3: A Day Off!

Star's Evidence

I wake up as my alarm rings. I look at my phone. 7:45 am. I quickly get myself up and get ready. I throw on some grey sweatpants and a simple black tank top. I throw over a thin grey jacket and a walk into the bathroom. I brush out my hair, apply a bit of simple make-up so that if fans somehow find me this early I won’t look as bad. I brush my teeth and then pull my hair into a light ponytail. I put on my socks and grab a protein bar and take a drink of water before I walk to the door and put my shoes on as I walk out the door. I throw on my black-rim glasses and start to walk down the side-walk to the park as I place my black ball-cap on my head. I plug my IPod into my ears and play some songs as I walk. I reach the park and enter the gates. Some of the elderly are outside doing their morning exercises. I bow a morning greeting to the few who look to me. I then begin my morning jog around the park. I pass by some geese and see a few squirrels scamper into the trees after finding their food.

I stretch lightly as I jog and enjoy the morning breeze that hits my skin. I jog in peace and am glad I decided to keep my phone at home. No one can bother me on my day off. I had promised myself to work-out today and relax doing nothing what so ever at the dorm on a rare day off. It had been more than a year since I had gotten a break. Between preparing for our debut and having so many schedules after debut this was my first and maybe only free day for a long while.

Half-way through my jog I decide to take a break by a tree close to the lake in the middle of Seoul. I sit under the shade of the tree and relax as I take a sip of my water bottle. I listen to my music and stare at the beautiful nature around me.

After a moment I decide to stand up and start my jog again. I’m about to leave from under the tree when I look up and see someone turned away from me in an obvious disguise. I walk up behind him and lightly pat him on the shoulder. He turns around as though he is lightly shocked. Our eyes meet and I smile lightly, “…your disguise is really obvious JongHyun oppa” I joke with him lightly as I place my hands on my hips.

He pulls his mask down lightly, “really? Ah. I was hoping it wasn’t so obvious this time…I guess that explains why those girls over there have been following behind me” he says pointing to a small group of 3 girls.

I see them making excited faces when I look at them. I smile and give them a light wave and bow in a morning greeting. During this time I lightly tap on JongHyun’s arm signing for him that ill cover for him. I don’t really mind talking to my fans, plus, it was my day off so I had all the time in the world. JongHyun is with the famous SHINee so he probably has a lot of schedules today. He bows lightly and takes his leave as he pulls his mask back up and shifts his hat on his head as he walks off.

I walk up to the girls lightly with my smile on my face.

“Good morning~” I smile gently.

The girls smile and run up to me almost immediately, “Good morning MinHyun unnie!” they yell at me happily.

I nod, “ah~ you know me?” I smile gently.

They all nod, “Can we have a hand shake?” one of them asks. I just smile and nod. They all look at each other in an excited way. They each shake my hand.

“Can we have a picture with you too?” they ask smiling.

I smile again and nod; “of course~ I don’t mind” I smile. We get one of the elderly in the park that was passing by to take the picture for us. I do the V sign while standing between the 3 girls. They all do the same sign and then the elder woman politely takes our photo.

“Thank you ma’am” I smile politely as I lightly take the camera the elder was handing me.

She nods, “Aigoo, so pretty. You’re very welcome” the elder smiles before we shake hands and she goes on with her day.

The girls end up following me after the picture but I don’t mind and put my earphones back in as I continue my morning jog.


I walk to the edge of the park and decide to go grab a bite to eat when I remember that I left my wallet at the dorm. I decide to go back and get it then change and go out to eat.

I walk back to the dorm within minutes of leaving the park and open the door with my key. Our maknae Sammi and Rin-Rin are already awake and chatting with each other in the living room when I walk in. they smile and wave at me lightly. I nod in greeting and go into my room to change. I change into some black skinny jeans and a short-sleeve white VANS t-shirt and throw over a dark blue jacket and grab my wallet, phone, and keys. I leave again saying bye to Rin-Rin and Sammi as I close the door behind me after putting my shoes back on.

I walk to the nearest café to the dorm and sit inside. I decided to order some chicken and a bit an order of tteokbokki.

I look at my phone while I wait at the table for my order to finish. I have 1 new message. I open my phone and read it. It was from JongHyun.

‘Thanks for that. I’m actually really busy today so I was trying to find a way to go without having anyone follow me. Not that I don’t love my fans ^^’

I laughed lightly and decided not to reply since it was sent a while ago when I was still talking with the girls.

My order arrived and I put my phone in my pocket and snap my chopsticks open then rolled them together in my hands. I ate a piece of tteokbokki first then noticed it was a bit spicy so I ate a piece of chicken and took a drink before returning to the tteokbokki.

After my meal I headed back to the dorm to work on my composition and lyrics. Maybe even watch a movie I had wanted to re-watch recently. I have this habit of re-watching my favorite movies and I really wanted to watch “Ninja Assassin” lately.

I got home and Sammi and Rin-Rin were cooking. HyuRi and AhNa were finally awake by now as well. I bow my head to them lightly and walk into my room. I leave the door open in case they need me for anything; they tend to call on me a lot for things.

I’m writing lyrics and hear someone peeking around my door. The floor where the stepped by my door creaks a little so I tend to know if someone is watching or listening to me as I write lyrics and compose. I don’t really mind since they are my close dongsaengs. I turn lightly after a while when they don’t say anything. I see Sammi and Rin-Rin peeking around the door lightly.

I smile lightly, “Aigoo. Our maknae line. Do you need something?” I ask lightly.

They look at each other than nod, “ne….manager oppa called. And you’re the leader so he wants to speak with you” they say lightly.

“Ayy…he could just call my phone” I sigh and then stand lightly and walk to the phone. “Ne? Oppa. What do you need?” I ask lightly.

‘Ah! MinHyun-ah. We have an unexpected schedule early tomorrow morning. I just wanted you all to know now so you can adjust your sleep schedules’ he says lightly.

I nod, “alright. I’ll let the members know” I smile. I hear him grunt in agreement and I hang the dorm phone up.

“Yah. Members. We have a new schedule early morning tomorrow. Don’t stay up to late” I say when I know they are all listening. Except for Eclipse, who is still sleeping. I walk back into my room and continue with my lyrics and compositions.


After 3 hours of working on lyrics and compositions I decide to take a break and grab a bit of a snack and watch TV with our members.

I go into the kitchen and fix myself some leftover kimchi and a small dish of ramen and a bowl of rice. I sit down on the living room floor which is connected to the dorm kitchen and join the others in watching Running Man re-run marathon. We laugh constantly at the Giraffe/Tiger fights and the Monday Couple plots. The Easy Brothers and Traitor Club make us laugh most of any of them. Eclipse finally joins us close to noon.

We all eat snacks and laugh every now and then.

I decide to head to the gym for some afternoon exercise after watching an hour of running man or so. It is about 1 pm when I leave the dorm. I had changed back into my outfit from this morning and put my cab money in my jacket pocket to go to the gym. I finally flag a cab down and ask the driver to take me to my normal gym. My trainer was female but she was at her other gym today so I would have to exercise on my own for the day. I walk over to the treadmills first and lightly start mine up and begin to run lightly and to the beat of the songs on my IPod.

I am about 30 minutes in my run when I feel someone lightly tap on my shoulder from the side. I step on the sides of the treadmill and stop it from running as I take my earphones out and look over to see Joon smiling.

I smile back, “Ah. Joon oppa. Are you here to work out to?” I ask lightly as I step down from the treadmill.

He nods, “Yeah. All my members are here actually. We are trying to get back into shape since our comeback” he smiled and laughed lightly. “Seungho hyung getting in shape…this is gonna be fun to watch.”

I laugh lightly and nod, “wishing you luck~” I smile.

Joon nods, “Are you here working out to get in shape for your debut you had?” he asks lightly almost cautiously.

I nod lightly, “yeah. I had a day off so I decided to get myself more in shape since we have debuted and might not get a chance to work out for a while in the gym because of tight schedules” I smiled.

He nodded, “oooh. Ok~” he smiles. “I should join my members now. Ill text you when I’m free” he waved as he started to walk away.

“Ok. See ya oppa” I smile and wave back lightly.

I head over to the weights. I grab the 60 pound weights and slowly start to work on my arm muscles. I wasn’t only the group’s leader. The also called me the man of all girls. My members call me oppa sometimes because they say I act like a boy. And they never hear me join in when it comes to gossiping about the cutest male idols. Honestly, I only have 1 person who is my ideal type so I don’t really judge other idols or people. My members call me loyal and dedicated. I just call myself a normal girl. I call myself strong. I don’t think a girl should have a wavering heart. It’s how I was raised and it’s something I want to stick with for the rest of my life.

After a couple of hours at the gym I say my goodbye’s to MBLAQ before I leave and I head home by cab with the remainder of the money I took with me when I headed out.

I go inside and the other members are all spread out on the floor and playing what I assumed to be truth or dare.

I go to walk past them when Rin-Rin catches my pants leg and tells me to play with them. I just nod lightly and sit with them.

“Who’s turn was it?” I asked lightly.

“Rin-Rin’s” Sammi smile to me.

I nod lightly and look up to see Rin-Rin looking right at me. I get a weird feeling in my stomach as she puts a grin on her face.

“MinHyun unnie…truth or dare?” she grins.



Here's the next update everyone *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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