2: Schedules Lead To Friendships!

Star's Evidence


My manager shakes my shoulder and I sit up almost immediately. He tells me to wake the other members and get ready for our early morning schedules. I walk into Sammi, Eclipse, and Rin-Rin’s room and wake each of them up before walking into HyuRi and AhNa’s room to wake them up.

We all wash up in turn and get dressed in some casual sweat pants and t-shirts with thin jackets over our shirts. We each wear our shoes and I pull a ball cap onto my head and a pair of sunglasses to hide my no make-up face. The other members pull up their hoods with sunglasses as we get into the van and head to the hair and make-up salon before our schedule.

The other members get their hair and make-up done before me. Once we are all finished with our now stage-ready faces we head to our first schedule, an early-show recording. We had to promote for our song ‘We Are the Mid-Night!’ so we can gain some popularity.

We get to the stage area for Star Golden Bell and go to our waiting rooms in the back and quickly change into our assigned stage outfits for the recording. Sammi, Eclipse, Rin-Rin and I had this schedule. HyuRi and AhNa had another schedule for an early morning photo-shoot. The two of them are our visuals so they of course do the photo-shoot because of their beautiful looks.

We have an hour before recording starts so we grab a bit of breakfast our managers brought to us. As we are eating we hear a boys group walk by outside the hall. Suddenly I see Mir and Joon poke their heads in through the door. I look up to them eating a chopstick full of rice and bow my head lightly as I finish my breakfast.

They both walk in smiling and bowing to the staff helping us finish our final touches before recording. “Morning. Funny seeing you girls here as well” Mir smiles.

“Oh…yeah. Morning” I smile back and stand lightly as one of the make-up unnie’s walks to me and starts to fix up a bit of my make-up to make it more suited for stage.

Joon walks over and watches what the make-up girl does carefully then smiles; “you know…you guys got the good make-up noona’s” he smiles. “Ours always put sooo much eyeliner on us” he chuckles.

I laugh lightly, “Oh hush. It still looks nice on stage” I smile.

He shrugs lightly and then looks around for Mir who is joking around with Rin-Rin and Eclipse.

Joon rolls his eyes jokingly; “Flirting again I see” he smiles.

Mir just winks to him and gives a thumbs up jokingly.

Joon chuckles and then looks back to me as I walk over to the mirror and look at the make-up carefully giving an approving look into the mirror. “Is it alright if I just call you MinHyun-ah?” he asks lightly.

I’m a little shocked at the sudden request but I just nod, “yeah sure. I don’t mind” I smile.

He nods happily, “awesome. So are your schedules packed today with promotions?” he asks as he sits in the chair beside me.

I nod, “Ne. we have a lot of recordings and some photo-shoots and things” I say lightly as I sit down in a chair and wait for the unnie to finish up my hair and straighten out my hair. She lightly frizzes it up a bit to add more volume and to make my face look smaller than it already is, almost like a doll.

Mir and Joon leave after talking for a while since they had to get ready for stage as well.

After the hour passes we walk out on stage and find our seats lightly as the MC’s and staff welcome us. We bow politely and introduce ourselves.

As the leader I was required to request that all of them take care of us kindly and that we would do our best on the show.

After everyone finds their way onstage and greets each other recording starts.

“Today we have so many great groups with us!” the male MC smiles. “First up we have the always funny MBLAQ!!” he smiles. “Beside them we have the big YG success Big Bang!!” he smiles.

The female MC jokingly clears , “Then beside Big Bang we have the new and lovely group Mid-Night Era!! Who won the M!Countdown award last night! Congrats to you girls!” the female MV smiles. Everyone claps lightly and we bow in our seats lightly and wave to the camera’s with big smiles on our faces.

“Beside the new girls we got the world-wide famous SHINee with us today!” the male MC smiles as he pretends to push the female MC out of the way.

She jokingly huffs and then pushes him back, “And beside the gorgeous SHINee we have Sistar! Who have come back onto a variety show after a long time of promoting as sistar19” she smiles.

Then they both say, “And then we have our very on SGB line” and the lights flash for the Star Golden Bell fixed cast idols. Yuri giving her famous look as she glances at the boy idols.

Everyone laughs happily at her face. “And now we’ll start with our show!” the male MC announces.


Recording finishes and we all go off to the backstage after bowing and thanking the staff and go to our waiting room. We walk in and quickly change our clothes into our regular clothes. We chat with SHINee, MBLAQ, Big Bang (who we get to meet for the first time today), and some of the Sistar members. We don’t get long to say hello and make our way around before our manager asks us to get ready and head to the car waiting to take us to our next schedule. We sadly say by to our idol friends and we head to our next schedules.


We finish our schedules late in the night and decide to watch movies once we got home. Our earliest schedule the next day wasn’t until 1:30 or so, meaning we had a little free-time the next day.

We all sit down and decide to watch the newest horror movie. I’m not a fan for scary movies so I go into my room and work on some lyrics and learn a bit of composing while the others watch the movies excitedly with snacks. As I’m composing I get texts from some of my friends. Lee Joon, Kim JongHyun, HyoRin unnie, Daesung(whom I had just met that day and found him to be one of those funny friends you can’t live without), Sehun of EXO, and a couple of others who weren’t as fast at texting. I focused more on my composing and lyrics than I did texting. Sometimes I went a whole 10 minutes without remembering to reply to the texts. I felt bad but I had told them when the first texted what I was doing and apologized beforehand for the late replies.

I composed, wrote, and texted till it was time for us to sleep and prepare ourselves for the next day full of practicing and scattered schedules.



I apologize that this chapter is a little short but i'm actually a little busy right now but I do want to make myself update with one chapter for each story everyday. ^^ Hope you like chapter 2~ Do you feel like an idol yet? Kekeke


MinHyun out!!

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