classwork, you waited patiently for the other students to finish.  Glancing around, you spotted Luhan staring at you cutely. You giggled and smiled back. The teacher, Ms. Lee, heard but didn’t mind because you, Jung Hwa, were her favorite student. Ms. Lee also secretly loved how you and Luhan looked and hoped you two would get together. Luhan winked at you and you looked back at the front, blushing.

           “BRRRRRRIIIINNNGGGG” The bell rang and everyone got off their seats and shoved their work into their bags. “Please finish the worksheet for homework! Have a nice day!” Ms. Lee said. After you put your books in your bag, you got up and found Luhan standing next to you. He took your bag and ran out of the room.

           You smiled, then frowned, and went chasing after him. You were out of breath and sighed in defeat. Then, you saw someone who frightened you…Sehun. He walked up proudly to you, smirked, and nudged you on the shoulder. “Ha you should practice running because it might become useful later on, stupid.” Sehun was all up in your face and then, in a blink of an eye, Luhan pushed him away.

           “YAH! Hyung! Why do you have to say mean things to her? Can’t you stop? Whatever, let's go Jung Hwa. Bye!” Luhan dragged you to the corner where Sehun couldn’t see you. "ARE YOU OK? DID HE HURT YOU? WHAT DID HE SAY? ANSWER!” Luhan stomped his feet angrily.

           You giggled slightly and said, “I’m ok! Calm down Luhan!”                                                  

           “BUT BUT BUT…”

           “BUT what? Hurry up Luhan! We are going to be late for our next class! Lets go!”

           You grabbed his hand and ran to your next class. Luckily, both of you guys sat down right before it was time for the class to begin.

           Next to you was your best friend, Lee Ji-eun. She was a smart, talented, cute looking girl too. She looked nerdy but you knew that she was really beautiful inside and out. You met her during 4th grade and had been besties ever since.

(This is Ji-eun) 

          “Hello Jung Hwa!!”Ji-eun said cheerfully.

          “Hey! Ji-eun!” You smiled and continued the conversation.

          The teacher cleared and everyone quieted down. “Ok everyone! Today I am going to assign group projects! I am being nice this time so you HAVE to finish it this time. I am letting you guys choose your own groups. There can only be three people in your groups so choose wisely! Ok! Go choose your partners and sit with them!" The teacher sat down and the whole class started talking loudly.

          You, Luhan, and Ji-eun glanced at each other, smiled, and scooted closer to each other.

          Then a loud shout was heard from the back of the room. “ HEY I CHOOSE JUNG HWA!!!!!”

          Then another one was heard. “NO I CALL HER!”

          Then, one more. “SHE’S WITH ME!”

          Then, the teacher glanced at me and I pointed to Ji-eun and Luhan. The teacher sighed and said, ”Class, Jung Hwa already has partners please pick someone else.”

          Some people sighed and many others were disappointed.  

          You giggled and looked back at Luhan and Ji-eun and thought, ”It’s good to have great friends.”

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WatashinoOrenji #1
Chapter 3: Those people don't know anything about her and they are judging her. D:<
She should show her true self!! >.<
Update soon~! :D